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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. Do u have a copy of that chart to post here?
  2. Can you put up a few pics like the author does? with the blacklight. A`picture says a thousand words
  3. Is this ok ? <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JMrcnqKSbw8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ye3ecDYxOkg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. thos ebull trout have menacing look to them
  6. maybe u can ask twocoda for permission to borrow his pics of trout jumping the dam
  7. ifound it interesting too... one of my buddies always wondered why I could catch trout with a half worm wacky rigged and a 1/2" of flourescent orange or yellow yarn wrapped around the head of the hook.... i always thought it was because the yarn made it harder for the trout to spit the hook.... now i see that it may be a combination of both after reading this article
  8. This one's for Wayne http://www.youtube....u/5/voaGM4CMQ9c
  9. On photobucket,,, just click on the IMG space.. it should say copied..... then paste that here,,, give it a try now with another pic
  10. kids are fearless.....
  11. There are so many questions and secrets about coulours under water, that it took a while for me to understand them using research and experimenting under water. Most of my collected knowledge I introduced into a new book, which should appear next year in the german language for the german market. Some of the things in my book I want to share with you... The first important question for anglers is: What can fish see under water? Can they see colours? Is it possible to see colours under water? These and many similar questions pre-occupied every lure-angler thoughts, mine included! To understand colour-vision under water, we have to distinguish two factors: Which coloured light can reach the fish-eye? Which colours can fish see, if they reach the eye? see the rest of the article by by Uli Beyer here >> http://www.esoxhunter.com/ColorsInWater.php
  12. If u have more personal care products in the vanity than your teenage daughter does !
  13. great pics... keep em coming
  14. welcome
  15. very nice bro.... i am liking the spinners and jerkbaits this season too...
  16. a picture says a thousand words comes to mind....
  17. THAT would have fun
  18. wow.... that is a REALLY RED boat u have there
  19. excellent report... keep em coming
  20. Good on u John. I heard from our buddy that the cable guy sucked! Gonna suck even more when he sees this post ! Lol
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