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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. I am not trying to justify anything... I just don;t buy the argument that the gun registry, in theory, is a bad thing What is the solution to the stolen gun problems out there? Or the import of illegal guns for that matter? At least there is an attempt at keeping track of the legal ones. I am gonna sleep on it now.... Maybe I can dream something up for ya..
  2. ummmm.... lets see now.... u don;t want to compare a licencing agency with another licenscing agency..... what's the problem with that? As a devout "you people"....i certainly do care about how the gov burns thru cash...... but all i ever hear is how bad and bungled up it is.... but i never hear about a SOLUTION .... Where I come from... we provide solutions.... and since I don;t own guns, but some of my family does,,, I obviously don;t have the experience to come up with a solution for a gun registry... But i also don't call gun owner's red necks either..... because not all of them are
  3. why the "you people" slander Your argument doesn't make sense to me....if I compare it to having a drivers license.... lots of people have a drivers license but don't own cars
  4. As a non-hunter.... I don;t understand the beef with having a registry at all.. I have a friend that is a Police officer and he tells me that when they get a domestic disturbance call.. .the FIRST thing they do is check the registry for any registered guns in the house.... At least they are aware of those. I don;t have any beefs with hunters.... but hey... if you are gonna own guns....lets get em registered too. We can carp all we want about the feds messing up the registry... but what is the alternative? No registry ?? I think not.
  5. I wonder if they could "card them"? Ie... they seem to be a danger to themselves and likely the rescuers that will surely be sent out to get them at some point.
  6. it sounds like the four guys were INTIMIDATED by the 10-20 rednecks and decided to get the hell outa there to me... wouldn't you ?
  7. He looks a little "too pretty " for jail..
  8. fyi... if it was one of those.... you must NOT release it back to the water... KILL IT... check the regs
  9. they are both Keepers bro
  10. got em this year... love em
  11. sounds like a fish story to me... no pics... pics say "40 fish" to me
  12. i figure the energy costs we'll save, can help loosen up the ol fishing budget a bit later on... so yes i suppose this post is somewhat fishing related wouldnt you say??? ......................................................................... whatever you told yer wife on the above noted... we got yer back
  13. that shooting ones self in the foot thing must be getting around.... I targeted bass all summer and can't catch a dang thing this trout season
  14. [ Now that the question has been asked I can't imagine why I didn't spend more time observing these differences. I guess I was so busy just learning how the different lures worked that I wasn't too much into playing with hook sizes and nose attachments. But did you catch more fish
  15. Looking for John F to report on his POOL TESTS here.... :dunno: He did a bunch of testing about this in his pool this past summer I think. I notice a BIG difference in spoons ans spinners if I have a leader on or even a swivel vs directly tied to the lure.
  16. u da man thanks for the pics
  17. Ummm... Mike knows the difference between an Ontario "monster" and a BC "monster" now
  18. that was great ! thanks
  19. i am starting to get pumped for this already.... and now it's raining here... So for about $100 or so,, I am rigged ( minus a tent of course)... That just might work..
  20. awesome dude
  21. what species of fish does everyone target when ice fishing... and what methods do you use to target them? Thanks again
  22. use www.photobucket.com bro.... you look young enough to figure it out too
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