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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. what they're trained to do....a car is a weapon, no different than a gun...again, it's a US video..... remember, this is what may happen on any given day http://youtube.com/watch?v=yz5--_qI_hU this is the only video that wasn't rated too graphic to show w/o logging on, but you get my point
  2. geez....don't judge us by what the cops in the states do....that's rediculous....but that's my opinion. I'll leave it at that. As for the other videos (all American cops) it's sad. But truth be told, sometimes videos don't share the whole story. Unfortunately we all get bad reputations by actions of few
  3. Yeah, i'd just stick to the big streamers....never caught a laker before, but i'd assume they be chasing baitfish in the shallower water when the ice breaks
  4. yep, gotta work...night shift and rain...gonna be fun Anyone live in Stouffville so I can come hang out lol
  5. wonderful...yet another storm when i'm working....perhaps i can drive 8 hours to work instead of 6
  6. wow.....talk about a trophy wife.....
  7. Hey All, I just found this out. If you are a subscriber to any rogers services, you can get your own subscription to OOD for $1.00 per month! Since Uncle Teddy owns about a dozen different magazines he throws the subscription onto your monthly Rogers bill....... Here's the link https://your.rogers.com/store/cable/cableco...DGB8P1KWKE35921
  8. I picked one up from Walmart the other day....there was zero Canadian content in it. Perhaps it's because I bought it at walmart.....
  9. Hey all, Just curious. I'm looking for another subscription and wondering which ones everyone else has.....and if you could say a little about the mag it would help the decision too! I currently have a subscription to the Canadian Fly Fisher...great magazine but a little expensive for only 4 issues in a year!
  10. Welcome aboard... No need for a leader when hunting chrome or salmon....i stick to spinners like Mepps and jigs...
  11. lol...how do you explain golf???
  12. If you can't find a system, look at places such as any CD/Music stores or Blockbuster they now sell gaming systems
  13. I think it is a sport...anyone who hooks into a 15 foot shark or blue marlin will tell you a 2 hour fight is a pretty good work out!
  14. The Regs for the Maitland have changed, it's closed until opener
  15. FYI, 172(1) the "street racing" law has alway been on the books. it wasn't a knee jerk reaction, they just added the automatic 7 day licence and 7 business day impound of your car.....fine has always been up to 10k......trust me, when you catch kids doing 50kph over the limit in a 40 kph area, your mind changes.....the guys that drive that fast haven't learned their lesson at all....they usually have a huge rap sheet anyway
  16. yup...as i was pushing my car out of the big pile of snow in front of the 401 on ramp from the 407...also lost my cell phone too...not a good day
  17. The hand held radar unit that we use has a function to detect a Radar detector. But the people who have them in their car have it for a reason and they all get caught at some point.
  18. AND THEN????????????????????? NO AND THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup, Yup........nope.....don't know lol.....just don't have one lol.....btw...most high end european cars have radar detectors built in and the Chief doesn't want the bill for the damage to the car lol.....
  19. yeah, i think it was time for him to move on...perhaps retire.
  20. crud! i'm supposed to meet Pete Rose tomorrow in Vaughan......i hate the snow
  21. really sorry about your loss man, my condolences
  22. Hey Diss....in regards to the length of time, 14 mths...if i were you i'd check real quick because there could have been a mistake and the ticket may have been voided, etc....and hopefully you licence isn't suspended...if you're ticket is from York Region 14 months is about how long you're waiting lol...tickets i gave last June aren't in court until this coming August/September.....or you could fight the fact that you've haven't received your court date in a reasonable amount of time which will lead to your ticket being canned.....charter or rights says that everyone is entitled to a date in court within a reasonable amount of time....includes traffic court radar is infinite.....works on Doppler effect, sends a radio wave until it hits a moving object and bounces back with a signal...but most models are about 500 meters....lazer, i've been able to get readings from as far as 2km away...checked today but it was hilly....1500m was the farthest i got, but i wasn't using the scope because i don't like it......
  23. At trial your ticket will be dropped probably from 35 over to 29 over....$130 and 3 pts.....that's what they did for me 5 years ago....you get point back after 2 or 3 years
  24. The HTA makes the registered owner of the vehicle responsible regardless of whoever is driving. In some cases, the RO can be charged for the offence. Not sure if points are involved. But if the fine is $180, thats the price for Red Light - fail to stop Anyway, for those interested.....our radar/lazer trap caught over 80 speeders and ALL of them going at least 20 KM over the limit in the city...some where doing as much as 70 in a 40.....not cool....but fun to catch 'em
  25. Hahahahahahaha c'mon Lew, you know all about the friendly rivalry between coppers and firefighters lol
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