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Everything posted by nancur373

  1. It was the wife's aunt that gave us the chance...lol
  2. Well folks we had a great time camping for a week at Restoule Park. Didn't get a lot of fishing in with the kid being under the weather, rain every day from Tuesday on, and the ever so consistant nagging from the Mother-in-Law who can't seem to do nothing for herself. (my apologies to all women, but this one is helpless). Lots of sunfish, pupmkinseed, perch and WGSF from the dock for the little ones. I caught a 1.5 - 2lb SMB from the dock one day who while I was lipping for a pic flicked so hard that it jumped right out of my hand before the camera snap. My wife laughrd her ass off. Did quite a bit of trolling with only 2 tiny pickeral and some WGSF to show for it. Didn't know the lake but go figure I found a nice little bay on the last day when me and the wife were out alone, with no 18month old to watch, which produced a little. We fished by an old beaver house for about an hour from 4-5pm. anchored. The wife landed a ton of sunfish, WGSF and a few small SMB. I managed 2 SMB @ 1lb 10oz at I think 15" and one pike @ 24" 3lb. Hope to get pics up by tomorrow. Oh btw my new-to-me boat I love. The 9.9 pushes her just fine for now. She got one leaky rivet which leaves about an inch of water in the back end after 12 hours sitting at the dock. Thanks to all those who gave me info about the lake. Cheers, Curt
  3. The family is headed to Restoule in the morning. Hope to get a fair bit of fishin in. Will make a report when I get back in a week. Thanks to all who gave info on Restoule and Stormy. Curt
  4. Don't know if this been posted. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/manitoba/story/20...ranscanada.html
  5. It's a transom mount. I'm looking for bow mount. Thanks tho. Curt
  6. I'm looking for a bow mount trolling motor for my boat and want to know what's the smalles size I can go. Since I'm going to but one used I don't want to go too small. Too big is OK. It is a Thornes 15.5'. Here are some pics. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;#entry231850 Thanks people. Curt
  7. Did you take your own boat or rent one?
  8. Welcome Mark. Nice to see your boy enjoying the fish. My boy is 18mos And hope he will enjoy it as much as I do.
  9. Don't know if anyone said it but The Tranny Shop in Norval does great work. Hwy 7 east of Winston Churchill.
  10. WOW! Thanks for all the info guys. Appreciate it. I'll be sure to report.
  11. My 9.9 will do for now. I have to spend my spare money in the boat.
  12. Bit too much
  13. got the right one now. Out of the 10 dollar bin...lol. And as for the livewell....well that'll be a little later.
  14. I got the plate for the trailer. I need to go to Service Canada to get the license.
  15. I'm an idiot...the red lens isn't red its black plastic. It was a vertical mount. Guess that's what you get for buying out of the five dollar bin. Thanks tho guys.
  16. Thinking about taking her to Belwood for the maiden. Should be a little better. May even be able to stand up to pee this time...LOL
  17. Don't have the boaters card yet. But I'm running a 9.9 for now. It has a plywood transom and to tell you the truth I haven't lookd hard for the plate.
  18. If I hook each end to a battery post only the green comes on. Even if I switch wires. Maybe bad bulb??
  19. No Idea
  20. No I bought new one. a combined unit as the one on her had a busted lens and bulb. This one I bought has two wires comming out. But the old ones were joined together and hooked to the live and the negative was grounded to the boat. I think it may be a switch problem.
  21. No. The Santa Fe.
  22. No it has 2 wires comming out of the case. A blue and a black.
  23. Trying to hook up the bow navigation lights. Got power to the wires but can only get the green light to come on. Do I need to hook both wires on the light to the live and then ground the negative? Or what? Please help.
  24. I measured her from stem to stern around the gunwhale and it measured 15' 4"
  25. She serves the purpose and budget for now.
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