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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. I love this post thanks for keeping there memories alive Jim I remember the post of your last trip out with your father it was a great one also as well as the last one from Joey they are the memories that mean a lot to you both Thanks for sharing them. I wish my Grandfather had shared his stories but he kept them to him self he was a MP for WWII we have some of his medals from back then they have been on display at a old friends house as he has many medals from over the years. My dad has my Great Grandfathers gun from the bore war it is a huge black thing and would have been hell to fight with. And my uncle was in WWII I believe he has not spoken much about his days all I know is that he spent many days over there that a lot of his buddies did not come home from and he does not want to share I can not blame him. Thanks to all the Vets and ones serving us now
  2. Down my way Tj there are a bunch of people who have done it over the years and YES it works great if you can find there trees you are in the best spot for crappie and pan fish in the spring they sure do like to hide inside them things.
  3. Thanks for the kind words Lew and Joey I hope that we get to see you guys this weekend the weather looks great so far but ho knows right this is LSC after all LOL. Thanks Buster Cram sorry I had forgot to send Roy some pics of my lures here are a couple of them. I am just using a face book account for now but hope to get some extra $$$ and have a web site made for selling and promoting my lures. Midnight Mojo Copper Confusion Lemon Lime Ice Michael Jackson
  4. nice looking rods will you have some at the big Ontario fishing shows?
  5. Last year the family and I were going through the same debate I had never had a dog before so we did alot of asking and looking around before we picked out our new family member he is a black lab and has fit right into our family its like he has been here for years. The Labs are so easy to train and super smart. I would not trade him in even thought he is full of energy he is amazing with the kids my son 5 can ride on his back and be all over the dog and it does not fizz him at all. He oves the boat but gets a little pissy if were not catching fish its funny watching him look at the reel as if he is waiting for a musky to make it scream. enjoying the boat ride waiting for the rod to go off a little ticked off at me when we were not getting fish
  6. Now I know where you and Paul got to well kinda found out Saturday but we were all wondering what happened to Adam at least he was in good company. Great report Joey. Roy and J sorry to here of the loss.
  7. We are also wishing for the best results for her
  8. Hope you all have a good weekend we have a nice group of OFNCers heading down my way in a few hours also lets hope the musky goddess is on our side tomorrow.
  9. Dang Wayne I am truly saddened to her the news here but we will keep her in our thoughts for sure and hope that she will pull through on the other side of this next battle. There are alot of people here pulling for her and your family. Mike
  10. For the guys and girls heading this way this weekend the Sub Way at Bloomfield road put up a sign for Saturday and Sunday deals buy 1 foot long get the second FREE all weekend. and the price in Chatham is just as Brian was saying about the same as Tilbury. Now the service centers in Westlorn area have KFC Timmies Taco hell and A&W on both sides of the HWy.
  11. White Rabbit on the far side over dare
  12. Nice work The pike do love spinner baits for sure I like that pattern on the crank baits
  13. Lots of great fishing right in town and with in 1 hour any direction you will find 100's of lakes and rivers to fish from. There is a great bunch of guys with MCI who have the Sudbury chapter of Muskies Canada they do many outings and are all great people. I lived there for around 13 years and it was great I would like to get back up in the area again one day. If your into the outdoors you will find a lot to keep you going. Dont worry about what they Sault boys say they are mad that they get all the snow and hate the fact that Sudbury misses most of the big storms but can travel to the good areas LOL.
  14. I wanted to do it two years in a row down here but there was not enough interest in it so they canceled it each time since then I gave up heck I got sick of the Bull on the radio down here I took it out last season to many goofs playing beer bottle openers on it and acting a fool for my liking on the radio.
