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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. OMG! That hilarious! When I fished with Hometown that time, my wife is like "So how do you know this guy? I mean how do you know he won't get you out in the water and throw you overboard?" Good one. Jim
  2. I have fished with Hometown Handy Dude and met Lexxington on the ramp at port Maitland. I also ran into another fella at Maitland who's name I can't recall. Good thread Cudz, but shouldn't you be marking finals and culminating? Jim
  3. Hi All, I eluded to this in an earlier post but thought it deserved a post of its own. I recently purchased a $50 St Croix Legend ice rod (note: $50 for the rod only)as my intro into ice fishing equipment. It lasted one day before the guide fell off of the end of the rod. Fortunately (or unfortunately) it fell off in my friend's living room and not in the middle of a lake, ruining a trip. I have since returned the rod to my retailer and loaded up with cheaper Rapala combos from Canadian Tire. I was very disappointed with St Croix's response which was essentially "Yeah, ship it back and we'll fix it, or you can glue it back on yourself". I think I will stick with Canadian Tire saying "here you go, have another one!". Regards, Jim
  4. I am not sure how you can get the point on one hand and completely ignore it on the other. There was a bin full of rods for $5.00, but I couldn't have one of those 'cause they're not good enough! So I pay 10 times that amount for a name brand, quality rod and it falls to pieces before my eyes a day later (while I was showing it to a buddy). If the rod falls to pieces in any way (regardless of how easy those pieces are to glue back on) it is an epic failure. The quality is all that I was supposed to have paid for!! If nothing else, tell me that you recognize the irony of it. The only acceptable response from St Croix would have been "We are extremely sorry sir for the trouble we have put you through. We have shipped today, a new rod as well as one for your friend. Please also find enclosed a St Croix toque to keep you warm while you use your new rod, with our compliments. In the mean time rest assured that we are looking into our manufacturing processes to make sure that this problem does not re-occur." What I got was "Here, Clem, use the crazy glue". You can spend $50 for a do-it-yourself project if you like, but I will not. Jim
  5. I just purchased a "Cadillac Rods" a St Croix Legend (the one with the gold plated strike indicator on it) for $50 (rod only). It lasted one day before the end guide, complete with gold plated strike indicator, fell clean off! Note, that's fell off, not broke off. St Croix service offered to waive the return shipping charge from the service centre, and told me which glue to use if I wanted to glue it back on myself. Big of them eh? To recap: 100% of the St Croix ice rods that I have purchased have been defective. It has since been returned to the retailer from which it came, and the name St Croix is never to be spoken in our house again. The Rapala R type rod/reel combo looks like a neat little unit. Fishing World in Hamilton has a great ice fishing selection if that is close to you. Good luck! Jim
  6. Do you see how the car with the loud music is a metaphor for the fisherman off the dock? Have you heard about the barber that puts his prices up due to the HST, but never passes the taxes on to the government? Maybe my original statement wasn't that far off after all. And maybe I need to quit looking for intellectual gratification on a fishing forum. Radnine, over and out.
  7. Sorry, I am afraid that I don't know anyone that charters or guides in those areas. Jim
  8. Thanks Terry, That was a great ride. Jim
  9. At this rate Cliff, you're lucky that the two Asian guys in the canoe were just indifferent toward you. Jim
  10. Would any one of "us" not be "them" if we could afford it? Jim
  11. First of all, I apologize for my response as it was a little on the harsh side, as well as being judgemental. I personally don't fish docks, so like Terry points out it is easy for me to come down on the side of the cottagers. Also, I hold cottagers (for the most part) in high regard because I think it is a representation of a level of success in life to which I might aspire. Lots around lakes are sold, cottages are built, and so are docks. It gives me a place to rent and to park my boat, and as far as I am concerned, they are as much a part of the fabric of fishing as a boat is. If there is one factor that I think might get overlooked in this argument it is that the dock was installed by the cottager, as opposed to a tree falling down to provide structure/cover. If the dock wasn't there where would you fish? I know that the cottager does not own the lake bed that the dock sits on or the water under it, but I think deserves the benefit of the doubt when it is essentially "used" for something for which it was not intended. I don't own the road in front of my house (or for that matter, the first three feet or so of my lawn) but I darn sure think that I would have the right to tell someone to shove off that decided to throw litter there, or park their car there with the music cranked, etc. I guess I am saying that the investment in the land and the structures on it do give the cottager the upper hand if it were to come down to a pissing contest. And that is perhaps why I don't join the contest in the first place. Jim
