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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. My everyday beer is Lakeport Light in cans. I enjoy most beers but being a Molson drinker for most of my career, I tend to shy away from Blue. A beer that I have the fondest memories of is McEwen’s IPA. Like an angel peeing on your tongue. I used to drink it in of all places, Terre Haute Indiana. $2.00 a bottle, magic!
  2. Nice boat John! I'm picking mine up this week (also a 1600SC).
  3. Where, pray tell, is this new location?
  4. Maybe that’s why they weld those boats now, built in obsolescence.
  5. Hey Irish, do you still have to "slosh" floats (is that the correct term?) I got roped into it one time at the airport when I was a kid. I remember the fumes being brutal and thinking "this can't be good for me". And this was long before WHMIS.
  6. There are two kinds of riveted boats: Those that leak and those that are going to leak (sorry, I really do hate pissing contests, but I couldn't resist )
  7. After reading this thread it is painfully clear that every welded hull will crack and have to be sent back to the factory, and there has never been a problem with any riveted boat. One wonders why a 60 year old company like Crestliner even bothers.
  8. Hi All, I want to start getting more out of my computer in the way of movie and video viewing. I always feel that I am not getting nearly as much as I can from the internet. Does anyone know of the best way to get and view movies, TV shows, etc. from the net? Thanks!
  9. I pick my new boat up on Wednesday. I bought at Proctor Marine in Simcoe, and have been thrilled with the experience so far. I have not owned a boat before and did loads of research (as you are starting to do now). It is a shame that you missed the boat show (I assume) because there is nothing like being able to hop from boat to boat and making direct comparisons. I found that all of the boats, within the same length and price range, were pretty comparable side to side and it is the little things that come from sitting in them that sway you. I also think that you can’t go too far wrong by sticking with a “major” brand, with history and staying power (Crestliner, Lund, Alumacraft, etc.). Good luck!
  10. When I was about ten (35 years ago) or so we were in Spring Valley in Ancaster (near Hamilton) and there was a big fuss over a snake. My always clever brother thought it was a milk snake and went to pick it up until it lunged at him and started rattling (in that order). Straight up, I saw it.
  11. I love Buckeyes, but married a Hoosier; my bad. Welcome aboard and thanks for spending money in Canada once a year. I used to do lots of service work in your area (Chrysler radiator plant). My fondest memories are of visiting the Air Force Museum near Wright Pat. Like dying and going to heaven for an airplane guy. Your right, these are a great bunch of guys who would give you the shirts of their backs. You know, if they were actually wearing a shirt.
  12. I have never had anything close to a desire to go ice fishing, until reading this report. Wow man!
  13. Great pictures Garry! Thanks for sharing. I have just booked a cottage on Cameron Lake in July. Maybe I'll bump in to you somewhere in the Kawarthas. Jim
  14. I too am a new boat owner this year. And am scared poopless about looking like a tool come launch time. I figure I will do lots of practice launches and retrieves at a quiet time down on the river (I have a friend with a ramp). I am glad that I have read these posts though. Not only for the lessons of how not to do things, but also the fact that if I screw up I certainly won’t be the first.
  15. We'll be participating.
  16. I have tackle in my box that is older than you! Many happy returns of the day!
  17. Thanks Guys! Appreciated as always. Jim
  18. Hi guys, Just a quickey before running off to work; Does anyone know about the fishing on Cameron Lake in the Kawarthas (in July)? Thanks! Jim
  19. Not only are these fish awesome, and the pictures fantastic, but the little organizer on the seat is very cool and you might be the best dressed bass fisherman I have ever seen. Great post.
  20. Hi All, I was wondering if I could get the lowdown from you guys on fishing maps (I know that we have talked about them from time to time, but I have not gotten a solid feeling yet). I have got to say that I am having a hell of a time finding good maps on-line. By that I mean good free maps. And I am not talking fishing maps necessarily, but even in looking for a cottage. On a big lake like Sturgeon for instance, a cottage could be close to Bobcaygeon, close to Lindsay or close to Fenelon Falls. Anyway I digress, here are my questions: 1. Are fishing maps worth a pinch to start with? 2. Are the ones that just show the depth better than the ones that have fish types, local attractions, where to get a great steak etc. on them? 3. Is there anywhere that I can look at a map before I buy it (in other words, not on-line)? 4. Does anyone have any experience with any of the companies listed below? • www.adventurefishingmaps.on.ca • www.fishingmapsplus.com • www.trakmaps.com Thanks, as always. Jim
  21. I hear you. That's why it's more the shame that the one I rented for 900.00/week sold. It was a beauty.
  22. Welcome Matt C! Always nice to meet someone else from the "field".
  23. Hi All! Does anyone by chance know of any private cottages for rent on Doe Lake (Big Doe)? I have looked on the net and found the one near Sprucedale ($1900/week thank you very much, but I am taking my family of three, not my high school football team) and have found the many resorts on Little Doe. Unfortunately (for me) the one that we have stayed at in the past has been sold Any leads would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jim
  24. The fact that you can still buy a Rapala minnow, or a red and white Jitterbug is proof that the fishing industry isn’t as bad off as some (as far as gimmicks go). Think about golf for instance that reinvents itself every year, or how if you find a razor blade you like you had better buy a hundred of them as they won’t be available in a year. I think what keeps marketing from completely taking over fishing is the fact that you could still catch a fish with a line and a worm. Like Lundguy’s boat post earlier, boats from all ranges of the size, shape, and cost spectrum, with one thing in common; they get you out on the water to fish. You gotta love that.
  25. Sears & Roebuck? (I'm showing my age again, aren't I)
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