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Everything posted by livinisfishin

  1. Thanks roy, everything I've read says short shafts are 15" but a couple short shaft motors that I've measured are 18". I've also read that give or take acouple of inches is ok. So hopefully with my 15" transom an 18" motor isn't to bad.
  2. From the top of the transom bracket to the top of the cavitation plate.
  3. I am looking at a mercury 9.9 outboard. I have been told the measurement is 18 inches , does that make it a long shaft?
  4. Well it seems my outboard motor walked away last night ....now I need to get a new one. My transom from top to bottom is 15" so I'm assuming I need a short shaft motor. Also I would like to know what part to start from and end at when measuring a motor to tell if it is a long shaft or short shaft? Thanks guys
  5. Wow for 90 bux u are questioning your safety... I dont think u will have an explosion just some really large flames in those areas. Also if the hole is where the burner ignites then you might have an issue of too much gas lighting up at once. Buy the burner or a new bbq.
  6. I would love to do a search but for some reason I have never been able to do it when using my blackberry. I would probably hit every single thread on here with those two words .
  7. Any ideas how deep it can get in there?
  8. Lol orillia
  9. Just wondering if there is any guys that fish this lake regularily throughout different times of the year? Wouldn't mind asking a couple questions.
  10. I bought a 16' 1974 holiday with a '89 mercury 45 hp. I paid 2000. In my opinion you get what you pay for my boat is solid and so far has been very reliable. I didn't have to do anything to it. That being said I still have original sleeper seats, they are ready to come out. Transom is good and strong and it doesn't leak and the motor is great I saw the exact same boat with a '74. 70hp johnson on the back with 4 new swivel seats asking 2500. With a 115 I think you could probably get a decent amount.
  11. Do you eat them that big?
  12. I think half of it is broke off, and you can see it but not very well. Pretty sure somebody was already hung up last week on a shoal.
  13. Ill check that out ty! I know its a lot of land to cover, my one friend and I agree to meet in the middle somewhere and his other buddy starts looking for places to go in quebec..
  14. I am going camping on the 24 and am looking for a decent spot preferably near some sort of water body. If it was somewhere between midland and ottawa it would make the drive a bit easier for both parties. Thanks guys
  15. To be honest a make and model would really help in order to know what kind of parts are in there.
  16. I've had spill switches that have been stuck open which do not allow pilot to stay lit as soon as you pull your finger off..but I have also replaced thermocouples that have only allowed the fireplace to stay on for so long , when replaced the pilot has stayed lit no problem. You also have a very good point about the pilot tube being clogged. If there is a lazy flame the thermocouple may not be making good contact with the flame therefore shutting off gas the gas flow. I don't think its a lazy flame though only because he said he has had the pilot running for an hour.
  17. I'm sure you can do it yourself..what kind of fireplace is it?
  18. 100 percent right.. Is it a direct vent or is it vented with a liner and gets its combustion air from the room? If it isn't direct vent it could also be a faulty spill switch..meaning a clogged vent causing over heating and your switch is working correctly or the switch is sticking ..and needs to be replaced. The fact that you are able to get the pilot to hold for 10 seconds has me leading towards the thermocouple ..check your pilot assembly inside the firebox and see. If you have two probes sticking up. If you only have one then its a thermopile not a thermocouple.
  19. I am around Barrie, does home depot or your regular lumber yards usually carry the stuff or is that kind of plywood a special order?
  20. Just wondering where can you get a sheet of 3/4" marine ply from?
  21. They look like a lot of fun to catch I am definitely going to have to try and locate some lakes around here with them. Just curious but what's the best way to distinguish them between larger sunfish? They look pretty dark but I have caught some fairly large pumpkinseed that I thought were bluegill at the time.
  22. Do you guys eat bluegill? Never tried them before are they similar to crappie?
  23. Once was enough lol didn't have to rub it in ! Btw nice fish!
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