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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. As already stated, Okuma Convector is the best LC for the money at around $100. In the $200 neighborhood you have the Shimano Tekota LC and Daiwa Saltist LC.
  2. I see you're getting up even earlier now that you retired!
  3. Thanks Rizzo and Tom, thats the one I want!
  4. Does anyone know if there is any public launches on the West side of Balsam Lake?
  5. Actually he was there supporting his Daughter, who was a protester...
  6. I know exactly where you got that fish...Hawgsville!!! Nice Largie!
  7. Definately the worst kind of vertical hold! And definately not 70 lbs. Kudos to the angler for releasing it.
  8. Nice Buck! The reason your Wife never knew anyone like you till she moved is that up here we're CANADIANS!
  9. I'd trade my Wife for that beast! Did I just say that out loud?
  10. Well, they're much larger than they would be if they were wild born...Apparently thats the best size for them to 'imprint', meaning return and spawn, when they are stocked at yearling size (10-12") they are much less likely to spawn. The idea here is to restore the native Muskellunge.
  11. Congrats on your first Muskie! St.Croix Muskie Mojo rods are nice rods, any St.Croix is a nice rod! If you'd like to get to know some other Muskie-addicts and have a night out consider coming to a Meeting of the Hamilton Chapter of Muskies Canada. Our Dec meeting is our Christmas meeting, bring a new lure for the prize table and recieve a ticket to win a St.Croix rod (a Legand Tournament I think, worth $325) We'll have a great lure raffle, and the Chapter provides the chicken wings! Guests always welcome, no pressure to join... http://www.muskiescanada.ca/chapters/hamilton.php
  12. Myself and a few other Muskies Canada members had the privledge of touring the Hatchery at Sir Sandford Fleming College in Lindsay this morning. There are about 1800 healthy fingerlings (7-10 inches) ready to be stocked into Lake Simcoe in the next few weeks. Here are some pics, hope you enjoy. The mascott fish! A nice one about 9" Placing a wire tag under the skin...
  13. If this doesn't tug on your heart strings, you don't have one! Too bad its a commercial for a phone company. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd1FNPx_YN4
  14. A great song from a great Canadian singer/songwriter! To everyone else that takes their wee little boat out on the Great Lakes... Always have the proper amount of respect!
  15. Nice Buck. I really don't get the disguise? Are you wanted by the FBI or something?
  16. As an ethical angler, I consider it my responsibility to say something!
  17. Congrats on the PB Cliff! That little one is beautiful!
  18. Save the 2mph for ice-up, I wouldn't go any slower than 3.5 mph...
  19. I built my own 17'x25 in 2004. Slab on grade, 16" thick around the perimeter, 6" in the middle. 2"x4" framing, 5/8" Spruce ply, engineered Truses, 12' Insulated door/auto. 1 Man door, 1 typical slider window, 2 skylights, insulated and drywalled,vinyl siding/aluminum trim , gas heater...I think my bills added up to $17,000. Did most of it myself. I did pay for the pad-great price, paid a roofer to shingle it-another great price, had the heater installed that was around $2500 including running the gas line. Paid an Electrician friend to do the wiring-great price again...It helps if you can find decent tradesmen to do some of the work you can't/don't want to do.
  20. Alright, what the heck kinda 'Dawg' is that???
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