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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. You did not happen to be out fishing on the inner bay near long point this morning did you? Just teasing There were three guys about 12 feet away from us out on the water this morning and we got to listen to them singing Kareoke for the best part of an hr......Then i could not take anymore and had to move......The fish had stopped biteing i thought it was there singing...lmao....Turns out it was a nice size pike that had turned off the perch......They pulled it into they're boat and a beauty it was.
  2. LoL.......FISHERGRL........My boy's are greedy when it comes to food.....lol.......Thankgoodness two of them are out on they're own now, More fish for me...... lol LOL CLEMENS I do not have photo shop...... But i do have P.S.P W15h1N 1 WuZ F15H1N I would see ur bass fry for another i caught ealier in the yr dipping for minnows also but no longer have the picture. It was the same night i caught a baby Gar pike in my net! Now that was pretty awesome. Jason Thankyou
  3. "I'm Gonna Miss Her" by Brad Paisley. I actually have that song as background music on one of my own fishing videos......I think its a great song.
  4. I get clostraphobic in small rooms......CC
  5. But, its true, heard the sound link, checked in, and saw you had entered, then left. Sorry. LOL TJ No need to appoligise hon you did nothing wrong I just got a chuckle out of I HEARD YOUR EXIT..... just my sick twisted mind tonight...I get like that when i am knackered.....lol
  6. ooo i cant be giving away secrets like that rizzo......
  7. lol Yes it was a BASS & what u mean the smallest? Its hugee!!!!!!
  8. ohhh i dunno beans i reckon mine is much bigger..........lol
  9. I AM SO JEALOUS AWESOME REPORT GUYS AND I LOVE THE PHOTO'S If it was not for my daughter getting married next yr i reckon i would be making plans for atrip like that tommorow. lol
  10. I heard your exit. lmao Thats a new one.........
  11. I know bassmaster i was so excited when it hit...That fish just slammed my rod....I knew for sure it had to be a big one....and look at it WOW!!!! chuckles
  12. It used to be, that when someone entered, and you had your sound up, you would get a sound message saying someone has entered the room. That does not happen now with the new chat room, Hummm tj when i enetered the room i heard sound , Also heard sound when i left. Said something just cannot remember what. Sorry been a long day.lol
  13. nice, u should get it mounted on a popsicle stick Well dern i never thought of that.. ...A largie mounted on a popsicle stick.....Now theres a great idea lol
  14. Was out fishing with rich a week ago and caught this beauty........ What a whopper huh! Did not have the scales to weight it.....Damn shame.. ...Reckon thats close to a record for sure....... Put up one hell of a good fight lemme tell ya.......
  15. WAY TO GO That is awesome both of you........and thanx so much for shareing.
  16. SORRY ABOUT THAT TJ USUALLY THOUGH U GO INTO A CHAT ROOM HAS ONE PERSON IN THERE U SAY HI AND U GET NO REPLY....LOL Still amazes me though that hardly anyone seems interested in useing the chat room WITH SO MANY MEMBER'S HERE.
  17. I had kidney stones a few months ago...... Was told to drink lots of fluid. Two days later got a severe pain in my abdomen and could not even get up out of bed. Was taken to the hospital they injected the die through my body to see where they were. I never had xrays or a scan.... Anyway thankfully they passed on they're own. Kidney stones are very very painful......But still the pain does not compare to what feels like squeezing out a water melon...lol...Sorry guys Pete hope ur feeling better soon hon i feel your pain.
  18. 732 registered members Thats how many people have registered to this site. I just popped into the chatroom breifly and only one person there. Is chat only being used for schedualed nights? Wow i am amazed they're are not more members taking advantage of the chat room.
  19. I thought it was great. Would love to have a go doin that.......
  20. work,fish,work,fish,work,fish, Did i mention work fish?
  21. Way to go rich.....Nice one!!! & next time u come visit me at work bring me a damn coffee.....SHEESHHH! YA BRAT!
  22. okay...1st off NAUTI IS JUST FINE..... SETOMONKEY African? Your kiddin right?......lmao Gerrit.......LMAO......That video is funny......All the boys were big grls would not eat a worm....Too...funny.... ...Rich tryed but as you saw on the video he allmost puked ......lmao... Fear factor would be a peice of cake for me.......lmao
  23. I cannot recall a wetter autumn that this one. Still got leaves in the yard and cannot clean them up cause everything is too wet... By a pair of wellies then put up on ur tootsies & grab a pair of garden gloves get urself out in the garden and rake them leaves up.....Pft...What an excuse......lol......... Big grls blouse........
  24. lol Thanx for pointing that out i never even realised there was a clock.......
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