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Everything posted by Casey123

  1. Very Cool, I think they should have called it Cheeto's National PArk - It is easier to pronounce.
  2. Very nice!!!! A few points to remember: 1. No banana's on board 2. Do not try to sell for 100% profit on the board next week 3. Do not to try to sell next week, because it is too big 4. HAVE LOTS OF FUN and POST LOTS OF PICS
  3. This is one of my favourite products when working in the garden. Anytime my wife has a problem with pests, I go and get it. It is amazing but there is not a single insect that has continued to thrive in the garden after a single application. Hope this helps. Gardner's Best Friend Michael
  4. Federal Fishiers fact sheet Another good article Hey guys, I was looking for some specific info about ideal water temp that casues Steelhead to run in numbers. I was unable to find what I was looking for, but thought Iwould post a few interesting articles that I came across. Michael
  5. Nice fish, Beauty Brown, always a welcome suprise.
  6. I bet they do not issue many diploma's Besides, that is 22 days that you could be fishing.
  7. I don't know him personally, but I here he really enjoys ... FREE BEER
  8. The first fish you caught had a slight over bite...LOL Way to go and what a great B day present.
  9. MGD Heinekin Creemore
  10. I don't fly fish yet, but I do tye my own flies (in antisipation of learning - later this spring I am going to place a post asking for a very patient voulenteer to teach Michelle and I the basics). I use black gnat's under a float when the water is very clear with good sucess, also tried some egg sucking leeches with mixed reviews - great on the Boyne, not so much on the 20 Mile Creek.
  11. Lake Trout Eh? You can tell that the dumb ass with that part of the report def., does 0 fishing. LOL
  12. Yeah Yeah, I wasn't looking to see someone arrested. I was pretty disgusted that someone would leave an animal to die like that without evening making the effort to call the OPP or local Animal Control. As far as the other goes, accidents happen, it would be foolish to suggest they don't. It is not always what happens in life that counts, it is how we react. Who knows, maybe the driver was drunk or didn't have insurance etc. It was nice that the people across the road took it upon themselves to call the OPP and take care of the situation. "Leaving the scene"?? Does that suggest that everyone who wacks a sparrow, raccoon, squirrel or groundhog out on the road needs to stop and call in the OPP before moving on? That's completely absurd. PS. Don't get me wrong, I don't think its very nice to drive off and let an animal suffer, but still. And for the record I have hit my share of animals by accident on my travels, once I had to go back and re-hit a rabbit that I had hit. It isn't the same feeling of sucess you get from a good hunt, it really kinda sucks killing an animal in that manor.
  13. All I can say is how lucky I am that my boss lets us use the company car and gas for all of our week end adventures. Its a trade off, 60 hr effort Mondat to Friday, free week end (at least as far as transportation goes) entertainment.
  14. For me... I am not a Habs fan or a Sens fan, I would rather se Pittsburg go to the final from the East.
  15. LAst Sunday on our way home, someone had hit a deer. I understand accidents happen...BUT This YOYO, didn't kill the deer, just parylised it, she was struggling on the side of the road, I still have the image in my mind. From the looks of it they did a lot of damage to their car as well. They didn't stck around BUT rather left some others to deal with the injured deer and to clean the car parts off the road... Could they have been charged for doing so? After we stopped to see the situation was under control, the people had already called the OPP and he showed up to dispatch of the deer. I am not a bleeding heart, and I have 0 agianst ethical/legal harvesting of any animal. I also realize that accidents happen but what you do after such a thing is important too.... Nothing deserves to suffer like that.
