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steve barrett

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Everything posted by steve barrett

  1. On my last fishing licence.Will be the big 65 when it renews.Not really looking forward to getting older but fishing for free is not all that bad. Now for a question .Do I now fit into the conservation licence slot for fish limits.And when my grand children are out with me do they also fall under my new limits?
  2. Pinch them all the time. If not one would limit out in a few minuits and would have to go home.The barbs tend to rip the mouth to the extent one cannot let the fish go one has to keep them .Shure makes a mess out of small trout. This was a good question Steve
  3. John old friend just file off your barb and out comes the hook.Been doing it for years .Steve
  4. Brookies for sure.Been eyeing them up all week .Planning to catch a few saturday morning then letting them go.Fun to catch. Steve
  5. Hi Been using the old stick and clamp for years on my boats .Works well Only use it for water depth and drop offs. I think it lies most of the time about fish below the boat . Its an old hummingbird portable but I like it anyhow.
  6. We catch lots of Bass up here during the summer months.But most are returned to the water.Don't care for bass But Pike, Walleye and trout are the favourite keepers .
  7. Yep. Keep the odd one for eating. Nice summer fish. No worms like bass.
  8. Nice pictures .Great looking cats.
  9. Don't mind gardner snakes and other harmless ones. But I hate those water snakes that like to crawl into one's boat. Got lots of rattlers up at my cabin. Have to watch where one walks up there .If it wasn't great fishing up there I would be gone. :
  10. You guys are doing better than me.My ride is still under a tree with snow still around her.She will not see water till opening day. Good luck.Steve
  11. Great pictures Dirk. Go out and buy her a pink fishing fishing outfit and she will be soon showing the old boy how to fish.Congrats. STEVE
  12. Not going this year Bernie.Getting too expensive . It would be a hundred dollar day for me with 30 bucks for tickets ,lunch for both of us and gas. Been a few times .Good show worth a visit just to see cottage stuff and toys. Have a good day. Steve
  13. Mostly catch and release But will eat the injured ones.Mostly brookies. But preferr Halibut instead. Steve
  14. Thanks Maverick. Just found an old 1972 450 Honda in a barn Hasent been on the road since 1982. Not seized and the manuals are in there .I guess this will keep Dave my son and I busy for the summer.
  15. My little lake never freezes .
  16. Got two small ponds in the frount yard with a few specks. Don't catch them .They are really after a while become pets. Got a wee mink who nails the odd one. But that is what he is supposed to do. The worst offender is the herron who nails everything frogs, fish and leaves the large ones he cannot swallow to die on the bank. There should be a season on those critters.Ponds are ok but a lot of work. Steve
  17. Sure why not? If you try something that works for you .Go for it. I myself try different things that makes me happy and if one catches fish it's a bonus. Keep the lines light especially with flies.
  18. Nice pictures.Like the second one as they are taking off.Nasty creatures as they will stay most of the summer and mess all over my lawn. Their messes are the sizes of dog poo. Not good for grand kids.
  19. Nice pictures.Sure sign of spring. Geese on my front yard and these little critters after my trout in my ponds.No peepers yet .
  20. Good one John.
  21. Great place to spend an evening .Beats watching the tube. The comercials drive me nuts.So I just turn it off. Great bunch of guys and gals and lots of great fishing tips.
  22. Hi Pete If one can slide up no.6 hwy. there is some mighty fine bass fishing up here in grey county.There is some great bass lakes up here .Lake Euginia for example and some smaller ones that a small tinny might navigate.Not many eyes up here but further up the bruce there is some in the small lakes.The small picture is me holding an average bass up here. Good luck on your choice. Steve
  23. Hi Bernie. Great pictures.Kinda brings a tear to one's eye just remembering those days when we were kids and not a worry in the world. Please keep them comeing. Steve
  24. nice one. We need one's like this to cheer us up!
  25. Hi Cambo .Have you tried Euginia? There is a few huts on the south side of the island.They are always there from year to year. They must be catching a few perch. Steve
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