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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Thats wh yya need to keep them in the crisper this way they can only get so far I was lucky last summer I had a big box of them open in the fridge and the wife was not happy but they were all contained and still jucy
  2. gary you and yours have a good one also maybe I will have to head over to your place if you get some ice this winter it looks bad for us this season.
  3. Tom you suck ( I think that is what every one was trying to say) teasing all of use down here like that, heck I have a new jiffy thats almost three years old and has not had a drop of gas in it. I am jonesing bad for some ice but it is not in the near future for this area I think a road trip might be in order this year. None the less very nice report please keep them coming
  4. I am also a luckey one who gets to take shutdown so I get to spend the holidays withthe family and take soem time for myself to visit friends its just sad that I can not get to see my friends from the east well atleast we can chat here.
  5. Merry Christmas Roy and everyone else out there that is reading the thread. I hope we all make it through this season safe and happy Roy them habs fans know how the little fella feels they are always welcome everywhere they go as long as they stay in the corner and dont say much.
  6. Well I must say that my wife comes through good alomost all of the time she has bought me a ice auger,portable ice hut (it had to go back but not her fault) lures that I will actually use not just some junk ones that will never see the water, and she gets the tools right I just let her know when getting tools buy craftsman or mastercraft this way they are lifetime warntee, received a tablesaw drill press router (I still have to use it) and much more she is great a picking the stuff out. But I do get somethings for my self I think I have alot of hair and blades and other componets for making lures this winter coming but then again I did not see a package arive from the post man so who knows.
  7. Happy Bday Roger
  8. I have a 8 horse on my boat and it was on my heavy fiberglass one before this it would do t he job but in higher winds it was a struggel to keep the speed up at the 5mph mark intothe wind sometimes I would have to use the main motor to help get the boat turned then use the kicker again.IMHO a 5hp is to small you need atleast 8hp but you might just as well go with the 9.9 and be sure to get the quick release bar for joining the motors they are awsome.
  9. Ron I think they meant pics of the fish
  10. Happy Bday BOSS
  11. I would say all the posts that lead to the melt down for Crazyhook and found him the sponser it was great to watch unfold.
  12. I was just wondering if anyone has some plans for Friday morning to head over to BPS I am taking a run to the Aliston area and would try and stop in if there was some plans for a OFC metting there Friday morning.
  13. found these there and others but they were two small to see who they are I think most know the first guy but how many know the second?
  14. wish I was closer would stop in forsure it sucks not having any stores right close to me but then again I guess I can hit the big guys in MI and OH but would still like to hit local sales have fun everyone
  15. Hey BOB your choice will be easier in 2008 they are opening a Bass Pro in Toledo just before the 475 this way you can hit it first then head north to Cabalas then back on 94 to home it will be a nice turnaround I cant wait this way I will pass it everyday twice Im sure I will have a hard time keeping my truck from heading in to the shop there. I do like Cabalas better but if BPS is right there how can I not stop in
  16. Well things are great its tuesday the alarm goes off at 2am I'm up and outta bed heading off to work to get a early day in (I usually start at 5am) I make it back to the yard before noon and head home I just bought 2 new tires put them on and head off to Belle River to meet up with a friend 10min to go I can feel the rod in my hand already the weather is great and I know from the satellite pics that the water is lookin awsome then it happens the thing we all think will not happen to me I'm in the same boat Squid was and others have talked about on here I blow a bearing in the trailer what the Well I call Steve and tell him the bad news I was lucky Fisheye lives right around the corner so I limp the boat there but can not fix it till the next day well I look to the bright side thursday is gonna be another great day so I look ahead and fix the trailer with Paul on Wensday great ready to go for Thursday well I wane up Thursday morning thinking I woke before the alarm I take a look through my still asleep eyes to see its 5am and Iam late for work Well with this delay I will not make it home in time to get out fishing that sucked. So today I figure that I will get my daughter from school then go cast from shore for one last night I know we can still get them there but I notice something is wrong on the drive from my work to home LONDON SUCKS I think to my self or maybe I yelled it out they had opened the dam now the river is up by 2 feet and flowing thanks from the great end of my season I think. thanks for reading my rant. On the bright side there is only 6 months till season opener
  17. Well its that time of year again and I have noticed that the driving has gotten worse this last week, just today I had many more people cut me off on my daily drive to Ohio and back. Transports can not stop as quick as cars so leave us some space we need it. (I know there are just as many bad truck drivers out there tailgating and cutting each other off I can not understand why they do it as we should know better but then again when ya can't read how can ya know to properly operate a rig) I did notice alot of them were younger kids that looked like they were heading back home for Christmas there cars piled up with books boxes and what ever they could fit in there many you could not see in the side window for the crap on the passenger seat. I am not just trying to center out the younger people but to all of us please take care of where you are going and think that the 3 seconds you save each time you cut someone off to gain one space could cost you alot of time on the side of the road or even cost a life of another person so please let's get home for Christmas this year everyone. One more thing when your out looking for the best gift this year try parking away from the doors and walking in to the store it is much better to laugh at the people fighting for the spots then being one of them. and yes I have been both the walker and the fighter now I like to chuckel at the other people.
  18. were still thinking of Chris here Rob keep up the battle for the big guy take care of yourself also Mike and family
  19. I am confused on the first pic, where is the rope that the person should be wearing? Down here we get some that can not wait and are out there with ropes tied around there waist I just wonder why they do that is it to make it easier to find there bodies?
  20. I just hope that small warm spell here keeps the ice off the boat launch here so I can get out one or two more times this year and why is it that muskie closer is on a Friday I think Monday is a better place for it.
  21. I like it also much easier on the eyes for reading and for some reason feels more like OFC home the other skin made this place feel different
  22. well maybe that explains why I am getting so much interfearence in the last few days but then again the base has been by the puter for years now and its just starting to mess up a bunch I will try and move it.
  23. Lew that was July 06 you wanted a pic with my fish how could ya forget that. Must be nice to have somany great memories you have to delete them for the new ones Lew.
  24. I would have to say this is my favorite from this year as it was just after I let dads first muskie slip outta the net before we got a pic of dad with it I knew he would get his first muskie this year and this pic sais it all.
  25. Dang Brian we got 3mm of the white stuff here actually I think it all blew away Im glad it went your way my drive was nice today I used less then 1/2 cup of washer fluid. have a good run today if yer going out in this stuff.
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