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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. He was a great coach for sure RIP Burnsey
  2. Lew I wish this was another post for Jade and I but not this time. Heck I just hope to get out 1 more time this season.
  3. These fish were not caught by me but What a great musky day for these two guys, I had to post this here it was such a great read and two huge musky I don't know the guys but these fish are amazing sorry its so long but its well worth the read. Wow Wow Wow, what a day. Today like basically every day, I found myself headed to the water. Due to a last second cancellation I found myself fishing with my good friend Bob Vandermeer. We were headed out to my favorite late season haunt, Lake St. Clair. As we pulled up to the water our worst fears were realized as we discovered that the entire lake was completely covered in an incredibly dense fog, maybe 100 to 300 feet of visibility. On other lakes that might not pose to much of a problem, however considering that the spot where we had planned on fishing was more than fourteen miles from the launch it certainly made life a bit more complicated. After an excruciatingly long and slow boat ride we finally found ourselves pulling up on our first spot. Since both Bob and I are hard-core members of the proud Musky Innovations Nation we both pulled out pounders and began casting. About fifteen minutes in I found myself sliding the net under a fat 40 incher. A nice start, however nothing near what we came for. Having fished St. Clair my whole life, with a lot of time on the pond in the late fall, I knew that with the conditions the way they were we could be in for something special. About forty five minutes later I saw Bob set the hook yet again into another fish. This time the Monster Mag Musky Innovation Rod was bent completely double. We immediately knew it was a big fish. After a seemingly endless fight I found myself sliding the net under a beautiful 50x24 inch Pounder fish. Following some major congratulations and a few pictures we watched the monster swim back to the bottom. As we were both trying to get our hands to stop shaking, (I still shake on almost every musky my boat lands) I told Bob that no matter what happens the trip was a success since he had just landed his new PR. Little did I know how short of a time it would hold that title. After a short boat ride back up for another pass we started casting again. Sure enough I hear those magical words come from the front of the boat, “Got One” (Since I guide, I always, no mater what, run from the back, Lucky Bob). Immediately we both see a monster head immerse. However luck was not with us on this one and three headshakes later we had the horrible opportunity to see a 50+ inch fish swim away having just thrown the bait. Still feeling pretty good about things I said it was not a big deal and that we would have another chance. A few cast later a 44 incher came up and blasted a Pounder and did end up in the bag. After that we had a bit of a slow spot going for almost an hour before the next fish. Out of nowhere I hear Bob say “Here comes one,” I looked over and my jaw hit the ground! I watched as he turned the Pounder into the first turn and then ran it away from the fish. Instantly the fish lunged for the bait inhaling almost the entire pounder. Bob then blasted the hook set up and back into her face as I raced for the net. Luckily the fish only thrashed at boat side and ended up in the net in no time. Immediately complete pandemonium broke out in the boat. As we looked at the fish laying in the net we both realized that this fish was not just enormous, it might actually be a record. We decided to get some quick measurements and go from there. As we laid her down on the Musky Bumper Board, again my jaw dropped to see her stretch just past the 55 inch mark and caring a girth easily over 26 inches. After a moment’s hesitation we concluded that she needed to see my Tuffy’s 55 inch live well for a second. After a quick call to Scott D’Eath, Vice President of the MOMC (Michigan Ontario Musky Club) we came to the realization that none of there several certified scales located around the lake were still open this late in the year. Considering the size of the fish, Scott offered to try to get someone down to one of the certified scales located on the lake; however it was going to take some time. Having both decided that it was more important to watch this fish swim away then risk waiting hours for a scale, we decided to get a number of good pictures along with an accurate measurement and let her go. Following some serious measurements she came out to 55.25 x 26.75. Now I know it is hard to believe that anyone could top that fish however within an hour or so we came close yet again as I netted another monster, a beautiful 54.75 x 23.75. After that, things finally slowed down for the last couple hours with only one more low 40 incher hitting the net. Overall what a day! Hope to see you all out there tomorrow!
  4. Dang they are a couple nice looking slobs congratz
  5. Heck that is the same price that LOWES in the USA sells them for that is a great price as some stores sell them for $60-$80. There is usually a booth at the MCI Odyssey that has them for $40 that is where I got mine and at that price I could not say no.
