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Everything posted by Jer

  1. If you like to cast...go south (earlier in the year) If you like to troll...go north (later in the year)
  2. I'm probably biased, and it's not really "up-north", but my 'new' hometown of Ennismore is just like paradise (especially having grown up in Mississauga). Nestled right amidst the Tri-Lakes, almost totally surrounded by water: Pigeon to the west, Buckhorn to the north and Chemong to the east.
  3. The dreams are kinda cool, sometimes a little too realistic though. I got off the pills after one night dreaming about the longest pee I've ever had. I woke up mid-stream and you can guess the rest. Sandra was not impressed.
  4. Whatever you can find to work for you is great. The Champix didn't work for me (the dreams were cool though). I've been chewing the Nicorette (only a piece or two a day) and that seems to work for me. I've been 6 weeks more or less smoke free.
  5. What are you fishing for? I've fished the lake a few times in the summer and never seen anything other than bass & muskie.
  6. I'm surprised nobody mentioned Windows Live OneCare from microsoft. I've been using it a couple years now and have had no problems. The free ones always concern me, nobody gives you anything for nothing.
  7. ...how do you get the rye & coke to last for hours?
  8. ...ask the Japanese government about that...
  9. ...cool...depending on your skin, the button might only say "quote"...
  10. It all depends on what lake. Nipissing, Temagami and further have established ice roads (heck, we even get a couple roads on Chemong most years, never heard of a single vehicle going through). Simcoe seems to be the lake that likes to eat cars & trucks. Pressure cracks, not thin ice are usually the culprit.
  11. ...cause small-town newspaper reporters always get all the facts, all the time...
  12. I figgered I might get out more...cause I could get my porn so much faster...
  13. Cable has never been an option here. Nexicom wireless teased me a couple years back, but my signal wasn't strong enough. My neighbour across the road, up the hill a bit, apparently just got set up with them. This call from Bell really came outta nowhere.
  14. I received a message yesterday from Bell Technical Solutions letting me know that hi-speed is finally available through the phone line. I can now join the 21st century. By the end of the week, I should have my start-up package, self-explanatory from there she tells me. I signed up for the 2 Mb/s package at $29.95/month (no contract). Are these speeds realistic? Right now, I'm lucky to get a connection at 44 kb/s so any improvement will be significant I imagine.
  15. Why does it bug you so much? Doesn't seem any different to me than selling any other type of 'live' fish. As long as everything is on the up and up and the fish are sourced legally, I don't see the problem. A fish is a fish is a fish... Obviously many people eat bass, why should those who for various reasons can't get out and catch their own be denied.
  16. Besides a couple hundred a month deducted from my paycheque towards RRSPs, I don't save a penny. Any extra after the bills are paid goes directly towards debt reduction (mortgage, line of credit, all credit cards are paid in full every month). I just don't see the logic in saving money (at little or no interest) while still owing money (and paying interest). With only about 48K left on the mortgage, about 25K on the line of credit (at a lower rate then the mortgage) and absolutely nothing owing on my boat, truck, and Sandra's car, I like to think we are in pretty good shape. (saying that, we are each putting a $100 cash away each month for a winter vacation next year)
  17. My uncle built a cottage at birch point when I was kid, spent many summer weeks there. It was one of the main reasons I eventually moved up here. His place was I think the 3rd maybe 4th place on the right at the bottom of the hill. Maybe you bought it (he sold it probably 25 or 30 years ago, was actually up for sale when I was looking 13 years ago, I bought only about 10 minutes away near Youngs Cove on Buckhorn). His mother-in-law had the place next door, the nicest places were further down at the point. The wild rice has really taken over that part of the lake the last few years. Used to fish it alot when my buddy had a trailer at Donro, but since he moved his boat to Chemong, haven't been more than once or twice. Welcome to the neighbourhood, I'm sure you'll love it.
  18. Panfish season opens April 25th this year. When the crappie bite peaks can vary year to year. Depends on the weather, when the ice went out, water temps, etc. We've had our best days anytime from opener til sometimes as late as mid May. Water temps around the mid to high fifties. Some nice warm spring weather is what seems to get them on the bite.
  19. 7 bells and all is well.
  20. I mentioned this a couple days ago. During the week, my best OFNing time is when I first get up: 6 - 7 am. Lately, on some mornings it has been unusable. If you hi-speed guys are having trouble, imagine us poor dial-up users.
  21. Only one listed in Ontario Out of Doors: Paul's Ice Huts, Port Perry 905-985-7166 or 905-243-6475
  22. Is it just me? Or has the board become excruciatingly slow most mornings around 6 or 7 am (not due to traffic, usually not too many people on at that time). I'm on dial-up so I'm used to some pretty slow stuff, but other sites load fine right now and OFC works fine later in the day.
  23. ...doesn't sound very Marxist...
  24. I forgot about that, getting a bucket of water from the guy was like pulling teeth...we were there for 3 full days and I think he may have refilled our water supply once after repeated requests (if you could call that yellow/pee-like substance water, we were laughing he was probably just pulling it from the lake, it was about the same colour). He also never changed our outhouse bucket the whole time we were there (remember, this is 3 guys eating lotsa meat and drinking lotsa beer), it was near overflowing by the time we left. We were almost to the point of breaking Ron & Donna's sacred rule of not making any yellow snow (under threat of some type of environmental clean-up fee administered by Ron & Donna). The more I read this thread, the more it all comes back to me in horrible technicolour.
  25. Are they perchance cheaper than the Bad Boyz jigs. I went to buy some Bad Boyz on Friday, at $4.99 each, I only bought one.
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