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Everything posted by nancur373

  1. My Grandfather cut logs for Bowaters in Newfoundland. Curt
  2. Wow! Sorry to hear that dude. Along with all the rest of you guys loosing jobs. Makes me feel lucky nowadays that I work in the water/sewer dept. People will always need water and always flush toilets. You'll find something soon. And if you can afford to live on the pogey makes for more time fishing...lol Curt
  3. Region of Peel water/wastewater dept. Main job is operating a hydraulic sewer flusher. Also backhoe, excavac, dumptruck, and general maintenance and repairs of the water and sewer systems. Curt
  4. Sorry to hear that. Stay strong. Curt
  5. If they're anything like the older compact pickups they'll be great. Except of course for the box. Tons of old toyota pickups down home have a homemade wooden box..lol.
  6. Tow my boat with a 2007 Hyundai Santa Fe 2.7L v6 Curt
  7. I've never caught a muskie. Had a few follows while fishing for bass. Caught plenty oh pike tho. Curt
  8. Welcome back man. Curt
  9. EB Games in Mississauga (Mavis/Britannia) Has 5 consoles left. Was in there today. All Futureshops in Mississauga are out but are told they will be in on Friday. Curt
  10. Welcome to the board. One more lurker for the site!!! Curt
  11. Sweet ride. What is a jack plate and what does it do? Curt
  12. Thanks for the nice comments. Curt
  13. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=KQR6yBwFHQU
  14. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=x0Vy8PywZTM
  15. Love it. Old plus new is also good. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=IaRyFVwYVqI
  16. Thanks Lew. Sick Kids have alot of really awesome people working there. Curt
  17. Belwood a.k.a No Fish Lake Curt
  18. Is this here in Ontario or in Newfoundland? There are a lot of albino moose on the rock. Curt
  19. Jacob Norman McDonald was born on Monday night at approx 10:10pm. For those of you who understand he has double right ventricle ateries. Which is both great arteries come out of the right ventricle instead of one right and one left. He also hase a sizeable hole between the ventricles. But all said he came home from Sick Kids last night and is doing great. His heartrate, breathing, and oxygen levels are normal. He will have to go for surgery in four to six months. He has to have check-ups every two weeks in the meantime. We're just so happy to have him home and doing so good. Very excited. Oh by the way he weighed 8lbs even. With lots of hair. Thanks for reading. Curt
  20. Two movements: 1 Bowel movement. 2 Physical movement Crap and Run Curt
  21. My Christmas tree came down one night at 2:30 in the morning when I came out for a water and smelled HOT plastic. Curt
  22. Great report. Would like to fish for bones someday. Best fighting fish I experienced is makeral. They fight like hell too. Curt
  23. Nice one. Good eatin. Curt
  24. Good recipe but I still enjoy the tsae of FISH. Just my opinion. Curt
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