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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Yeah i know Markus i was down at one of our local spot this morning 1st thing. Took the boat down but it was just raining so hard decided to fish from shore for little over an hr instead. No hits today but ohh well!!! I was sodden to the skin with a waterproof jacket on...well felt like it anyway.........I think i would have rather it had snowed than this cold wet misserable stuff.....lol Will see how the weather fairs up this week. If the water does stay open will head down again one day through the week......As for getting out the only thing that would stop me would be a hurricane.
  2. This is in febuary right? What is the date? Hope to make it up there also.
  3. Welcome to OFC. As for smoked rarebitt! Yes when i was small my grandaddy used to hunt alot and sometimes smoked his rarebitt.......I never been keen on it just because i think we used to each so much of it every sunday it allways seemed to be rarebitt for dinner.....so has put me off now......lol
  4. I can just imagine Jeremy. Was talking to a couple of local guys down there said they pulled in a 4.2lb smallie last yr. Like i allready said it was a friday and quite a few people down there. I thought it may be quieter being that is was a working day for most.....WRONG!!!....
  5. Yup i have the logitech too....Use it to talk to my family across the big pond quiet often on weekend's & never had a problem with it.
  6. I will be out again in the morning Mike. What can i say i'm a fishoholic......Do they have help groups for that?.......lol
  8. Thanx for that Roy! For some reason would not work for me...GRRRRRR! LOL
  9. Well i am a righty Joey but i reel in and retrieve with my lefty.
  10. Well headed out early this morning. Our plan was to head down to Lake st claire and do some fishing down that way just for a change of scenery. Anyway on our way down we stopped at walley mart and grabbed a couple of new lures. Left there and decided to hit a well known bait and tackle store. Man i could have spent half the day in there. I swear he had everything and both the guys working there were great. Well anyway i finally after three different locations found my bug chug.....lol....I also brought myself a brandnew LED allure lure. Has anyone else tryed these out? They are pretty dern cool. No batteries the light has a thousand hrs of life, And they really do look cool in the water. So anyway after about an hr in there we were told about a real hotspot for pike & they were not kiddin. So we headed on down and on the way got a blooming flat tire. So got that fixed had a sarnie and headed down to the water. Now this was my 1st time down here new terain and it was absolutley beautiful. There were allready about five people down there fishing. Ohhh and as we left the van we saw three guys going back to there cars with what looking like a couple of pike in a plastic bag.....So anyway we get down there and find this. What a total mess. So untangled it all and ended up with all these.... I had a couple of hits with in the space of like 20 minutes and missed both....Grrrrrr...There were some people a little ways down from us that were pulling in one perch after the other. I think you can just make them out on the rocks. Anyway we decided to move further down river when we saw a guy pull in this little beauty. Which sadley was also taken home....But the hook was buried pretty deep and it was bleeding. The guy who caught this pike was actually going to grab it by the inside of its mouth. I about had kittens and hollared at him NOOO!!! He looked at me like i was crazy.....lol So anyway on our merry way......Steve decided to try the new bug chug i had brought and sure enough he got a hit on it. Was a nice pike too just a shame he never landed it. *smirks* We were in this erea for about five hrs today and i saw seven pike in total pulled out of this body of water. Four of which i saw taken away in bags. For a friday it was pretty busy down there so i am thinking that there is probably allready alot of presure on the fishing here which is why i am not revealing the location.Its a shame that that many pike were taken and thats only what i saw with my own eyes in those few hrs Could have been more. But in all even though i never landed a pike today i got to see some beautiful new scenery it was a nice mild day and for sure beats working. So Today was just a awesome day to be out by the water. This is a very short video clip of the pike that steve never managed to land and then me just blah blah blahing!!!! <a href="http://www.zippyvideos.com/1960803706520736/pike_hot_spot/"><img src="http://i2.zvhost.com/2/j/jb42128f.jpg" border="0" /></a> Oh!!! And one last thing. Was also out fishing late last night. I was bored so i decided to head down to the lake and seen that they have finally taken the fishing tugs here in dover out of the water. Okay tryed to add the video link like six different times now sorry cannot get it to work for some reason. Shame !!!
  11. http://stormlures.com/images/thumbnails/ha...hug_bug_342.jpg There ya go fishindevil hopefully that link works....lol
  12. I just watched it several times myself and i think i would have to agree It does look like a muskie. But again its not a great video as in picture clear.
  13. Yup i heard we are in for a big freeze next week but then temps are soppost to warm up yet again. If we do get any ice in our neck of the woods i think it will be very short lived.
  14. I pretty much fish anything & everything.....Allthough we are all waiting for ice to come i also cannot wait for APRIL TO GET HERE getting up at 3.30am to go to a great perch spot to do some great very early morning perch fishing. Been doing that every yr for the last four yrs now. Roll on April.
  15. Only ever had the flu once in my entire life. I remember what it was like though thought i was going to die. Was beded down for allmost two weeks with home visit from my family DR every day. That is when they actually used to do house calls back in the UK. I hope your all feeling better soon. NAUTI.
  16. I just entered... I know i wont win but ahh what the hell its fun...& thanx TJ.
  17. Well roy pop over or down to the shop buy two bags of sugar empty half of one bag. Then you will get to see exactly what one & arf bags of sugar look like. Don't firget to hold em too though okay? Then next time ur out fishing and u wanna guess the weight of ur fish just remember what holding that bag n arf of sugar felt......lol
  18. Well you lot might larf But i allways judge the weight of a fish by how many bags of sugar.....lol I beleive there are 1kg to every 2 lbs metric. So a bag of sugar is 2kg if it seems to weigh the equivilent of 1 bag of of sugar then ur fish is roughly around the 4lb mark. If you cannot judge the weight of what a half a bag of sugar is thats not my fault..... lol I NEVER GOT TO WEIGH THE PIKE I CAUGHT LAST SUNDAY BUT MY ESTIMATED GUESS WAS HE WAS AROUND THE 5 - 6LB Range.
  19. You look like ur constipated rich.
  20. Ahhh okay thankyou Gerritt. I allways thought a fan was just called a fan.....lol....
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