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Everything posted by nancur373

  1. I checked other date cause we have a new baby comming mid to late January. And it has heart problems. They seem to think everything else is normal so they're hoping to wait till June or July for surgery. So Later would be better for me. If I can make it at all. We'll see.
  2. anybody have one?
  3. I'm in the process of building a 2 man portable. And by in the process i mean I have the plans, I just need to buy the materials and build it...lol
  4. lmao...I would like one of those.
  5. Thanks. This is a great site. Try punching in plates of people you know.
  6. On a lighter side, does anyone on here have a creative personal plate? Mine is: PURENEWF
  7. Who drives the silver Audi TT with plate L84FISHN. Who ever you are you should have your drivers license revoked untill you learn to drive with courtesy and respect for other people and their lives on the road. This afternoon at approx. 4:30 northbound on Trafalgar Rd. @ Steeles Ave. You blatenly ignored the lane ends sign knowing full well it's there (been for years). You hammered through the intersection, well over the speed limit I might add, and cut me off so bad that I had to damn near lock up my breaks and the car behind me was within inches of smashing into me. Hey, it only takes one wrong move by idiots to put a lot of lives in danger. Learn to drive and show some respect for other motorist. Everyone has somewhere to go and we'd all like to get there safely. Just my rant for the week. Curt
  8. Is the pic of this muskie on this site? if not where can i see it.
  9. What is the date of Family day?
  10. Could be a possibility
  11. hey Terry, we'll see what most guys want to do. As always there will be some members that can only make one or both days. and however they want t ofish is fine by me.
  12. O.K. I'll get this thread started. Few rumblings around about getting a G2G on BOQ hardwater. Just throwing it out there. If someone else wants to organize it it would be a great gig. I'm in. Curt
  13. Welcome Nathan
  14. For 100 dollars you could get a nice sized tent and cut a few holes in the bottom.
  15. I'm not saying it is not fake. Just that he has some good survival tips. Also as much as i love watching Survivorman, don't you guys think Mr. Stroud is all he's cracked up to be either. He always has a safety crew just incase.
  16. I motion to get this topic started
  17. 1. Caught my first LMB and SMB. 2. Caught my first perch. 3. Got out to Quinte (thanks FishHunter) 4. Bought a boat and motor. (old but mine)
  18. Love his show. Like to see more episodes. Also, do you guys watch Man vs. Wild. Also very good show.
  19. 1. Booze 2. Smokes 3. Radio 4. Cards 5. Food In that order.
  20. First 15 min. tourney cought 4 Greyling. Biggest 360g
  21. how long did it take for you to catch something? I can't get nothing...lol
  22. Check this out http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Caterpi...tyle_201400.htm
  23. born and bred in NFLD. Now living in Acton
  24. What types of line you guys using for different species?
  25. Does anyone know if you can put a permanent ice hut on Fairy Lake in Acton or Island lake in Orangeville for the season? Thanks Curt
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