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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. On the bright side my gas prices here just went from $133.8 yesterday to $144.9 today at least it going to hurt us fast not like last time when Dalton waited a coupe days before things went crazy. The first part of my post is sarcasm dont get upset I know the Libs did not do it. Or did they???
  2. They are always killer rods are you guys going to start musky fishing on the fly? Lol.
  3. Very nice congrats that is a trophy for sure
  4. Ok thanks guys I will look at both of them
  5. I can only find them online and my local store does not have them listed in their books and have not heard of them. I guess I am buying online
  6. That was the name I was confused as CTC has Genius ones I did not think that was the name. What places have the best prices? Thanks guys
  7. I need a new charger I remember reading here about other chargers but can not remember what the other brand was that most liked. What are you using?
  8. Lol yes but they must go fishing
  9. Yes Joey I figure it will be later that week or maybe the end of it so that everyone has more then just a day to get the reports in. Heck it gives the southern bunch more time to get the first trip in.
  10. Been very busy here with family and work life have not checked in as much as I like to but I want to wish all the musky nuts a awesome 2014 musky season.
  11. I cleared this with Roy before I posted it. I just want to give back to the OFC family. This contest is very easy it's just like one I have done in the past just post your musky opener pic here it does not have to be with a musky just you getting out on the water enjoying musky fishing. I will select a random winner the week after musky opens up north to give the members up there a chance to get out. The winner will get a Handlebarz prize pack including lure shirt and beer koozie. Best of luck this season to all the musky nuts here.
  12. I buy this stuff in Ohio called camp fog it's great for skeeters just spray the grass and bushes before everyone is heading out back and it kills off most of them and its smells ok. We have tons of skeeters in the SW corner of Ontario this year also. Last night I could only manage to pick worms for 20 min before getting eaten (yes I'm out of camp fog right now) For heading into the bush I used stuff called decca it was in a brown labeled spray can and worked great. I now have MAXX deet it sure does the trick but don't use to much just a bit.
  13. Looks like a great time for you guys congrats
  14. Awesome thread it reminds me I needed a sticker as of yesterday Doh!!!!
  15. Looks like a awesome time guys congrats
  16. Ronnie I hope there is a good turn out for the day the weather should be great
  17. No problem I found them after I looked for my first banner other places were $200+ for a 2'X5' banner at peck it was just over $100 and its outdoor quality.
  18. I use a guy here in Chatham Peck signs I'm sure they can help you out they do all my stickers for my blades to boat decals to my banners they can do any size you need. Give them a call tell them Mike from Handlebarz sent you they will help you out. 519-354-2911 Josh is the one that I usually work with or Terry the owner.
  19. I was just talking to James about getting a couple perch done he had no problem at all. I'm not sure who you talked to but with every dealing I have heard of at advanced they have always done the work. They are very busy right now and running a couple months behind. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience there. As others have said lots of others out there that are not as busy. Btw 15" is a awesome perch.
  20. We would go to golden eagle every first week of July and on some times may 24 it was always great there is good walleye fishing lots of pike lots of bass it's a great place. I don't know the new owners but hear they are very nice.
  21. Thanks rizzo Jen bassnbows and bunk just go for it if you want you can make payments it will be 6 months or better before its ready so a few bucks a months it will be paid off before you know it.
  22. Keep looking they will show up I had alot if hours in to get this one
  23. Skin mounts can look great but no matter what a fish has to be kept. I have a couple old skin mounts but when it came to a musky if this size there is no way I am keeping one to save money on a skin mount. It takes so many years for that big girl to get to 54" it's the same as dads walleye we let it go and he kept some smaller ones for lunch. I don't know that I will get another done for myself but if my wife or kids want one of a big fish they will get I know I will buy them one.
  24. Last year we had a cold spring water temps stayed in the low to mid 60's until June the musky had not all spawned yet. The walleye were still shallower then normal for that time of year. I don't think it will totally depend on the ice out but how quick we get the warm weather if we get a warm spring lots of sun it could easily get the spawn back on track.
  25. Looks like a nice year thanks for sharing
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