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Everything posted by Radnine
Yeah, unfortunately when the guys come up fishing is not the best time to be able to smell again. Fourteen years, never had a craving. Jim
I am sorry to hear that Stoty. But it's hard to keep a good man down, you'll find something I'm sure. Best wishes, Jim
I have a 2008 Motorguide wireless (12 volt, 45 lbs). It came stock with my 16' side console. It worked beautifully last year for me. Now, I do not often fish from sun-up to sun-set and I am not looking to pull skiers with it, but it never failed me. It had plenty of staying power and moved the boat how ever I liked. It is quiet and the foot pedal worked beautifully (I am looking for one of those wrist strap do-dads for this summer). Beware the up-graders. Jim
I am (was) a red seal Industrial Mechanic/Millwright (20 years, machine design and build). I have been a high school tech teacher for seven years now. Jim
I have not watched the video yet, but I would say that this all started long before the mortgage situation in the States. That it started when companies started to move from here to the States, then from the States to Mexico. Then from Mexico to India and China. It was all well and good to say that we were going to switch to a service sector economy, but when people don't have jobs (I mean good paying jobs, like in the manufacturing sector) they don't buy services. They also don't buy houses, boats, pay their mortgages, etc. I believe that globalization has killed this economy and it didn't happen over night. The only people that thrive in a globalized world are the owners of companies that used to pay $25.00 per hour to have their product made and now pay $25.00 per week. What they will ultimately find though is that there is no one with any money left to buy their products (at least not here)! What I don't really understand is the reluctance to adopt a "protectionism" sort of attitude (like dictating that government supplied contracts use local products). I bet the people who are laid off from the jobs would love some protectionism right now. Jim
Sounds like a great time! Unfortunately, I won't be there until Monday. Jim
I used Dingers all last summer and had (what I believe is) great success. Don't be in too much of a hurry to throw out your vacuum cleaner to buy a Hoover. Jim
Charlie Wray (Fishful Thinking) did a show on pike fishing with the kind of rig you are considering. In the show he tells you how to tie your own rigs including the knots and hooks used. It is available here: http://www.myoutdoortv.com/show-microsite-...l-thinking.html Cut and paste this address to your browser, the actual show is on page two called "Seaguar Rigs for Pike and B.C. Sockeye". Hope this helps. Jim
It's 11:00 on a work night and I thought "I'll just check the site before going to bed". Now I'll be up for two hours. Thanks. Jim
Hey!! Congratulations Mike!! That's great news. I know squat about fishing in that area but it sounds like Cliff will take care of you. Which course did you finish up deciding on? Jim
Between you and Steve, I stand corrected on both counts. Long live marketing! May culled fish live as long. Jim
I have just discovered gettinghooked.net this weekend. Wow man! If you have not seen it yet you have to check out the website. The episode broadcasts (full length shows) are seamless and the newer ones even tell you all the details, down to terminal tackle used, on the screen while the video is playing. I also love the fact that they show a short graphic of where and how they were fishing, including relationship to current, structure, etc. By a long shot, the best show website I have seen. Jim
You're right Steve, that does surprise me. But how many bags of corn seed do they buy? Huh, HUH? Jim
I have never seen these items before but for a review in the free bass magazine that someone is kind enough to send me. After reading all of this the first thing that pops into my head is who is buying these things? I can't believe that someone could make money off of a product that would be used by such a small group of people (what percentage of anglers would use these?). I felt the same thing after watching a curling tournament on TSN that was sponsored by DeKalb (they make corn seed). I mean who were they hoping to reach? The average guy is not going to watch curling and say "hey honey I'll be right back, I've just got to nip down to the corner and buy a bag of corn seed". I hope that the powers that be aren't thinking that the average fisherman is daft enough to think that they need cull tags now because that's what the "pro's" use. Jim
I purchased a book at Canadian Tire (The Freshwater Angler Series, Successful Walleye Fishing) and it's really quite good. I think that I learned some things reading it (I won't know until I try them). There is a really good section on where to find Walleye, what structure to look for, wind direction, light conditions etc. Jim
Like Lew, I tow my Crestliner (16') with a minivan. Mine is a 2002 Pontiac Montana. It leaks coolant and a bit of oil, but at this point is still cheaper to top up fluids than to replace the head gasket and fix the coolant line. The lockable added storage is priceless for trips. I tend to take out which ever seats I will not need for a particular trip, then load her up. Jim
Wow, talk about one sided. For every employer being affected by the situation you have painted, there has got to be 1000 people that got screwed over by employers, no? Why do you think that rules are were put in place (or for that matter, unions or labour laws)? I think that human resource types need to keep in mind that they too are only employees, and only human. Jim
Spring Boat and Fishing show coming up in a couple of weeks. Could be some deals and lots to check under one roof. Jim
How did you score alimony?
So essentially, this guy is to never work again because he is a bit of a tool? Jim
Very impressive. After seeing that I think that I will stick to carving other members of this forum. (everyone except team 8 members of course ) Jim
I think that the first part would be a wonderful thing to say ("has definite strengths/abilities"). I mean imagine if he sorted out what ever was bothering him in the past and all that was left were the abilities. He would be a great employee for someone. And if he hasn't sorted them out, then he will be a good employee until he craps in his own cage at the new place. I don't see it as a reflection on you either way. Give him a break by helping to give him a chance at another new start. My $.02 since you asked. Jim
Not at the same place that fixed your sled, me thinks.
Cronzy's show this past weekend was about brook trout and how you have to go to Timbuktu now to fish them when you used to be able to fish them in the ditch at the end of his yard (or something like that). Maybe you could quote "the Cronz" and even interview him on the subject for the paper. Then have a shore lunch while you're at it. Good luck, Jim
What a report. And for those of us that haven't made the pilgrimage to the promised land (Lakeair Lodge), it is nice to put a face to the names that we read so often. God those boats are a treat. Nice job all. Jim