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Everything posted by anders

  1. This is great guys...thanks OFC! More likes the better! Lets get her up there, and also, lets get Moosebunk's to the top as well
  2. I love the new etecs....something about them that keeps me looking!
  3. Thanks for all the help guys and gals! Ya i love this photo too
  4. many thanks guys, she was happy this morning when i showed her how many likes she had i really appreciate it, thanks
  5. Like Moosebunk i have a picture in a facebook contest. Winner doesn't get to go on a dream fishing vacation (i wish), but just a small fishing grab bag with some goodies. I have entered my little girl with her first fish, although small, she wanted to take it home to eat. Any likes would be greatyl appreciated to get here tackle collection growing! https://www.facebook.com/HiwayVariety/photos/a.801010739946091.1073741870.483776768336158/801202189926946/?type=3&theater Thanks Anders
  6. Last i heard they made 500,000 or so of the eco diesels and the demand was 850,000 or so
  7. I just test drove the laramie 3.0l diesel, and loved it!! Although the truck was too much truck the engine impressed me! I will be ordering a 2015 1500, the same as you. Black on Black. I am a ford boy, but dodge sure hit it out of fenway with this one! Congrats on the wheels!
  8. thanks guys i have found the article i was looking for http://www.strikezonecharters.ca/Docs/Depth_Is_No_Barrier_For_Kings.pdf
  9. I am looking for a little help with, i know that certain colours while salmon fishing are only visible to a certain depth before they are seen by fish as black or grey. I have also seen or read somewhere a chart showing the colours and the dpeths to which fish see such as; red will be visible from 0' - 30' orange will be visible from 0' - 45' yellow will be visible from 0' - 60' green will be visible from 0'- 80' blue willl be visible from 0' - 100' purple will be visible from 0' - 120' Has anyone seen this chart anywhere or have it? Also, does anyone remember reading in the infisherman magazine a while back about the Lake Michigan charter captain that regularly targets salmon in 400 feet or more? Thanks
  10. What dates are you actually going? My brother is heading up there as well, with work.
  11. http://www.trojantackle.ca/ these are awesome. They can custom make any downirgger mount you want specifically for you. They did mine for my walkers and i love them.
  12. I bought my 165 classic tiller from the states as a package when the US dollar was cheaper than ours. the whole package was 14500 basically. After i brought it home and put my accessories on it, it was a little over 20000. Love that boat!
  13. This one was this past year...biggest through the ice, somewhere in the 20lb range. 15-20 min through the ice....absolute incrediable battle, and took off out of my hands like a rocket. We go another about 10lbs that day was well
  14. We fish that lake in the Winter...great lake....when we go its trophy hunting Love that lake
  15. Just got off the phone with a pilot in the area and he said the majority of lakes north of Wawa are still frozen over including Esnagi, Kaby etc. Workers yesterday were in the bush with quads and hindsight being 20-20 they should have used sleds and with the cold temps now and the next couple days including 5cm of snow, the ice wont be gone any time soon
  16. The Wawa area isnt going to open for at least 2-3 weeks. Ice is just starting to pull away from the shore now.
  17. where you talking about my alumacraft pyro, if so i will email you, if not disregard. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=71633 thanks
  18. I got a 16.5 ft aluamcraft tiller fully loaded for sale that i use for salmon on superior and lots of inland lakes around where i live!
  19. its 1 hour long....watch it..answers many questions
  20. Lose the fish...go to a restaurant and find some old greese...grab a bunch. When you set the bait up take 1 five gallon pail and splash it on the trees and and a small area around it. If you can also find someone with an apple tree (crab apples are good too) that aren't using them grab a lot, the ones on the ground are good to. When you do go hunting and I am assuming you are in a blind, take a tin with some honey and sugar in the bottom of it and burn it using a propane torch. You will know it is working when the smoke from the tin just starts throwing out the white smoke...let in burn for a little bit, this smoke gets around and will stick to the trees as well as go with the wind and will bring the bears to you.
  21. Soprano style ending...fade to black
  22. When they do catch him/them, they should send him to the TD Garden so the 16000 angry Bruins fans can have there way with him.
  23. on Tuesday we were still drilling ice to the engine of the power augers up in the Wawa area...gonna be a while still
  24. 1998 - 1st Wawa Salmon derby Last 2 years won big fish on during pre-tournament derby
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