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Everything posted by TJQ

  1. Verry Verry true... Its one of the things i like about this new setup is the ability to put people on mod que for a bit rather than banning them... I wish I would have had that feature years ago... If there is a vaccum there, there will be a new board up lickety split.. hell, even I you can put a domain name up and some new software on overnite. Good luck to them!! It will interesting to see how all this unfolds...
  2. fishinonthebrain, lol.. don't take it that way... (although I can see how ya would...) over the last 6 years someone.. usually someone who hasnt been around along time, comes up with this suggestion.. ( happens at least three times a year) and of course alot of members have heard the suggestion alot... We feel that on of the things that sets this board apart is the tendancy to keep the subforums down to a minimum... Don't take it the wrong way, its just most users like it the ways is..
  3. I feel for those guys... partnerships of any kind are hard in the best of times... They are a great source for Simcoe Information... I hope everything works out over there and they are back up soon!
  4. The purpose of the links at the bottom are to open up the ballon to the camp... Ill get the code working so that it automatically goes to the balloon..
  5. Ya.. a couple of things.. Im hoping (if I can get the code to work) to have it go back up to the map and zoom in once a link is clicked.. thats probably the last thing on my to do list. And solo.. I make my dough by promoting a specific set of clients.. my job is to get Joe Fisherdude to one of the lodges I promote... no more no less... This forum gets losts of reports, both good and bad during fishing season as well..
  6. I didn't know there was anything south of North Bay.... LOL... Pat the site is to promote my northern Ontario Clientele... hence the Northern Ontario Outfitters, Lodges and Resorts Map. Thanks for giving it a whirl.. Glad it didnt blow your machine up!! Thanks Vance... Im still fine tuning some of the resorts locations... Thats the thing with the googlemaps.. they have to be right on da money!!
  7. WOW... I've tested it in ie6, ie7, Firefox and Opera..... Anyone else having issues??
  8. Favourite Genre of Music - Classic Rock... (does that mean Im old??) Favourite Band - Rush... didnt know there was another... Most underrated band - Fist and Goddo (anyone else ever heard of these guys.. )
  9. Ok.. for the past two weeks, I've been dinking around and adding lodges to my new site that takes advantage of the new google maps system. Its pretty finicky stuff and I'm about 80% done, but before I launch it I sure would like to give it a test drive, so I thought perhaps I could get some constructive (LOL) critisism here... have a look when you get a chance and let me know what you think and where I could improve usability... have a look see... http://www.ontariooutfittersnetwork.com Oh... a couple that are really awesome to zoom in on are Kesagami and Bow Narrows Lodges.. check them out.. the resolution is INCREDIBLE...
  10. No but im pretty sure eatmytoenail is on way...
  11. Thanks.. I ordered the .51
  12. Averys gearing up to make some new prototypes of his Jumlla Lures for muskie. We're gonna order this years components for all his tackle I gots a question on the muskie one... Last year I showed the big lures to some people and was informed that the wire we were using wasn't nowhere near strong enough. The wire we were using was 0.030" Now we can step it up to 0.040, 0.051 or even 0.062" Can anyone offer any advice??? I don't wan't to over kill with wire thickness.. or maybe you can't... i dunno??
  13. LOL.. ya theres likely a reason there want an island there in the first place....
  14. Nice fish... You must have been the guys that I looked down from the bridge at at when I drove by and warned my kids not to ever immitate. A week before.. they were slaying the pickeral... from boats... theres alot of current in there. I worked for a summer at the marina at the dock when I was a kid (when we had one there). My brother in laws brother fell off that railway bridge and died in there... and one of my best friends younger brother died when he got caught in the undertow right up river from those pictures... personally I avoid that area like the plague... I'm glad to see you didn't got to close to the edge.. ice thickness is tricky there because of the current from the dam.. I've seen guys 20-30' from the edge last year.. I won't be on the water up here for at least another week... I remember the day you were out though. nice and cold!! Tell Charly I said hi!!
  15. Ya gary... Thats why I posted it... lol... Its likely they would say the same thing about our sun tanning booths, strip joints and bars.... I thought just the fact that they sell "disposable socks" was hilarious... but I guess if you wear sandles all the time.. who needs socks??
  16. Ive got nothing bad to say about my aqua view... Iv beat the lord living crap outta it.. and im telling your there is no way a fish bit through the cable... that being said.. this year Ive upgraded to a Marcum Camera and will be giving it a whirl shortly for some new video...
  17. http://www.skidxb.com/English/ I still don't know what to say.....
  18. Personally I dont like the word wenches... but hey thats just me...
  19. Ya... but Chuck.. I can still take you.... lol
  20. Nice.. glad to see ya here... whats your avatar about... is it a fish eyes view of a fly being tied?? Just curious.
  21. My motto is Happy Wife.. Happy Life....
  22. Good to hear from ya Rob, I'm hoping the boy gets well and thing get beter for ya...
  23. I honestly thought I was gonna see someone die the first time I watched it.. ill tell ya though thats just insane.....
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