  15. Well its here again I hope all who get out fishing tomorrow have there masks packed and pumpkins carved already so ya don't have to get home before dark. Here are our creations for the year the family left to right Mine Da Wifes the daughter has the next two and my son is the last one and for the ones who were wondering YES those are boogers he marked under its nose And the best part of all
  16. It's rockin good right now about 20MPH from the south it would be a fun ride on the lake today kinda like every year LOL
  17. Nice work as always Joey it sure is nice to atleast be able to make something for musky when you can chase them. hope to see you guys down here soon if the wind can stay away for a bit. Cheers Mike
  18. I think most here know that the Libs are not worth the time to type on the key board but I know I dont want to pay$30 or more to have a tank filled and how about the people who heat there house?
  19. Nice one Ryan Im just glad there were no minnow buckets used when making the viedo
  20. The problem I have with it is that the mom and pop shops that have been filling BBQ tanks for years will be out of business like Bass Haven here in Mitchell's bay they just took there tank out and from what Dennis said on his site they had been filling tanks for 40 years with no problems. I agree with the big supply stations needing to be away from residential areas but I would not be afraid to have a BBQ tank filling station next door to me.
  21. Check out sunny achers on Cameron lake they have a couple cabins and might let you stay for a night
  22. I just read this from a local site here in the Chatham area it sure does not sound good for back yard BBQ's or heating your campers .....want to read this!:(:mad: "Hold onto your wallets 'cause Dalton and his gang are at it again!" Ontario Propane Legislation Another Government Blunder!! Well, in the Ontario governments latest brainstorming session they have now set their sights on the supply of propane and making it almost impossible for the average consumer or business to purchase it. In a release that I just received from the Ontario Propane Association, the Ontario Recreational Vehicle Dealers Association and Camping in Ontario the latest bill Ontario Regulation 440/08 due to come into effect January 01 2011 will see the many distribution centres that dot the Province require the services of a Professional Engineer to the tune of $25,000 per site to develop what they term a Risk and Safety Management Plan. This plan would take up to three months to prepare, again, by site. What this will mean to the average consumer is that we will no longer be able to get our BBQ or RV tanks filled at the local refueling station as many can not afford these initial and ongoing costs. The larger centres where propane might still be available will see prices escalate, some even speculating above $50 per 20lb tank just to fill making camping, one of the best past times, that much more expensive, possibly forcing some to stop camping. A lot of families and retirees alike are on strict budgets. If Ontario Regulation 440/08 is implemented as written, it is surmised that 90% of Ontario's propane refill installations will close. We, as a company, normally supply our new trailers with full propane tanks but will no longer have access to an economical supply as well as the average consumer will be out in the cold, literally. So what can be done?? Please contact your local MPP and let them know that this regulation HAS to be modified so that we consumers and business's alike have access to an economical supply of propane. We all understand that Safety is of the utmost importance when it comes to any fuel. Hopefully cooler heads can prevail and we can come up with a SAFE and ECONOMICAL solution otherwise OUR lively-hood and your past time is in jeopardy. Here is the actual legislation........ ONTARIO REGULATION 440/08 made under the TECHNICAL STANDARDS AND SAFETY ACT, 2000 Made: December 10, 2008 Filed: December 11, 2008 Published on e-Laws: December 12, 2008 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: December 27, 2008 Amending O. Reg. 211/01 (Propane Storage and Handling) Note: Ontario Regulation 211/01 has not previously been amended. 1. (1) The definition of “facility” in subsection 1 (1) of Ontario Regulation 211/01 is amended by striking out “carlock/keylock” and substituting “cardlock/keylock”. (2) Subsection 1 (1) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following definitions: “risk and safety management plan” means a risk and safety management plan that sets out the safe operation of a retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre and that meets the requirements of subsection 3.1 (1); “total capacity” means the total volume of fixed, portable, mobile and all other transient storage at a retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre, including the total volume of all cylinders or tanks in which propane is stored and any tanker trunks or rail cars that stay at the retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre for longer than it takes for the propane to be transferred; “USWG” means volume in U.S. water gallons; 2. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section: Risk and safety management plan, certain facilities 3.1 (1) A person who holds a licence to operate a retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre shall prepare a risk and safety management plan, which shall, at a minimum, address the following matters: 1. A hazard analysis that identifies possible hazardous scenarios, the frequency of those scenarios and their consequences, and that takes into account, i. the most severe incident or situation that could occur at the referenced facility based on the total capacity of propane at the referenced facility, and ii. any less severe incident or situation that could occur at the referenced facility. 