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Everything posted by nancur373

  1. Anyone have info on Orangeville ice? Thanks, Curt
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqPVn7cgy6I...feature=related
  3. Song Starts @ 1:40 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erPnyi90cIc...feature=related
  4. Stumbled onto this one day...awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjA5faZF1A8
  5. That's too funny. Here's a great one too.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mArGzsNglCU...ec-HM-fresh+div
  7. Some interesting ideas there Cliff
  8. What is the season for Scugog?
  9. I got one comment to make. This was the first time my wife has seen FOF. Her exact words were "Dude can laugh".
  10. If we go off shore a bit I'd hope there'd be a few guys with sleds that would taxi for a fee.
  11. Bump
  12. Glad to hear the Good News. Hang in there. We're all pulling for you. Curt
  13. What channel is WFN on Bell?
  14. It's been done...lol
  15. Well said. As far as I am concerned they both are actors. But I do believe Bear has some sorta Special Forces training. Did I mention Les pulled his kids out of school and organized sports to go live "off-grid". What a thing to do to adolescent children.
  16. I've seen Lloyd at work. Nothing short of a sabre.
  17. Nosey neighbours always make for good laughs.
  18. What would be the weight on that girl?
  19. WOW!
  20. Hey GCD. What does a man fron Hog Swaller know about ice....other than it goes good with scotch....lol
  21. LMAO My partner at work heard this 'commercial, on the radio for the first time this morning. The defrost vents smelled like coffee all day.
  22. Don't know if this has been posted here.
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