  12. Do the "O" ring thing when wacky rigging and your Senkos will last forever. Also, try YUM Dingers as they are only between $4.99 and $6.99 a bag ($10/bag? Ouch man!) Jim
  13. If you are wondering where fishermen get a bad rap from, see the post above. Jim
  14. Canada's leading ace in WW II was a guy named George Frederick "Buzz" Beurling . He died ferrying a Noorduyn Norseman to Israel, so I doubt he thinks they are as cool as we do!!!! Great post! I love float plane photos and yours are excellent. Jim
  15. I am heading up to that area tomorrow! Can't wait. Thanks for the report. Jim
  16. I have never thought of using a tube for walleye. What colour work well for eyes? Thanks, Jim Edit: sorry I have just re-read your post and realized that you answer that question. JR
  17. I'm with you on the Senkos and tubes, but have never tried Koppers. I have a couple of them but have yet to catch a fish anywhere on one (I have to admit though, I don't really fish hard-body baits a whole bunch anymore). We were out on the reef a couple of weeks back and our tubes/senkos got out fished by a guy drop shotting a worm (a real one, imagine!). I also hear from the pro ranks that something called a "Rattle Trap" is killing smallies this year. Good luck! Jim
  18. I can't imagine catching a fish like that. I had that muskie grab a bass that I was landing last year, and didn't know whether to crap or wind my watch! Well done! Jim
  19. I tried to jump on the Flouro bandwagon, and spooled up all of my spares with it. I use it when it helps to have a line sink and be invisible, but I have a heck of a time with it coming un-spooled and tangling. I have tried taking a wack of it off the spool (in case I put too much on) and still. Also I found that I missed the sensitivity of braid (flouro felt like mono to me). I'd love to love it having spent loads to spool up, but am having trouble warming to it. Help!! Jim
  20. Yeah, it kind of depends on where you are going on Rice (it is a long lake). If you take the 401 then turn off on hwy 45 for instance, there is a live bait place about two miles from the hiway on the left. I am sure he would have flats. And if you don't mind buying them by the dozen, there are loads of marinas/stores that sell them. Try PM'ing DiggyJ, he has a cottage on Rice. Jim
  21. My boy loves it (he is 8 now) but is quick to let me know when he has had enough. I know that letting him bring friends along will be the key to keeping him interested in the future, so I am mentally gearing myself up for that. I know that in my own case my love of fishing was developed early but it fell in and out of favour through the growing years. I would say when it started to come back into vogue for me was when we started to get away as young men (19-30) to "fish" (read: drink & play cards). I got legitimate (buying a boat and spending boatloads of cash on the sport) three years ago, when the thought of having a long-term father/son thing started to blossom. Jim
  22. Never mind your fungal state Dirk, how has the Walleye fishing been? Jim
  23. I spent over 20 years in industry as an Industrial Mechanic/Millwright. Designing, building and installing metal cutting and assembly equipment for the automotive and other heavy industries. For the past eight years I have been a high school shop teacher. Jim
  24. I keep hearing about the value of keeping the sport alive, and taking the sport to the next level, then in the same breath complaining because of fishing pressure. I am not sure how we can have both. Everyone loves Dave because you can't buy a sub without seeing his picture (great for the sport!!) then we complain because someone munches on their sub while fishing our favourite spot. If more fish are being caught today I think it is because of electronics that are available. I know that the spot I fish on Cameron Lake never would have been found (by me at least) in the past unless I stumbled upon it by accident; Now I look at my Gold chip map and pick out the structure at at glance. We spent years diddling around on Rice lake as kids never catching a thing; Now I pre-program all of my spots before I leave the house, and they usually produce something (I suppose that's education mixed with technology). I also agree with the point mentioned earlier about more people owning boats than before. I mean, just anecdotally, most of the people that I know that fish even close to seriously own boats (they also all have fish finders in them). Speaking of Cameron, I noticed this year that the boat traffic was down. In fact there were many days through the week that I was the only one on the lake. There were also restaurants closed in town and the service that was in the couple we went to was suffering. I put it down to the economy, and wonder if the economy (good or bad) might be more responsible for how many fishing types take up or leave the sport. Good topic. Jim
  25. We need to teach these people that food comes from a grocery store not a lake! They need to be thrown back so we can swoop in with our giant bass boats and haul out lunkers for great photos!! Sheesh, what's up with these people? Terry, I'm impressed. Jim
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