2. A risk assessment that is based on the single largest transient, mobile, portable, or fixed propane storage vessel, as the case may be, at the referenced facility and that, i. estimates the injury or death that would likely be caused to people at or in the vicinity of the referenced facility as a result of an incident or situation described in paragraph 1, ii. reasonably estimates the hazard distance applicable to the referenced facility, and iii. concludes that the assessed risk is acceptable based on the measures described in paragraphs 3 and 4. 3. A risk mitigation and control plan that is based on the reasonable measures taken to limit the risks assessed in subparagraphs 2 i and ii. Where total capacity at the referenced facility exceeds 5,000 USWG, the risk mitigation and control plan, in addition to accounting for the matters in subparagraph 2 i, shall also consider nearby land use. 4. An emergency response and preparedness plan that provides for onsite and offsite procedures, including evacuation procedures, to be followed in the event of an incident or situation described in paragraph 1. (2) The risk and safety management plan shall be prepared, (a) by a professional engineer, where the total capacity of propane at the retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre is 120,000 litres or more (30,000 USWG); or ( by a person who has specialized knowledge in the field of risk management, where the total capacity of the retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre is less than 120,000 litres (30,000 USWG). (3) On receipt of the risk and safety management plan, the director shall confirm that the plan meets the requirements of this section. (4) The director shall make available to the public, in print or electronic form, the evacuation procedures set out in the risk and safety management plan. (5) No person shall operate a retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre unless the person has submitted a risk and safety management plan to the director that meets the requirements of this section and the risk and safety management plan is kept current in accordance with this section. (6) No person shall operate a retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre, (a) except in accordance with the risk and safety management plan; and ( unless the person has implemented, (i) the measures set out in the risk mitigation and control plan required under paragraph 3 of subsection (1), and (ii) the emergency response and preparedness plan required under paragraph 4 of subsection (1). (7) No person shall operate a retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre with fixed, portable, mobile or transient storage, or any combination of them, in excess of that provided for under the risk and safety management plan. (8) A person who operates a retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre shall maintain an up-to-date account of any changes to identified hazards, assessed risks and the emergency response and preparedness plan and shall conduct a full review of the risk and safety management plan at least annually. (9) A person who operates a retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre, (a) shall give written notice to the director within 15 days of a change to any of the information contained in the risk and safety management plan; ( shall update the risk and safety management plan to reflect the change; and © shall implement any risk mitigation and control measures and emergency response and preparedness measures identified as part of the update. (10) Operators of retail outlets, filling plants, cardlocks/keylocks, private outlets or container refill centres shall prepare and submit their risk and safety management plans in accordance with the following schedule: 1. Operators in possession of a licence on or before December 31, 2008, shall submit their risk and safety management plan on the first renewal of their licence after December 31, 2010. 2. Operators in possession of a licence on or before December 31, 2008 who are seeking a modification of their licence, i. shall submit their risk and safety management plan on the first renewal of their licence after December 31, 2010, if the application for modification of their licence is made on or before December 31, 2009, and ii. shall submit their risk and safety management plan when they are applying to modify their licence, if the application for modification of their licence is made after December 31, 2009. 3. Persons who do not hold a licence on or before December 31, 2008, i. shall submit their risk and safety management plan on the first renewal of their licence after December 31, 2010, if their application for a licence is made on or before December 31, 2009, and ii. shall submit their risk and safety management plan when they apply for their licence, if their application for a licence is made after December 31, 2009. 