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Everything posted by livinisfishin

  1. Well I appreciate all the replies but I decided to pass the problem on to somebody that knows a lot more then me about outboards. I should find out what is wrong with it by the end of the week. Here's to hoping its something simple! Thanks again!
  2. Forgot to mention the motors fast idle lever will get the engine to run at max throttle. I put it in reverse for full throttle it will run at what sounds to be correct. When at 3/4 throttle forward runs close to where it should but once iput it all the way down it slows down and dies.
  3. my motor will start no problem. Will not idle for 5 seconds. When I get it in forward it will stall, when put to full throttle it will only be putting out half the speed. My filter is brand new, the intake on the tank is clean. Not sure what to check now. Wondering if it's a fuel pump issue or something wrong withthe carbs.The floats and needles are 3 monthes old also. It worked for thelast 4 monthes and I let it sit for about 2 weeks. Thanks
  4. I agree with the common sense method. That being said I would really hate it if I stepped in a pile of guts and flesh on shore or in the water.
  5. Good luck chris
  6. No worries nick I've had a change of pace..for now. I've had to turn down the offer ..reason being I have a few monthes of debt to pay off and then ill be able to look at a much better apartment aswell as give myself some time to find something a little more local. Up north would be great but all in good time. Thanks for all the support guys and sorry for wasting your time.
  7. I have until Monday night to decide if I'm going through with this or not. Right now I am leaning towards going based on the experience that I can get.
  8. Yes it is my first move. Im aware of most of the challenges but I definitely could be overlooking some things.
  9. Some great stuff to think about thanks. Im from a smaller town with less opportunity in my opinion. So to me this ist a step up. Longer winters not so nice but ill deal with it because of the experience i will get from this job as opposed to the one i am currently in. The biggest factor for me is money. I will be making a bit more but not enough to offset my cost of living. I will be going from living with my parents to full out on my own..that is the scary part.
  10. Got the job...now what?
  11. Ill be in north bay tomorrow for a meeting an after I will check out the area and hopefully have a better idea of what I'm getting into.
  12. Those are the two local attractions where I am currently living.
  13. I don't care much for the big city...I have an oppurtunity opening for me if it works out.
  14. I've often thought about going to lakair for the get together..I've been on here for a couple years now and still haven't met anyone.
  15. Is it a nice place to live? A place where a young guy like myself may want to settle down?
  16. Way to go! Would like to get my first this year! What kind of rod and reel are you using? I can't make out the pics on my phone that well.
  17. I've seen the commercials for that show. I will be checking it out for sure!
  18. Ok definitely not a jellyfish lol just looked at thepics closer. Next guess is rotten mummefied fish lol . I am kinda leaning towards the turtle theory over mine.
  19. Check out the link I just posted it has a pic of another type . Its ironic I just came across thatpost last night.
  20. Freshwater jelly fish http://forums.pondboss.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=267951#Post267951 Click that link if it works and just read the thread. They are talking about two different species but the one picture kinda resembles it.
  21. great fish and a good read with my coffee
  22. That place looks pretty peaceful..and looks to have some great fish.
  23. I forgot about the geese..over abundance is an understatement. That lake can be fun a lot of fun to fish when you are on to 'em, makes up for being non-edible!
  24. I've never eaten anyhing outta there but have always heard not to. Does midlands run off go in there?
  25. Thanks rizzo!
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