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Everything posted by Jer

  1. We have stayed at Birch Hill a couple times for ice fishing. Real nice, clean and large cottages. If they have the best rate as well, that's where I would stay. Say hi to Henry.
  2. I don't think Roy is disagreeing with you. The Nazis called themselves a "socialist" party as well. Big business owns government (facism)...government owns big business (communism)...it all works out to the same thing...the little guy gets screwed.
  3. My buddy and I have a saying: "If it doesn't 'PALOOSH', it doesn't count."
  4. Parkbridge owns a number of parks in the Kawarthas, including: Baileys Bay (Chemong), Grandview (Upper Buckhorn), Melody Bay (Upper Buckhorn), Pioneer (Upper Buckhorn), Skyline (Chemong), Beaver Narrows (Pigeon River), Lonesome Pine (Pigeon), Goreskis (Scugog), Shady Acres (Rice), the list goes on... Most of the nicer parks up here are now owned by them. Grandview is right around the corner from me and is a beautiful park as far as trailer parks go. They also own The Quarry Golf Club (very nice, new course) near the causeway in Ennismore, I imagine campers in their parks get a discount on golf.
  5. How do you define "most"? I think the vast majority of people, young & old, are aware that bootin' around at 3 am in a very fast boat, with a very inexperienced driver who has been drinking all night, may not be a very good idea. Unfortunately, the effects of alcohol are univeral.
  6. I've got a 2000 70hp Johnson on my boat. Never had a serious problem with it, so I don't know about parts availability. I think 2000 was the last year that OMC built Johnson/Evinrude motors. I didn't even know that BRP had dropped the Johnson brand name.
  7. definitely the shady side.
  8. Here's a couple of my favourites of Bear from the boat: This is a pretty cool pic as well:
  9. You can't beat that deal. I had a couple of Stimulas for years. Even broke them at one time and were replaced on the spot under warranty (they were still pretty new then). Not a bad rod at all...I'm surprised how cheap. Maybe not the same anymore as the ones I had, that was probably 15 years ago.
  10. You also don't need paddles if you have an anchor...and vice versa. I've never understood that. I had an OPP safety check once, and the officer saw my anchor with an indiscriminant amount of rope (probably not enough, it's pretty shallow around here) and said "Oh, I see you have an anchor so you don't need any paddles". I had paddles in a side compartment but he didn't want to see them. Seems to me, one is for moving and the other is for staying put. How are they interchangable?
  11. I recently saw his show working on an Alaskan fishing trawler...I wonder if he wished he had his "wonder boner".
  12. "This message is brought to you by the Ontario Provincial Police & Ontario Power Generation" Sounds like a partnership, and besides, it's the OPP that will be giving you the fine.
  13. There's a pontoon cruising around Chemong with a 115 on it. I've seen him at full speed, I don't think my boat could keep up.
  14. What part of staying away from a hydro dam did you not understand?
  15. I figgered it for some type of popper...
  16. I've got a similar pic... ...key differences: the dog weighs about 100 lbs I weigh about 190 lbs, 5' 10" the dog is still alive
  17. I'm a Pop'R man mostly. I've tried all sorts of different poppers over the years and always come back to the Pop'R. It comes in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. All of them work. Another good topwater bait to try is the Tiny Torpedo. Zip it accross in short pulls or simply retrieve constant like a buzzbait (or any combination). I've also got a Spro-frog like the one in your other post and like it a lot for the heavy cover. You can chuck it anywhere, a bit tougher to get a hook-up, but any bait on top of the slop will get missed more than not. Enjoy your new topwater addiction. you'll find you're throwing topwater even when you shouldn't be, it's such a blast. Be wary of pike & musky, you'll probably lose a few baits if they're around. I usually get more musky strikes when topwater bassin' then when I throw the big musky baits.
  18. ...bluegill...pumpkinseed... Both sunfish as far as I know. That looks like a pumpkinseed...and a big one at that.
  19. I'll have to reserve my judgement. I just spooled 2 of my rods with Power Pro last night. 50lb on a MH baitcaster (slop-fishing, jig & pig, etc.) 20lb on a medium spinning set-up (worm, jig, senko, etc.) I used to use Fireline a number of years ago, but stayed away from "super-lines" ever since. There was a lot of things I liked about the Fireline (sensitivity, no stretch or memory) but I found I broke a few rods and wore out a few cheap reels and the fraying was a constant challenge. Now that I have some better equipment, I thought I would give the Power Pro a try. With just a few casts from the dock, so far I'm impressed. Tomorrow will be the test. I think I'll stick with mono on my other rods for now and see how it compares.
  20. I've never fished the pond, but drive past it all the time. To be honest, I'm surprised how busy everybody says it is. I hardly ever see a boat out on it. Mind you, I'm not by much on the weekends. I will agree regarding the trashiness of the place. I stopped by the park in town to have my lunch one day last year and was disgusted by the condition of the beach. A better option would be to launch north of 7 on the river below the dam and fish up into Pigeon. It's a good launch and a nicer little park.
  21. ...big air-brakes on those transport trailers. ...hard to compare a Highlander to a Cummins deisel 3500 (and again any trailer 16,000lbs has some brakes).
  22. Jer


    I have the PVR set to tape Dave's show every week and that's about the only time the channel gets tuned in. Sad really.
  23. I'd be expecting some warmer water temps with this nice warm weather we're having now. I could have sworn my fishfinder said 77 degrees on Buckhorn last Friday evening, maybe it was 72.
  24. I would also be concerned about stopping that puppy, especially in an emergency. Tow capacity ratings also take the brakes into consideration.
  25. The lakes are much more natural than you might think. For example, the dam in Buckhorn raised the Tri-Lakes water level by only about six feet when it was built. This certainly made the lakes bigger and deeper, but they were certainly here before the system was built. Naturally occurring 'gamefish' before the dams & locks were built and alternative species were introduced was limited to muskie & smallies. Walleye & largemouth were introduced and stocked by the MNR over the years (but not for a long time).
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