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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. Thats a beautiful part of the French! Watch for rocks, and enjoy!
  2. Gotta Love October/November for some of the best fishing of the year! I have a week on the French River coming up in a few weeks...Hoping to go up a few inches on the PB...
  3. Yup, head north on Bay, park is on your left, can't miss it...Bring lures for Largemouth or bait for carp.
  4. Waste of gas...Those boats do not belong anywhere except the Ocean or Great Lakes!
  5. There is one right beside Pine Vista Resort, county rd 6.
  6. Awesome report and pics, as usual! I really, really wanna go fishin with you!
  7. Great pics, thanks for sharing...And thanks for picking up the refuse of the idiot slobs that went before you!
  8. Nothin like some messy weather to stir up them Muskies!
  9. Here's one from a few years ago...Apparently 44" and 30 lbs. Caught on a Rapala J-13 on a rigger in 30 fow, Salmon fishing the south shore in the spring...I do not know the Angler, or anymore info...Well thats not totally true, i know the exact spot but I'm not tellin!
  10. If one were to target Muskie in Lake Ontario, hypothetically speaking, I guess a lure like this would be the one to use...
  11. I am willing to bet there are some monsters cruising the open waters of Lake Ontario...Eating all the Salmon and Trout they can get...
  12. I doesn't hurt to have a little more power than you think you need, thats a safety feature!
  13. Sounds like an honest dealer...I have no opinion as I've never used Hydraulic steering.
  14. I was about to offer my 2 cents... Congrats, Lunds are great boats. I assume its got a Merc on it? Did you get a Optimax? Verado? Regular 4-Stroke?
  15. He screwed up, he showed remorse, he plead quilty, he's being sent to prison...Whats his Daddy's name got to do with anything??? As far as I'm concerned that comment was....
  16. Maybe the bears look sick cause the visitors are allowed to feed them marshmallows? Plenty of Zoo's and other animal attractions give back by rehabilitating animals, and participating in other willife projects...John Holer(owner) is a circus side show entertainer at best...Those animals are there to turn a buck and if they don't look heathly its probably cause they aren't well cared for... On another note, a year ago the residents of a Trailer park that Holer owns were evicted, one old lady killed herself cause she had no where to go...I was at a Window manufacturer next door last week...Trailer park is all overgrown, windows boarded up...No sign of any new construction...I guess that old lady coulda stayed put for awhile...I'd rather eat a dollar bill than give it to that ass.
  17. Looking at them today at the Lowe's in Hamilton, $47.99
  18. I'd try a little faster, 2.5-3.0 mph, start looking for fish at 70 fow, work deeper if nessary, see where the other boats are...Watch your finder.
  19. Wayne, that sure ain't no work of art!
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