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Everything posted by Garyv

  1. I've had my Lowe 1605 for 12 years and like it as much today as I did when I traded for it. I run a Honda 50 and Honda 5 on Huron most of the time and don't have any desire to purchase a newer one. You should be very satisfied.
  2. Lots of suggestions on what to do with the "ticket" so I'll add mine. When I was working in the level control industry and we received a memo that was not to our liking we would roll it in a cone shape, put it in the senders in mail basket with a note reading "shove this where it best fits" I can understand where this guy is coming from but since he doesn't have the guts to put his name on it it probably is just a scare tactic.
  3. About a year ago I saw a few vehicles with Ontario plates towing trailers with boats behind them. I knew you could do it with a fifth wheel but upon checking with the OPP and the Ministry of Transportation was told it's illegal. Well had a camper leave the park today with a pop up and towing a trailer behind. Did some checking and found this on the Ministries website. Towing More Than One Vehicle Cars, passenger vans and SUVs are not permitted to tow more than one trailer or one vehicle. Motor homes, trucks, pickup trucks and truck campers are legally permitted to tow two trailers or a trailer and a motor vehicle behind a trailer. However, a three vehicle combination that is swaying excessively, is unstable or has reduced handling capabilities is subject to action by the police as an unsafe combination of vehicles under the Highway Traffic Act. The maximum length of any combination of vehicles is 23 m (75' 6"). Either the law has changed or one hand doesn't know what the other is doing.
  4. Do yourself and the dog a favour and as stated above have her micro chipped. Also contact Lucky Pet http://www.luckypet.com/ and she has tags with her name and all other info on file phone No. Give them a much better chance on being returned. When I got Dixie in July it's the first thing I did....great peace of mind.
  5. Legend packages are notoriously underpowered, that's one reason the sell for less money than others. Look at the rated HP on he plate and try to match it or at least 80% of the rating...you won't regret it; and yes if possible go 4 stroke. As far as Legend itself you will get different opinions just like Ford, Gm and Dodge. The best thing to do if possible is ask a couple of people that own them. Every manufacture, yes even Lund, has lemons the question is just who has the lowest ratio of them per manufactured product.
  6. The Marlin 444 would have stopped the bear especially at short range, although a heart, lung or head shot would be your best choice. Here is some info on the gun, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.444_Marlin I'm glad you didn't have to use it.
  7. Probably a simple case of trying to prevent one thing from happening without giving thought to what could happen without using the blower to clear the engine compartment. Trolling with a kicker the has the ability to provide enough pressure ( air force ) to not allow the vents from the engine compartment to let fumes escape. I would be willing to bet that's what happened. Guy is lucky to be alive and / or not burned.
  8. I 100% agree with the above...in fact it's what I do my own servicing on my Honda 5, 9.9 and 50 Easy to do and the right amount of oil goes in. Remember when changing the filter you will add a a bit more oil than required if you don't change it. Just watch the dipstick and if you don't run it at the oil change check the stick after you finally run the motor.
  9. Our condolences on the death of your father.
  10. Have friend who was able to infultrate GCD's secret test grounds. Took the following ( sorry for the quality but security made it impossible to get a better picture ) ..he didn't get the bumper sticker on film either but told me it read "Lakair or Bust"
  11. 64 but kind of a personal question isn't it?
  12. I need to put a new set of Light truck tires on my vehicle. Spent about an hour getting different prices on a new set of Michelin's, BF Goodrich and Uniroyal ( both of the latter are now owned by Michelin ). All I can say is prices have sure gone up in a few years. Every dealer mentioned that as current stock becomes depleted, the new replacements will be more money ( just like everything else ) so if you need tires before fall/winter just a heads up on buying them sooner than later. For what it's worth I wound up with Michelins like I always do...love those 10 ply tires.
  13. Probably spun the hub so the gearing which is part of the rubber on the prop is slipping. If that's the case no big deal any reputable prop shop can glue and press a new one in. Should cost you under $50 or less depending on the prop size and gearing. I don't think I ever did one for more than $35.
  14. My wife bought them for me. All I can say is it does what they say it will but don't know what the fish think!!!!
  15. I'm running a 50HP Honda and when trailering always use mine. When we went into Bisco this June I think I would have been a bit shook if it were not for the security of this device. 50+ miles on logging roads could have done some nasty damage.
  16. Regarding quote 1 above...no just be prepared to accept the justice that is handed out to you if you break one of the taboo's. Don't cry because it was your decision to go there. I'm not advocating a beheading but I am advocating common sense when deciding to live in a foreign country. Regarding quote 2 above... I simply blame the parents for going back. Is any money worth your life. Were you not satisfied in this case with Canada. To much emotion and not enough common sense is being brought in. I firmly believe in be prepared to suffer the consequence of your actions. As far as $200,000 to come here prove it. I have brought family and never spent over $5000....oh wait they paid while others jumped off a ship in B.C. promised to stay in plain site and vanished into the woodwork...no problem all is forgiven. What a traversity of our immigration system while others wait and pay some ( that don't deserve to ) get in for free.
  17. Post pulled one above beat me !
  18. I usually stay out of this type of post but lets be realistic about this type of thing happening. I immigrated to Canada back in the eighties and modified my life to fit in. I want to know why come here in the first place if your going to go back to your country of origin. Since you were originally from an area you have a good idea on the laws and how things are handled. If you choose to go back then what ever happens puts to onus on you not the Canadian government, I can personally think of no other country that says to it's immigrants once you move here we will modify our thinking and honour and except your previous culture as our way of life. Canadians have all the freedoms, live your life the way you want but don't tell me that our society is wrong and should change to meet your previous criteria and life style.
  19. I use my down easters all the time with spinning reels. Just leave the reel body point to the back of the boat with the rod tip at an approx 90 degree angle to the water surface ( which it will be with the reel pointing as indicated above ) I haven't had any problems so far.
  20. Post a picture...if a small piece is missing from the lower end of the skeg any good aluminum welder can fix that. There are no seals close enough to the area to ruin so as long as you do the job right you should have no problems having it fixed.
  21. Could it be that Canada is spending money, time and energy saving the world, but nothing to help our own people ( in this case athletes ) in our own country? My problem is I think charity begins at home. Once you take care of your own then your in a position to help others.
  22. Guess after reading the above answers I'm in the minority. When drift fishing , which is my favorite way to fish smallmouth, I like live bait....crayfish, minnows and worms probably because I've use them all my life and have tremendous confidence in them. I do use small spinners and very small spoons as well as work harnesses when trolling.
  23. Last year was bad due to medical problems and weather. This year I still have some medical issues but with working every regular weekend plus holiday long weekends as well as crazy weather ( wind, rain, water spouts, etc.) during the week has made it very hard to get out. Living on one of the Great Lakes ( Huron ) has it's good points and bad points. Weather plays an important part in safety and as much as I would like to go out I opt for safety on bad days. Well at least I have something to bit itch about...makes me feel better.
  24. Received with no problems.
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