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Everything posted by livinisfishin

  1. You should read the thread about smallies that's going on right now. Lots of info! Try a twister tail!
  2. If you see that they like 3" fish, show them a goby and make sure to tell them to keep as many as they would like. I don't fish for trout very often ( once a year in a river) I have a friend that took me down this year I hooked into a 4" baby trout and he was hell bent on me keeping it "they make great fishsticks!" Is what he said I honestly couldn't believe it I would never keep a fish so tiny let alone a trout. So I do see where you are coming from!
  3. One thing I've noticed is that any one that I have talked to that is older and used to fish, their main reason for not fishing is because now you have to buy a license. So I wonder, how many people are actually buying licenses? I know its a big risk if you don't but I mean guys like all of us are out there 24/7 we do buy licenses, what about the once a monthers? How many of them are fishing daily without licenses? The economy could be blamed for some of these people that just can't afford it and that is why there is the decrease in the sales of licenses.
  4. Sounds done :s ! Any idea on the cost of a replacement?
  5. Hey everyone I had an appointment today with my opthamologist and it turns out I have been granted another month off work! This month should be even better because I am able to start being more active and living life practically the same. Basically my plan was to figure the ins and outs of crappie fishing this year. Well with a month off I think that is sufficient time to do this! Basically I am looking for tips and tricks of locating these fish . I have done some research already and have some great ideas of where to start but I could always use opinions and suggestions from you guys! So any advice that can be passed down would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  6. 1 - 2" chartreuse twister tail . I've been trolling with that and casting beside weed beds and have been doing awesome. Fish that are in the 3lb range aswell as the 1lbers are grabbing it!
  7. Since its a gas insert, u should have an aluminum liner attached to a cap and the other end onto the fireplace. It should be sealed up. There probably isn't mesh around the cap unles someone else put it on. If somethimg were to getinto that cap it would ultimately end up in your fireplace and be trapped and roasted(not fun to clean up). If your cap isn't sealed properly to the chimney itself (via silicone, or screws of some sort) then there could be a corner that is lifting or some kind of hole for a critter to sneak down and then from there they could squeeze through between the trim and the brick. Most likely through a mortar joint where it is not flush to the trim.
  8. I have the 160, absolutely love it! Same deal with the battery, just left it and it was fine
  9. Hey nice fish! Whereabouts did u launch?
  10. Do u have a chimney with no cap leading to a masonry fireplace?
  11. Rough! Haven't ever had a day quite like that!
  12. The motor will last 5 x longer with the variable speed as opposed to the 5 speed. You can stay out a lot longer before you have to charge the battery again.
  13. I think hes worried about the frog choking on some of the bigger bones in there. If I had it as a pet I would want to do the same thing. Can a frogs insides even handle bones like that going through it?
  14. I launch my boat at the provincial park ramp , funny thing is I've caught all of my fish in that little area . Pike, bass, perch. Crappie in the winter but that's a different area. Forgot to mention I always do well with 1 1/2" chartreuse. Twister tails! Good luck!
  15. Do you often get those 1lbers?
  16. Will 30 million lbs a year put a good dent in the population and offset the potential damage?
  17. This video makes them look half decent for consumption. It is the first part of 3.
  18. Hey guys does anybody know if my 9.9 mercury outboard has a thermostatin it? The year is 1997. Thanks guys!
  19. Would u guys eat fish from bass lake?
  20. Would I just break a piece off and just put it in the trap or do I need to hang it inside?
  21. Hey everyone, Normally in the fall I put a minnow trap at the end of my dock with no bait in it and by the end of the day I have more then enough minnows.I've decided to put it in today to try and get some. The only thing different is that there is not a lot of bait fish in the the general vicinity as there is in the fall. So I put a worm inside the trap to try and get some extra attention to it. Any suggestions as to what else I could use as bait?
  22. That is awesome! I can't wait to catch a largemouth that size! Is it common to catch perch like that?
  23. Great report guys! This is a very entertaining thread lol!
  24. Well I am now post op by 5 days after getting a scleral buckle put around my eye. It is slightly painful(not nearly as bad as I thought), very little swelling. However my near sighted vision has decreased. I was told this would happen so no real surprise. I can't do anything at all for a while because any strain could cause the buckle to fail. 3 weeks off of work to start!
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