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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. A great article and a great plane. It is sad though, how the first bit of the article makes you feel good about the ramping up of production in BC and Calgary, only to have your hopes dashed later in the article when they say “While it could be another five or 10 years away, Mr. Curtis envisages India as a potential site for a second assembly site, to complement the Canadian manufacturing operations.” I can see the headlines now “Twin Otter Production Moves to India, Calgary Looses 200 More Jobs”
  2. Hi Alumacraft, The following are some links that were provided to me by the wonderful folks on this site! Maybe they will help in your search. Jim http://www.adventurefishingmaps.on.ca/ http://www.fishingmapsplus.com/ http://www.trakmaps.com/
  3. Hi guys, I realize that I am going to sound a tad on the frugal side here, but does anyone know of any coupons for the sportsman show that are available. I think that I remember getting some in the past in the newspaper. By the time I drive there and park and pay to get in (with wife and kid in tow) I am looking at $60; and that’s before eating and the odd beverage! ($9 for my six year old, can you say "gouge") Yes I know this is like the Mecca for outdoorsmen, but sixty bucks would buy my power baits for the season. Thanks.
  4. Congratulations! – Now throw out that old carton. You won’t need it because you are a non-smoker now. You are not a guy taking it a day at a time, or hoping you don’t go back, or a guy who just quit – you are a guy that doesn’t smoke. Period. You are also learning that there is life after smokes. You can eat a meal without one after; you can talk on the phone and drink coffee without one in your hand. What you’re learning is that you are living life the way the other 80% of the people in he world do everyday without the thought of a smoke ever entering their head. What a concept! You are also going to learn what its like to not be the only guy in the place that smells like smoke and you are going to find you can sit and relax without having to go outside in ridiculous weather to do a completely un-natural thing. You have also guaranteed that you will live longer to do the things that you love, like fishing! Believe me you have done the greatest thing for you and those that care for you that you could have ever done. Now I used the patch (which I realize makes me a tosser listening to you cold turkey types) but the end result is the same. I quit 12 years ago and from the day I stopped ‘til now, have never had a craving and have never missed it. Don’t get me started about how much better everything tastes……
  5. I had a roll up the rim moment today. One of the kids in my class showed up after making a Timmy’s run and naturally brought me one. After finishing it, I took off the lid to have a go only to realize that the rim had already been rolled! Oh well, maybe he can get the credit at summer school.
  6. A couple that I knew a while back owned an island on Lady Evelyn. They had a Tiger Moth (yellow biplane) on floats that they flew in there. Does it ring any bells with anyone?
  7. Thanks as always guys. Jim
  8. Hi all, Apparently LeBaron has a tax free event at their store in March and at the Sportsman show. Does anyone know how big of a set-up they have at the show? It has been years since I went. I am asking because I have a shopping list in mind, and if all of the items are at the show, I can use the no-tax thing to offset the cost of driving to and getting in, the show. Now, if they just use the show to sell off last year’s left-overs, and my items may not be there, mail order would be the way to go (the no-tax thing does not apply to mail orders). On a separate note, after starting a firestorm about their crappy website I have been looking closer at LeBaron. I have to be honest, the great prices and cheap shipping and handling rates are helping me to get over the PDF catalogue thing. Thanks.
  9. My condolences Mark (Kulic), on your mother’s passing. And thanks (Mr. Eh) for the posting. I often spend too much time crabbing to stop and be thankful for what I have. My son and I will mention Chris during prayers tonight. Best wishes to all. Jim
  10. That will be great, you can clean the barbie when you launch your boat!
  11. Actually Dannyboy, with the new Linc to Red Hill connection you get down to Barton (Fishing world) in about 8 minutes form Upper James and the Linc. Turn right onto Barton and fishing world is a nanosecond from the exit. The guys at Bill's bait are top notch. Our last time in one of the guys (there are two brothers that run it and I can never get which one is which) gave my son a lure out of the bargain box. A small gesture cost-wise, but it made his day and he still talks about it.
  12. Wow. And I mean wow. I am sitting here feeling the way you do when you finish a good book, and you just sit quietly digesting what you just took in. I’m spent is what I am. I don’t know what you do for a living when you’re not guiding, but you could write resort reviews or create websites, or what ever you please. The way the season climaxes with the epic pike in the weeds and under the boat battle is nothing short of literary genius. Throw in the odd sexual dalliance and you’ve got a movie script. Can you tell I liked it? Wow man!
  13. I don't know if I agree with the notion that having a great web site is diametrically opposed to having low prices. I mean is there any chance that their sales would increase with a better website? And would it not be cheaper to house everything in a warehouse and just fill internet orders all day than staff a store? And as far as the shipping goes (from Cabala’s) I personally live about two hours from BPS, any thoughts as to how much it costs for a four hour round trip these days?
  14. Hi guys, Is it just me or is LaBaron’s website from the middle ages? I’m not trying to piddle in anyone’s Cornflakes and I’m all for loyalties, but Cabela’s website makes the shopping by “adobe non-interactive catalogue” of LaBarons seem almost silly. From live chat customer service to complete transaction transparency, Cabela’s looks pretty slick. Why would LaBarons not follow suit? (No, I haven’t asked them). What am I missing?
  15. It don't take no double naught spy to know you should be a fish'n in the ceement pond over yonder.
  16. Get yourself a box of these from your Naturopath or Goodness Me (or some other natural medicene shop). They are made from Garlic and take them like this: Day 1 AM 4 pills PM 4 pills Day 2 AM 3 pills PM 3 pills Day 3 AM 2 pills PM 2 pills etc, until gone What ever you have will be gone. Remember, I'm no Gynaecologist, but I'll take a look.
  17. I thought Walter was Wayne's dad.
  18. Thanks 4R, I am looking forward to getting to know it. Much appreciated.
  19. Congrats! Theres one off the to-do list.
  20. Hi again. This might be a bit of a small cross section of the group, but I have a question about fishing the Grand River between Caledonia and Middleport. I am interested in this section as it is close to home and deep enough to fish from the boat. My questions are as follows: 1. Does sonar work in this shallow and rather brown water (even if only for depth finding)? 2. Is trolling a good method of fishing this section (at least until you find a hole)? 3. How well do crank baits work in this colour of water (or is live or power bait better)? Thanks in advance for anything that you can offer. Jim
  21. This giant pickerel raises a question that perhaps could be a thread of it’s own rather than piggy backing, but here goes: I wonder how you catch a brute like that on spindly little ice fishing rigs? And if you can, then why do we use 7’ rods etc. in the summer? Nice fish by the way.
  22. I am having a hard time believing that someone with 4199 posts on a fishing forum has never cleaned a fish before! There’s hope for me yet. I cleaned my first fish last summer (at the tender age of 45). It is still frozen in the freezer. It looks like it was a nice father daughter bonding moment, and thanks for the great video.
  23. Darn, I need a bigger boat.
  24. Hi All. I need yet another favour for a new boat owner. What should I carry on my boat that they don’t tell me about in the owner’s manual? Thanks in advance. Jim
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