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Everything posted by livinisfishin

  1. That's a sweet deal! It will look mint when you see it!
  2. I have the piranha max 160 seems to be working great. I finally brought it out on georgian bay for the first time and my buddy n I found a nice little drop pulled out three small mouth over the side of the boat. Previously I had only used it on the lake I live on (Orr Lake), very shallow and small aswell as a mainly sandy bottom. I found it great to finally be able to see the depths aswell as know when a fish was swimming under the boat!
  3. How much of the lake are we seeing in the picture?
  4. Well spoken muskymatt. Don't tell anyone there is gobies in georgian bay please!
  5. a quality tv show unlike many out there.
  6. Since I've started using OFC mobile on my blackberry I have never been able to search past threads. I can enter in a topic but after pressing "enter" nothing happens. How ever it does work when I switch to OFC in desktop version. Only problem is its quite a bit slower. Anybody else have this problem?
  7. Wett cert. Around here is $ 200. If u did the tile work and left the pipe the way it is and have all your clearances needed, and got a guy in to wett cert it, would that not be sufficient for your insurance? Or do u have do to exaclty as they say even though your stove would be to code? I would seriously consider calling them and talking to someone about the wood stove.. "Up and out" is the way its done when going off the top of the stove and not wanting a whole bunch of pipe inside the house. Billy bob is exactly right.. No bends in the pipe means not as much resistance for the smoke to go through on its way out. Which means less creosote buildup and less chance of a chimney fire. There is so many houses out there that you just can't possibly go straight up and you have to vent with offsets.. Lol there is probably a rafter straight above the center of your pipe so you would have to offset anywaysd if you kept it in the same spot. I ca only imagine how frustrating this is for you! Good luck!
  8. I get the point entirely I'm just asking what is the difference when you cook the fish? Such as the whole carcass stuffed with spices and what not that is left on the fire for a good while if you are slow cooking it?
  9. Lol so you turn it into sushi when you are camping solopaddler? What's so different from cooking then what bowslayer suggested? Hah
  10. Great ! Thanks a lot guys!
  11. How do you like it compared to your old one?
  12. Definately a crazy scenario. I thought for sure he was going to end up in the water.
  13. What was the 700 dollar quote covering, install and materials? By any chance was this inspector also the one giving you the quote meaning him or his men would install?
  14. That seems pretty odd about the 2 90's being a problem...is it one 90 degree inside and then one 90 degree going up outside? What kind of inspection was it, a wett inspection? All wood stoves need to be wett certified in order to get insurance. I do a lot of installs of woodstoves and there is some common clearances that have to be followed. These clearances and rules are put in place by wett. I know that manufacturer instructions for installation that come with a manual for your stove take precedence over code requirements because they are usually stricter. I've never dealt with insurance companies before but from customers of my company with older stoves that are trying to get insurance usually call us because they need to get it wett inspected and then upgraded to meet the necessary requirements. it just seems weird to me that there is such concern with the 90's. I might be wrong but I was under the impression that 2 90's is the maximum or 4 45's in order to offset around obstacles. I have been off work for a a little bit now so don't quote me on this stuff maybe I could use a refresher!
  15. So the carp are going to pick it right off the bottom. No suspending it needed?
  16. From a boat and I have basic hooks,split shots n egg sinkers. Not really prepared for carp right now.
  17. There is tons of carp on the lake that I am fishing. Problem is they get right into this really thick bunch of pencil weeds that stick 3ft out of the water. The only reason I know they are there is when I decide to go right through the middle if I get a lure stuck. I want to know what kind of setup would work Good to put the bait right at the edge of the bed. But also able to keep it in spot so the wind does not make it drift all over? Thanks in advance.
  18. I thought that's was pretty weird to when I read gibson lake...but different one. Good job on adding another notch to your belt!
  19. Sweet pics!
  20. I can get setup from dollarama for five bux.
  21. Wish I had a depth of 12' lol deepest spot in the lake that I live on is 10'. Good job on the fish!
  22. Awesome fish. What is the length of them?
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