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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Oops yeah that's what I meant
  2. Well for one he was never arrested or convicted for domestic assault And as for he FBI investigation well.... Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation and is running for the presidency... There's a problem And firearms didn't need to be used in London, Madrid and a slew of other places.
  3. So here's my 2 cents on the matter. It's not about gun control... Illinois and California have the toughest gun control laws and look how well it's working. The person responsible was a radicalized individual who followed a radical imam who preached killing all homosexuals because it's agains the Koran. And that's what he went out to do. If he didn't use a fire arm he would have used a bomb. These people will use any means necessary to affect their purpose. If you take away their guns they will still get them or use another means to succeed. What we need to do is stop with the liberal hug everyone response and tract down the home grown radicals because their numbers are only going to expand
  4. Kimbo needed a new heart though. He kept his health condition quiet
  5. Sad. Two legends in a week. They say bad things come in 3s.... Wonder who's next? RIP Gordie
  6. Sheridan gun club. Not too far south of you
  7. Driver in general in Ontario are horrible. Especially southern Ontario.
  8. Those are the parents who call the police when their kids won't listen to them
  9. I think I'll go with a chromebook
  10. Is it a laminate counter top?
  11. My windows got updated without my authorization. I woke up one morning and it was loaded and installing into my laptop. I'm not happy at all
  12. According to what I've heard a lot of the players aren't excited for the dirt infield. Donaldson has said that playing on the dirt takes a huge toll on his body and says that after a series in Tampa his body aches etc. Hopefully it doesn't get anyone hurt
  13. I use it all the time. Constant hand sanitizer and hand washing kills my hands. Then throw saw dust on it lol
  14. The baby was located
  15. I took mine off. Had a cracked rim on one of my snows.
  16. Fire sale in July
  17. ^ honey badger don't care
  18. Ogopogo or Champ?
  19. My sympathies. I hope everything works out
  20. If he gets anything more than 2yrs less a day he's going to Millhaven
  21. Now that my kids are in school I work 3 days a week and before night shifts. My wonderful mother in law is so lonely during the day she pretty much kidnaps my youngest daughter every day lol
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