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Everything posted by livinisfishin

  1. Some good info so far. Are you a welding teacher rattletrap or a refrigeration tech aswell?
  2. Hey guys , canadian tire has the piranhaMax 160 onsale this week, just want to know if anyone has experience with the suction cup mounted transducer. If so my question is will that suction cup mount to a 12' aluminum boat at the back. Any other opinions on this model would be great help as well ! Thanks, Jason
  3. Hey, has anybody on here gone through the northern ontario welding college or have ateast talked to someone from there for some general information?
  4. Must be special order or something because they only had a mount with no drop at all when i was there today. Ill check their website. Thanks
  5. Look forward to the replies. Thanks
  6. Was there good populations of fish in this lake? How many acres in size was it?
  7. aniceguy is 100 percent correct! lol opp likes it in the nice weather they are out there quite a bit on the weekends. Last year they pulled me along side them while i was fishing in a kayak to see if i had my license and all of the equipment needed .
  8. Sorry it took so long to reply i am looking for a transom mounted motor and am not quite sure of the size i would need. I have a 12'f aluminum.
  9. Would love to hear some suggestions on where else i can look for a used motor. Thanks
  10. Thanks for the reply boatman! May i pm you and ask you a question about another engine that i would like to fix?
  11. ok thanks a lot guys for your help.
  12. Is it something i should try and do myself? I was also advised to get a kit as opposed to just the impeller, is that something i should do aswell?
  13. i was told by some friends that it burns it out instantly and that it would probably still work for a while but then jjust break up into tiny pieces of rubber clogging up the housing or something along hose lines.
  14. 1998 mercury 9.9
  15. Guess im grabbing a whole replacement kit
  16. If an outboard motor is fired up for about 10 seconds can that cause alot of damage to the impeller?
  17. thats pretty sweet that its still running great. sounds like this boat is the way to go! A 20 hp would push the boat pretty good wouldnt it?
  18. actually i see where there might be blue, really really really faded blue
  19. yeah its all white, any idea of the era?
  20. Well seems like atving is going to be too much of a hassle so i think im going to buy a 14ft aluminum with 20 hp motor and a trolling motor. I will probably get a lot more use out of it anyways. Are older evinrude outboards pretty reliable? Dont know the exact year yet but it is all white in color of that helps lol.
  21. Thanks for your replies so far, anybody from around simcoe county that can help me out also?
  22. where abouts is the ganaraska forest?
  23. I am trying to figure out where i would be able to ride an atv when i decide to get one. I have never researched the trail systems befroe and am finding it really hard to get any relevant information to where i could ride. I am looking to travel between midland, penetang, orr lake and really anywhere around and inbetween these places. I was told by a sales man at jack and jills that you can ride on the snowmobile trails and after reading the OFATV websites faq section is says that you can not. As for the simcoe county forests it says you can only ride on the trails that are designated for atv use. If anyone from around the area could help me figure out possible routes to take or even just a godo understanding of where i can ride would be greatly appreciated!
  24. Know of any dealers that have a decent used selection?
  25. Thanks fishman i probably will end up doing that.
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