  16. Put them all together and you have the best pile of garbage the NHL has seen in years... I am so tired of the excuses.... McCabe - nice +/- buddy - if you had any self respect, you would let the leafs off the hook on your contract, seeing as we couldn't give you away to a Junior B team, the way you have been playing since you got your $$$$. Maurice- Nice guy but I mean really in 13 seasons histeams have missed the play offs 10 times. Nice guys finish last. Matts - Nothing bad to say here, good player, good leader, gotta like those extra long summers, seeing as your team hasn't made the post season 3 years running. Toskala - Finally got a reasonable goalie, that isn't geting ready to collect CPP, nice aquisiton JFJ, only useful thing that you have done here since arriving 5 years ago, only thing I can't figue out is, why did it take so long to kick the bumb to the curb in the first place. And Yes I am a huge leaf fan, just tired of the garbage they keep putting on the ice. This off season they will probably sign extentions for McCabe, Sundin, Blake etc., even though these guys contracts (except Sundin) are not up. Then they will trade Nick Antropov, Steen, Stajen, Moore and any other 1/2 way talented player so they can buy some more have beens and never weres.
  17. I justed banned Banana's from my house...can never be to safe with these things.... So anyhting up with oranges?
  18. Great report, Really nice Walleye!
  19. Great report, beauty phots and fish. Thanks for helping our little buddies out!!!
  20. I have got to go with Ben Moore, we just repainted our entire place in December. Great Paint easy to clean up and easy to wash. Last time we did it, we bought a less expensive brand at HD, well 2 years later we were repainting, enough said.
  21. Looks good, Hope you will post some more as you progress. Is that Aluminum stock bar and Aluminum Angle Brackets, or is it SS.
  22. Well we had another great weekend exploring some of our amazing waters. Yesterday we got a late start (12:00ish) we headed East, past Brighton to Explore some new waters. Wet a line for about 2 hours in some tribs, spent the rest of the time poking around. Stopped in Port Hope at 7:30pm, it was getting dark and the water was dirty. About 7:45 the water just exploded with fish, everywhere you looked fish were breaking water. By this time there was only 6 or 7 people left, no one catching, ourselves included. Once the water levels receed a little we will head back to some promising places. The water was gin clear, but about 3 feet over the banks. We arrived home around 10pm, had to have dinner and play with our ferrets, finally got to bed just after midnight. We decided to get up at 4ish and head up Airport Road to Georgian Bay. Well, Michelle got up right on time, I managed to drag it( ) out of bed at 4:50am. Not the best start to the day. Arrived at T Hortons in Stayner just after 7:00. Saw a couple of more OFC'rs this morning: Acctually we passed these guys on the road, the Tom closest to the road was in full strut, feathers all puffed out when we first saw him. By the time we turned around and got close enough for this picture, the show was over. Pulled into Thornbury at 7:45AM: Forget it, there was 48 people there (we counted) looked like the fish were running strong, we saw 3 guys hook up in 5 Minutes. This just isn't our idea of a nice relaxing time fishing so on we went. Went to Meaford to have a peek, looked like every hack was out and breaking every reg imaginable. So we stopped at the mouth of a small trib, waded out to my waist and became a human popsicle: That was me coming in from the 39 degree water. First drift, float didn't even right itself and fish on, then fish off just as quick. Oh well, Michelle got some beauty pics: We had some company here as well: So the journey continued... Finally found a nice spot, only two other guys, they were from Guelph. Michelle decided not to fish, putting on damp waders wasn't to appealing at this point. I got nicly set up, about 50 meters from shore and 2 C.O.'s came down. Very nice tosee them out on a week end, both were very friendly. I was just getting ready to go in so they could have a peak at my licence when the float disappears: No picture of the fish, remeber Michelle was on shore, playing hostess to the CO's and yes she had the camera. After we squared up with the licenses, Michelle decided maybe it wasn't such a big deal to put on the waders, while she walked back to the car, I lost another one, right at my feet. A half an hour or so passed, my float jogged across the current in a strange way, but never really went down at all, I set the hook and was into a beauty female. Michelle had been keeping an eye on my float as well as her's and couldn't figure out what the hell just happened. A beauty fight ensued: After a 5 minute struggle, victory!!!! Another 15 minutes and we decided to pack it in. On my last drift, I had another hit on, no hook set on this one, I was simply returned a popped roe bag, but after a fantastic day with my wife, beautiful weather and a few fish, who really cares.
  23. ".....nothing nice to say, so..."
  24. Fighting the war we will never win. Carry on good soilder
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