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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Totally stoked for this great event this year will be a blast if you have not been out for this event please come out great times are always had
  2. Yes 80# is good but you need to check it like any leader after a fish. The reason for 80# over 100-150# for trolling smaller baits it will not kill the action of the lures like heavy leaders will.
  3. Glad I just got another new one I love the nets.
  4. I have and still use ugly stik catfish rods for my trolling rods on LSC they work awesome. I have them as they have a stuff back bone and a fast action rod tip this way I can horse the fish in and still see the action of my lures. So yes I agree ugly stiks are good but you need a heavier model of them. I had used 30# mono and it worked great until I broke off a couple big fish which swam away with 9" of wood and 3 5/0 hooks in it face because of my line. Now I only use 80# or heavier braid line. I like Floro leaders 80# is great for trolling here are we done have to worry about rocks chafing them only zebra mussles or teeth. Your boat will be fine it's what you have and are comfortable with. I have seen a guy here with a boat like that he had it in the back of his small car like a Honda civic that was cool to watch him take it out and set it up. The rod holders I would be worried about. One tip leave your line drag on the loose side that way when you get a crazy strike you will not loose your gear or have your reel blow up. Yes they do blow apart if you have the drag to tight. Go talk to Dennis at bass haven he has the best inline spinner baits for the lake as well as wood crank baits he is full of knowledge and will have daily updates. You might have to make a run of 4-7 miles from the bay to get into the musky unless you fish the river Chanel's. Like outlaw said run your baits up high and around 5mph that should get some things going. The wash rod is amazing to have hit.
  5. I hope your trip is amazing and you both get life long memories from it
  6. Dang that looks sore. A friend just broke his toe so the doctor cut it off no joke
  7. I use iMovie and there is a easy volume level control on it that I can adjust any part or all of the volume. Look around on your program it should have something along the same idea
  8. Very nice pike for sure and you gotta love how they just attack anything that moves I don't know why some people just hate pike fishing they are a blast.
  9. I second a Net they are a lot better then a cradle. I don't like the cradle as your face has to be sown by the fish when landing them so if they thrash and the hooks come out your face is a great target for them. Get a nice rubber coated net I love the Beckmann finn saver nets and just bought a new one they are large enough strong enough for any musky and still light enough for one person to use. If you are solo fishing or have a small boat you might want to look at a large Stowmaster I have always heard good reviews on them. As for caasting rod and reel you don't have to break the bank I would suggest looking in the classifieds they always pop up or put a want add there. a great starting rod would be a compre 8'6" heavy fast action this will be a good all around rod and priced some where around $100 or a bit more. Spend more on your reel as it is more key over the rod it has all the moving parts and you dont want to cheap out there. You can find a great reel in the $200-$300 range but don't have to go that high again look for good used they are out there. Trolling I would suggest the Okuma convector 30D with line counter they are a great reel and you should be able to find them around $100 I have 6 of them and love them all. Trolling rods I look for a fast action very limp rod tip with a stiff back bone this way you have the fighting power to fight the fish but the soft rod tip to see the action on your lures if the rod is not bouncing you might have weeds or a smaller fish that can not pull the drag. I use 80-100# braid line I like power pro or tuff line they are both great lots of other great lines on the market these are just two I have been using. Hope that helps some
  10. Very nice guys it seems you two always have a great time out on the water
  11. I would suggest West arm of Lake Nipissing lots of great areas to fish and for most its easier to get into fish there rather then Georgian Bay. As for lodges I am not sure what is a great place as the ones I have been to have either closed or have new owners so I can not be sure how they are run now but have not heard any bad reports about the new owners. This was a great place to stay at it was close to get fishing and guys always seem to catch big musky right in front of the lodge lots of great protected areas to fish from the wind. The WestArm Lodge and Restaurant Rural Route #3, St. Charles, ON, P0M 2W0 (706) 993-3964 I have heard great things about this place and its close to again awesome musky waters but closer to the main lake then west arm lodge Memquisit Lodge 506 Memquisit Road, Monetville, ON P0M 2K0 Canada 1-888-898-5326 Here is a great site to get you into some great lodges a lot of members from the message board here use it to help them decide where to go. http://getnorth.com/
  12. TJ that is awesome I was sad to see the reports from June with jiggy getting busted up but the new one is looking great. Now more about that wood fired pizza cooler where can one find them?
  13. Congrats to both guys for some nice skis
  14. Well this year has been a great opener for casting I have seen fish every trip which is great for years past with casting for me now trolling that's a different story but for now we are still in full casting mode. I have not boated anything big enough to get the tape measure out yet and have only taken underwater shots other then a pic my wife took of me taking a fish from the bag. Here are some of the pics. We have had the chance for some big fish but they did not commit for my wife and my buddy John lost a couple big fish. I hope Saturday we find the big ones and get them to stick as Cliff and Will are coming down for their winning bid for the Fish-A-thon auction last year. here are some pics. First is a catfish that ate my double 10 Fish that was floating and revived to hopefully survive another day
  15. Nice start to the season thanks for sharing them Pete
  16. Dang here I thought I would see pics lol looking forward the them. I have not boated any big fish yet but have had the chance just no commitment on their part.
  17. When does this world cup thing start? Im not a soccer fan at all but its good for the bars I had to wait to get into The Dizzy Sports Pub in Toronto on Saturday as it was actually packed onto the side walk with people watching the game. I can not watch it way to long and boring
  18. When we lived in Sudsbury we would just hit any lake they almost all have pike and bass you will not have any trouble find them. Its been almost 20 years since I have lived up there but will give you the best advice. Go to Ramakko’s Tackle world when I knew it but now its "Source for Adventure" The guys there will put you on spots and you will catch everything you need http://www.ramakkos.com/
  19. Oh yeah we are booked for the weekend camping and can't wait for it. Just three more weekends to go. For the early birds we have donated something extea this year but only 200 or so better get there early. We are going to be doing a very small auction again this time it's a trip from will and a trip from myself. My wife and I wanted to do a big one but things just did not work out. A big thanks to Will for donating his fishing trip I will post details later.
  20. Hey all I have a extra ticket for the game tomorrow in Toronto just wondering if anyone wanted to join us? The seat is in the end zone first row section 122 one person can come so we have a extra. Tickets cost us $42 that is all I ask is to get that back.
  21. The best feature I found with the gopro is looping it saved me a lot on memory cards and also download time from cameras to computer. I looked at getting one of them cameras you have for release shots but find that the gopro has awesome stills. One tip I can give you from using my hero 2 that did not have looping feature is stop the recording every 5 min max if not it is crazy long to download. I also would say nothing on this one or say what was on the video for editing that way I could just go to the end of each video and see what was on it instead of watching all. The forage. Great idea you have I can't wait to see the underwater video that stuff is always awesome
  22. Thanks guys John you have always had the golden touch with the Barz. Will see you a and cliff in a week for your fish a thon winning bid from last year it will be a blast for sure.
  23. Awesome congrats on a great night Pere thanks for the pics
  24. I just wanted to say Thank you to our very own Justin Hoffman he had contacted me over the winter about a Feature he had in the July issue of Ontario Out Of Doors he was asked to do this one lures made in Ontario I was very pleased and excited when he asked me to be apart of it. I just got the new issue On Canada Day what a great way to celebrate Canada's Birthday buy a present for myself LOL. Their are a lot of great bait makers in the article. Anglers Choice and Bondy bait Company are also in the SW corner of Ontario Water Wolf/Bass Magnet lures are closer to the east side of Ontario I am glad to call them all friends and share this with them Cheers Mike
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