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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. That was pretty funny....lol
  2. So are we to bring something towards the prize table for this event?
  3. I'm all for fresh fish green But atleast make sure its really dead & not still floppin before u take the electric knife to it....... lol
  4. Same here rick...There are a few hundred tree's around my erea too...I have tall pines and populars all the way up one side of my house. I have a huge blue spruce on my front lawn and the poor thing is just laden down with weight right now...I love this tree....lol We had a light dustin of snow a little earlier i hear we are in for some more through the night. I just hope i don't wake up in the morning with a tree in my bedroom.
  5. Well that fish did not look dead to me when he started filletting it......EUWW!!.....LOL
  6. Your welcome Nannok.
  7. The aliens built them clampet.........lol The Mystery is not just about how they got there but also why are they there. There are different oppinions why . Its a beautiful place my 1st time there i was around 11 yrs old before they fenced it all off to the public. Sadley pollution is now slowly distroying the stone. I am not sure if anyone else here has been to stone henge but there is most certainly an erie feeling when you walk around. Its really hard to tell just how tall these stones are on pictures but trust me they are huge!!
  8. Hope they help and hope we get to see the finished result.
  9. I guess they must have got hit pretty hard Lorrissa was not aware but glad to hear your family and freinds are all safe & warm. Our hyrdo has gone down twice now in the last hr only for a few minutes. My house is surrounded by very big trees and as beautiful as the look right now u sure hope onne does not fall due to the weight of all the ice on them and now it has started to snow here ontop of it all.....BLIMEY!! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16634187/ Thats a link to the local news there do not see anything about bass pro shop being looted
  10. Rich tell eric to keep his hands to himself I know its his birthday en all but sheeshhhh.
  11. Those are beautiful shots guy's. We had a hydro pole down here in dover this afternoon that actually caused a fire. Was talking to one of the fire officers said that there is so much going on right now as in accident and poles and trees coming down they cannot keep up. I guess apparentley we are in for some high winds tonight and snow which i did not know. But i was told it is going to get worse before it gets better so stay safe out there everyone. My back deck i swear must have an inch thick of ice on it right now you could put skates on and skate on it...lol Sorry about the sideways picture....lol
  12. Beautiful Congrats
  13. Well joey i hope you are going to turn ur butt right back around and head back for home......Hey i know!! Let's go fishing......lol
  14. lol Whopper It is the name of a major road here runs from PD through to Brantford. WOW Camil that went down fast 1st it was 79.summit now it has gone all the way down to 70.9.....WOW..... LOL
  15. Well i know some of you had too or have to drive out there this morning. Be safe out there But i think with everything covered in ice it looks just beautiful. Took these outside my place this morning.. Still freezing rain coming down but it does not feel as cold as i thought it would out there.
  16. $78.2 at cockshut this morning.
  17. Gerrit have you asked your DR about bone cement? Now i am guessing they are taking a scraping of the bone from ur pelvic erea would that be correct>? Then replacing it in ur wrist? The reason i ask is because 18 months ago my eldest boy had a work injury which caused his whole tibia to pulverised The cartlidge in his ankle was also smashed to smitherines.......So what they did was they removed all the cartlidge from his ankle and had to rebuild his tibia with bone cement as there was nothing left. Pretty damn amazeing if you ask me. Anyway after an allmost 6 hr surgery and allmost 10 days in hospital he now has a metal plate around his ankle and six pins up his leg. They did not go in anywhere else to get bone. Now i know this is not the same kind of surgery but i am just wondering if they could maybe do something simliar. I am no DR i am just telling you what they did with my son. This was my boy 18 months ago and allthough he still has alot of pain with it because of arthritis setting in atleast he still has his leg and is alive.....I swear someone was for sure looking out for him the day this happened. Good luck with the surgery gerrit and a speedy recovery.
  18. I caught the show myself this morning before heading out fishing. Awesome about sums it up........ Great job guy's keep up the great work and looking forward to next weeks episode.
  19. lol well will have to wait and see rich.....A grlfreind of mine just gave me a call said there is a little dusting of snow on the ground where she is in brantford and when she was on her way back home to around 3.00pm this avo she said the roads were all fine till she hit waterford. Said the roads from there were like a icerink. Its not doing anything here and i see no ice out front on the roads. & of course it had to stop blooing raining didn't it...grrrrrr!!
  20. I dunno but i would have to say pretty dern close to a TON if you ask me....Just the antlers alone on that beast musT have some weight to them....As for how close would i get to that animal for a pic...Not that blooming close that i do know.....
  21. I still cannot get over the size of that it's like the size of a blooming Elephant......
  22. DANC You ever see those bags u can use for storeing linnen. You suck the air out of them with a vacum hose. I beleive they come in twice the size of that bag. Now whether they are any good for freezing food in i have no idea....lol
  23. Holy crap that thing is humongous I would have had kitten right they're & then OMG!...LOL A few yrs back my uncle who used to be a scout leader took a couple of teen boy's includeing one of my boy's up on a canoeing and camping trip up in Argonquin park. They were up there for a week, Anyway when i saw the pictures my son and another lad chris were in the water in the canoe and were really close to this moose. My uncle took pictures......Actually they are great pictures but had i of been there i would have freaked on his *(*& Will have too see if i can get a copy of them.
  24. Well it feels warmer here in dover than it actually did when i headed out fishing this morning. Yesterday morning i had a mudwasp flying around in my den! I could hear something buzzing and sure enough they're is a blooming wasp on my inside window behind the blinds. How crazy is that? I did take a picture but my son deleted it....GRR!!!
  25. Okay i see it now roy Thanx Never saw it when i read it the 1st time....duh!!...lol
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