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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. I stayed there back in the mid 90's I can't remember the exact spots but I can tell you the owner told us where to go and he was bang on we just had to figure it out. I can tell you what I used and had non stop action. Ultra light with 4lbs line very small jig head motor oil color twister tail and mustard color about 3" long. If you have to tip them with minnows. Just cast and slow retrieve or jig them. Lots of sm bass using baby minus fire tiger and chrome/blue
  2. listen to am 640 and 680 they will give you the best updates on the roads 680 is every 10 min so put it on and listen then make your choice from all of the above clowns
  3. I just wing it no real set amount I mix up a bunch and go by the looks if it looks good it will be
  4. They look awesome I'm glad I bought some Tbones for tonight or I would be out getting some ribs and eating very late.
  5. Welcome aboard like KF was asking what are you after? What reels can you use spinning bait caster? Or just closed face it makes a big difference what you should buy then.
  6. Awesome reports Greg. I'm glad you guys did such a awesome job figuring out what they wanted. I know you guys were waiting to burn them Handlebarz up there since mid winter glad it paid off. Next year I might have to make that trip.
  7. That's what it's about trying again and again
  8. Billy what kind of freak just happens to have a pic of there ribs what do you walk around with them on your phone?????? I DO
  9. Dang greg I've been on pins and needles waiting what a great start I know the ending but can't wait to read it here. Thanks for taking such time in posting all this info this is the best read in a long time on here for a report.
  10. I don't smoke ribs but do on BBQ. I will either use a rub I like and make at home or use ted readers rub then cover with brown sugar. Let sit in fridge 4+ hours the sugar will liquefy the ribs will be cooked indirect heat 250-350 1 1/2-2 hours bone down never turning the rub will carmalize and be amazing The rub I make granulated garlic granulated onion ground cumin kosher salt light brown sugar paprika pure chile powder whole black peppercorns crushed
  11. Jim we have open fall here be sure to drop a line will hook up for some wings I found a new place there awesome.
  12. Golden eagle camp had seasonal spots and camp jiggy is not far away
  13. Awesome Job Ben congrats on the new PB that is a great SM
  14. I think they had a good time looking forward to the report
  15. My wife did them years ago she would use bark trimmings from a saw mill and hand paint them stain them they were awesome. If you can find a saw mill see if they sell the scrap usually for fire wood. Then see if you can find someone with a router you can make a nice one this way just router the name in it and burn it with a torch then stain it. It will last for years
  16. Dang and to think I just took a 6' 2X4 and nailed it to the deck and then put a anchor bolt into the corner of my shed to run my 50' clothesline. I just took it down last week as per the real state guy he said it did not look so good. But like red green would have said it was handy
  17. Well if ya did not get the hint down easter all the way. Now I know Scotty makes the orca and striker rod holder used out west on king salmon but they are a lot different from the normal Scotty's
  18. The new link works for me on my phone have to check the outer later
  19. Yes luremaking.com is the place for info they have it all there. You will have a blast making your own baits
  20. Dang awesome job guys looking at all the pics it feels like just yesterday.
  21. Yes I did lol Great day everyone is having a great time. The kids prizes are starting. Awesome day
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