  6. That is some funny stuff right there kinda reminds me of a few I have met in the past for sure, right RainbowLew?
  7. Nice Ski Brandon congratz I bet it was a little chilly out there today so its not like you did not work for her.
  8. I think after the 1st period they all knew they were heading down to the minors so they had to pic it up. Other then a couple very STUPID things in the first it was a good game
  9. Great pics and nice pics I gotta get down there some day
  10. Let's hope this second attempt is better than the first! Thanks to everyone for the PM'S and help. I'm going to try it this way and see how it works out! http://web.me.com/handlebarzmuskylures
  11. Nice Ski Dax don't worry about the low numbers as your fishing for a big fat girl not alot of little fish now go out there and get he momma
  12. Bobnoxious was cranking through my house last weekend gotta love having kids around. These are just the three I could find on you tobe but they have a whole Christmas album called HOHOHO and its all great 1 or 2 songs that have a little swearing These are great rocking Christmas toons HOHOHO Police Nabbed my dad Silent night
  13. Congrats for sure Ryan hope the winter is not to long for you or I guess I should say for her as I bet Dave will have some shows in some warm places for you to get away to.
  14. I know a web geek like that well not a geek but sure does know how to use the crack berry on the water the emails are always on my puter before the lines are getting wet again. He also know weather and just about any question before its out he has a answer Slow Poke is not slow on the web stuff.
  15. Thanks Terry and guys I posted this yesterday after working on it for a very long time I thought I had it done right but did not realize that it was just back to the Mac. I was going to try and use mobil me from Mac but it sais that I only get 20 MB for the site is that enough? Or can I put it on one of the free web sites? Like web.com? Just wondering as I really like what I had done so far. Is there some way to email the files to a person who hosts sites like Tj? I guess I should stick to making lures and driving truck two things I can do or think I can
  16. Hey all I just wanted to ask for your opinion on my web site for my musky lures there is not any working shopping cart but orders will be done direct through email its a start until I can get some cash to make a real site I guess this more of info site to start. Thanks ahead Mike Link to Handlebarz site you will have to copy and paste until I get smart enough to post a proper link LOL file:///Users/dannaandmikeparker/Sites/Site/Welcome.html
  17. nice ski the smile sais it all congrats
  18. that is a good idea I wonder would you need to seal the holes made in the cap? silicone over the holes might be a idea I think I will be using it this year.
  19. Great tips as always Wayne it is that time again maybe I should get it done today as this might be the last nice weather here and it sucks sitting on the cold ground outside trying to do it in mid Dec. The old guy that has owned my boat before I bought it used high end Quick silver for the two oils in my motor so I have been using the same I figure its only $5-$10 more a year for lower end and $20 more per gallon of 2 stroke oil but the motor has been running like a champ for all the years he had it and doing the same for me I guess its just preference.
  20. Mo you hit it on the head there I was going to say the same thing Thank you to Lew as anyone who knows him he will not brag of the service he has done for Canada even though there was no war you served us well Lew. This thread as well as the others for today are just great to read.
  21. awesome thanks for sharing Ron
  22. Thanks Rod Caster I did not make it up your way this year I here the water was low how did that affect the season for you? Here are a couple of the double 10's I made for my self this year and in 2011 I will have them for sale along with other colors. Blue gill Confusion Armageddon
  23. What a great fish congrats for sure and yes them nils work amazing down here
  24. Thank's Art it was a big dissision to make as I was not sure if I wanted to sell them but I did have a bunch of people urging me to try it out and from what I have heard things should go good. Thanks Jim Hassison it took a long time to come up with the name it was years in the making LOL. cram I will try and get some new pictures done I need to build some more I still cant get a nice picture that I am very happy with they seem to not show what I want them to they just look dull from the real thing. Maybe I will get Brandon to take care of that part. cwpowell the stores are selling them for $16.99 they wanted to go at $18.99-$19.99 but I asked they keep them lower so that more people can afford them that was my main reason to bring the lures out, they are well built with heavy musky size components and not built with cheap product but you can get them for a affordable price. For now I will offer a 20% OFC discount from the $16.99 price well a little better then that $13.50 each plus shipping or if your in the Chatham area anyone can stop into the house and have a look or I can also make arrangements to meet up between Chatham and Alliston, I head up that way often with work this would save on shipping. I can make custom colors if some one has a idea just shoot it my way and we can get it done.
  25. Awesome Brandon I saw some of the others and am sure you will have a great chance to win Good luck Brandon
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