3. (1) Section 5 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsections: (3) Every person who is licensed to operate a facility under this Regulation shall ensure that their employees or agents are trained in the facility’s emergency management procedures and shall ensure that they are trained at least annually in emergency management procedures. (4) Every person who is licensed to operate a facility under this Regulation shall ensure that new employees or agents receive the training required by subsection (3) as soon as is practical after they commence their responsibilities. (2) Section 5 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsections: (5) Every person who is licensed to operate a facility under this Regulation shall ensure that certificate holders or persons with a ROT, who perform functions at the facility, are provided with site-specific training and shall keep a record of the persons who were trained and the dates on which they were trained and the name of the trainer on each date. (6) Every person who is licensed to operate a facility under this Regulation shall keep, (a) records of the dates on which the fire protection devices, equipment or systems were serviced, maintained, repaired or tested; and ( the results of those tests. 4. Section 6 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection: (2) Any person who is required to hold a certificate or ROT under this Regulation shall produce it on demand of the director, an inspector, or any other person. 5. Section 13 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection: (3) No person shall operate a new or modified facility unless they have first contacted the fire service where the facility is located to provide the fire service with an opportunity to attend at the site and to become familiar with the facility. 6. Clause 27 (3) (d) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: (d) subject to subsections (15) and (16), prepare and submit a legible plan in triplicate that shows, (i) the location of each propane storage tank, cylinder storage facility, underground piping or tubing and other propane handling facilities within the container refill centre or filling plant, (ii) the location of parking spaces designated by the applicant for tanker truck parking, (iii) the distance from each propane storage tank and cylinder storage facility to the property lines of the centre or plant, (iv) each building or structure located within 50 feet of a propane storage tank, (v) the location of each site where flammable or combustible substances are stored, (vi) the capacity in USWG of each propane storage tank within the centre or plant, and (vii) any other relevant information requested by the director that is necessary to ensure that the installation is safe and complies with this Regulation; and 7. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section: Licensing of certain facilities 27.1 (1) The director shall not consider an application for a licence for a retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre or an application for an expansion of one, unless it is accompanied by an approval from the fire service responsible for the area where the referenced facility is located. (2) The approval of the fire service shall indicate that the fire service has approved all components of the risk and safety management plan that address fire safety, fire protection and emergency preparedness. (3) On application for a licence for a retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre or on application for its renewal, the applicant shall ensure that at least one person referenced in subsection (4) holds a certificate or a ROT that is at least at the highest level of certificate or certificates or ROT required for the operation of the referenced facility. (4) For the purposes of subsection (3) the person who must hold the certificate or ROT is, (a) an officer or director, in the case of a corporation; ( a partner, in the case of a partnership; or © the proprietor, in the case of a sole proprietorship. (5) On application for a licence for a retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre or on application for a modification, the applicant shall provide a letter from the municipality or, in the case of land within a planning area consisting of territory without municipal organization, the planning board where the referenced facility is located, (a) indicating that the referenced facility’s use for its intended purpose does not contravene the zoning by-laws of the municipality or of the planning board, as the case may be; ( confirming that the municipality or the planning board has been provided details of the proposal and has had the opportunity to comment to the applicant on the land use planning aspects of the proposal; and © setting out any comments referred to in clause ( and how the applicant intends to address those applicable to the applicant’s risk and safety management plan. (6) For the purposes of licensing or renewing the licence of a retail outlet, filling plant, cardlock/keylock, private outlet or container refill centre, the director shall consider its total capacity. 8. Section 27.1 of the Regulation, as made by section 7, is amended by adding the following subsection: (7) The director shall cause retail outlets, filling plants, cardlocks/keylocks, private outlets and container refill centres to be inspected at least annually. 9. Section 30 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection: (9) Subsections 27.1 (3) and (4) apply to an application to renew a licence for a container refill centre or a filling plant whether the application is made before or after the licence has expired. 10. (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), this Regulation comes into force on December 31, 2009. (2) Sections 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 come into force on January 1, 2009. (3) Subsection 3 (1) comes into force 60 days after the day this Regulation is filed.
  23. Nice report Tj congrats to Avery for his first of many trips that group pic will have many stories to come even though there was no BBD this was a great read as always. Cheers Mike
  24. Great report for sure what a amazing bunch of fish congratz.
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