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Everything posted by muskymike

  1. Barnie and Mike, Thanks for the info. I am going to try it I think with the unit I have. I kind of wish the units were cheaper though. i would buy another. I dont really need a handheld such as the 60csx cus the perm. mount in the boat and this for the car do me just fine. But this could be an excuse for a new toy haha Thanks again guys. That was really helpful. Mike
  2. Andrew, try this. For Mono, take your reel and put it in hot water for 3 minutes. The memory of the line will change to suit your reel. Make sure the water is hot enough to soften up the line. It does nothing to the strength of the line, it only basically reshapes the line to your reel. Have a go. I think this tip is on the Facts of Fishing Website too. Hope this helps, Mike
  3. I didnt spend the $$$ on gore-tex. I bought a viking rain suit from Marks Work Wearhouse. It cost me $60 and I have used it for over 6 years. its a traditional HEAVY DUTY rain suit. i wear it through out the year, with different layers to suit the season. it has been nothing but incredible for me. its a bit heavy, but it does the job and didnt cost me much at all Mike
  4. One Lure........mine would be an oversized Tube. They seem to attract every type of fish imaginable. Even fish that are half its size. Either a Tiger Tube or Waterwolf. As for color, smoke or grey with fleck. My luck, I would probably loose it the first cast though and be stuck sitting there
  5. I just read about this and signed up. It sounds like a blast. I have a few questions though. 1) I have a Nuvi250 is this okay for this sort of stuff? or is another type recommended? 2) where do you start? Do you just go to the location and look around or am I missing something? Is there some sort of starting point? 3) What do you do when you find the cache? 4) I looked at the "send to GPS" function, is it compatible with my unit? I could probably find all these answers on the site, but I am hoping it can be dumbed down for me here Thanks Mike
  6. dont ruin a good thing.
  7. Tobermory's water is crystal clear. I know its mainly diving, but there are a lot of places you could snorkle. Take the boat to Flower Pot Island and swim around there. You dont even really need to snorkle its so clear. Or try the harbour by the lighthouse/tower. The water is so cold but so clear. Mike
  8. Spend the money on Power Pro. You wont be disappointed.
  9. I have 6 st. croix's all are either Avids or Premiers. A few are for Musky the others I use for all purpose. My Avid 6'-6" is a stellar all purpose rod. They are so light and so sensitive you cant go wrong, if you want to spend the $$$ that is. The warranty is Lifetime on the Avids, and though I have not had any problems with mine, both places where I have purchased have said if they have any problems they will take them back and replace with no questions asked. I have never used a Loomis, but I have picked them up and thought about it. I was actually pondering gettin' a Loomis Musky Rod but remain undecided. With either of them you will be more then happy.
  10. Okay, so I wasnt on this board when this was posted so I am putting in my input now. 1) Musky Hunter 2) Simply Fishing 3) Urban Outdoor Adventure Yes, I am a little biased.
  11. Yes, Thats it. Someone needs to try one of these out in a Tournament
  12. Mornin' Lew, -2 here in Missisauga, oh how I love the warmer days of spring
  13. I think there is a new Pocket Fisherman. I saw a commercial for some telescoping pen and reel. I laughed so hard, the infomercial showed them catchin 5lb+ on this thing. it was so amusing. If i am ever in the states and see one I will pick it up and see who wants it on here hahaah
  14. Im in
  15. Nice HD, i need out of this office. i need some wet time haha
  16. The Banjo Minnow. It actually did work if used properly. Something about the soft plastic. I remember the first time I used it, I figured, wow what a waste of money. 2nd cast I had a bucket. We caught about 15 fish the first night using those things. The downside to them, they pulled off the screw too easy and didnt last long.
  17. Nicely done Snag. I've got the itch now. Save some for me
  18. Ahhh this is great, Gerritt told me about this but I didnt fully understand what he meant by post them on photobucket. He never mentioned the img tag, hence my confusion. I can finally start getting some pics on here
  19. Irish is right. Layer up, get 1 size up. It looks like thats your only option.
  20. Thats Bull to me. I would be bugging customer service. Especially if there is no disclaimer anywhere. Keep pluggin and hopefully they will give it to you. Where are you from?
  21. Sorry guys, this was supposed to be a poll but something went wrong. Simple question, I am looking to head to the river this year. Never fished the Niagara before. So my question is, Upper or Lower? What has been more productive for everyone? Thanks guys, Mike
  22. Simple question, I am looking to head to the river this year. Never fished the Niagara before. So my question is, Upper or Lower? What has been more productive for everyone? Thanks guys, Mike
  23. Yeah that seems more like a store mistake then anything. Does it show the 11 on sale on the site? or is there any fine print that you are missing? Either way, talk to a manager at the store, they should honor something such as this.
  24. Also see if you can pick up a Rapala 6" Silver and Black floater. They are always my fall back and never fail. Good Luck Anton
  25. Welcome Jason. You are going to enjoy it here.
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