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Everything posted by richyb

  1. The deer around the places I hunt must have heard me say I was going to shoot them or something because they have vanished over the last month. I had high hopes that after the dec shotgun hunt things would change but nope, still no deer. Before the Nov gun hunt I seen about 15 deer, since I have seen 2. Sooooooooooooooooooooo Im thinking misfish must have put out a huge bait pile and my deer are heading south. So anytime I expect to read a post from him on how he shot a buck that I have trail cam pics of. Now that we have snow ill put on a few miles and see where they are hiding. Good luck to anyone that is still deer hunting !
  2. One day with wire line on simcoe dad pulled out a small wood stove. Fishing with my uncle for bullheads one night he thought he had a big channel cat on untill a beaver climbed up on the far bank with his glowing jig head stuck on its foot. I got a clam once on a worm. I caught a salmon in coldwater with about 8" of a spear sticking out of its back. It would be cool to drain a big lake and see all of the crap thats down there.
  3. There are ones with infrared flashes that I dont think are visable when they go off. There isnt a noise at all.
  4. thats like a lady GAGA deer. I have seen a couple does shot with spikes but thats insane.
  5. Thats the one that this computer wont let me open. Thanks for the help. Is this out in the new regs yet or would it be available at a fishing store like tromblys in orillia ?
  6. Thanks , my computer is saying the file is damaged and could not be repaird. Ill figure it out somehow.
  7. My grandparents live on canal lake and I cant find anything online about the new regs. Does anyone have a link to the kawartha lakes ice fishing regs ? thanks .
  8. CAST....REEL....JERK.....REEL....JERK .... oops thats my paddle fishing method.
  9. what can tiger woods do with his wedges that he cant do with his escalade?..... Back em' up
  10. untill simcoe is froze up for lakers and whities ill be on the smaller lakes for perch, pike and crappie. Then once simcoe is closed its back to the small lakes.
  11. I think we need some dirty weather and get some snow on the ground. Get them thinking food again instead of the LADIES. I never have any luck durring the rut.
  12. One of these days one of them buggers are going to screw up and come close. I moved one of my stands yesterday and found a sweet deer trail pounded to mud. Sat there lastnight and only seen a coyote. Maybe tonight is the night.
  13. WOW dark to dark , man my butt gets sore after 1 1/2 hours I might get crazy and sit for 2 hours tonight lol. BUT all the books say that the biggest bucks have been shot in the middle of the day. G/L
  14. Im guessing you mean barrie? I seen on the news that people were catching them at the docks down town a couple weeks ago.
  15. Sweet set up ! Im a CAT man and love the green. I have the same bike but without the speedo and I had to get red because green wasnt in stock Just a little heads up. Last winter I heard people were getting charged on simcoe for riding 2 people on an ATV even with an extra seat. The atv has to be manufactured with the second seat for it to be legal.
  16. Them big ones are sneaky buggers. Have you tried your stand that you moved way in yet? Im goin out tonight to try my luck.
  17. It looks like one of those pro bass fisherman set the hook on that last poor fish !
  18. Graduated F&W in 05'
  19. Getting closer ! Keep at it, im sure you will stick one yet.
  20. Looks like a nice spot, hope you stick a big one. I had a fawn under my stand the other night, momma was in the thick stuff behind me and wouldnt come out to say hi.
  21. Gun or Bow its the same vitals your aiming at. Your taking the same shot just with a different weapon. Archery is just tougher because you have to be within 60 yards No offence to the crossbow guys but at 20 yards, a crossbow is as easy as having a gun in your hands. Not much skill involved. The only thing that a seperate course could teach someone is that they cant pick up a compound bow and expect to be good, you have to practice.
  22. One of the guys at deer camp had a pair of boots I think were called NATS. They felt like foam but they were tall and waterproof just like a rubber boot and only weighed 1 pound each. They had liners in them and the box said -90C rating. He says they are the warmest boots he has ever had.
  23. Nice bucks . What rifle did you use for the first one ?
  24. Some of those big fancy outfitters make the guys shoot their bows before they go out to make sure they are a decent shot or they wont let them hunt. Just wait untill you need a PAL to buy a X-bow. Then lets hear the pissin !
  25. Doesnt the basic hunting course cover ethical shots ? Its not like just anyone is grabbing a bow and shooting up the woods. You still need the hunter education to be able to get a small game license.
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