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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. Black Scum Frog with yellow skirt. As it comes out of the pack.
  2. A poor choice of words I believe. It makes it sound like you think reporting them would be wrong. Rick
  3. We were out there on Friday. Well we caught some fish we certainly didn't get a limit. Looks like you had a great day. Well done. Nice looking fish. It appears we were a little too far west. Finding sheephead wasn't a problem though. I managed to get this 25 1/2" bow. Best Wishes: Rick
  4. I think you may find that the salmon are still out in the lake yet. Depending on weather of course I'd guess 3-4 weeks yet.
  5. If you really get into carpin there's lots of tackle/equipment to spend your money on. Last week I spent some time carp fishing with someone I meet on another board who was visiting near me from England. I use hair rigs but some of his tackle is beyond what I've seen before. I suspect those more into carpin may have seen or used some of these things. I've seen telescopic rods before but not 12' quality ones. His rod holder had an electronic alarm so sensitive that a feather floating down the river which bumped his line caused it to chirp. He also had large lead sinkers with a grove for a rubber bad on them. With these you use a bag that dissolves in the water. In the bag you place some chum than you place the opening of the bag around the sinker securing with the rubber band. Your hair rig is set about a foot from the sinker as a slip type set up. When the bag dissolves your chum is quite close to your bait. Not the type of tackle you'll find in Canadian Tire. Rick
  6. If your in a hurry online would be the fastest route. If you can wait a little while, check out when your local Power & Sail Squadron is running their next course. Rick
  7. Electric motors are not exempt. splashhopper with a motor on your pontoon you have required a PCOC since the program started as it is under 4 meters in length.
  8. I have not stayed at Big Moose but have stayed at the camp right beside it (Cozy Camp). If you have questions about the area just ask. Rick
  9. I'm sure the pontoon is less than 4 meters in length so it would require a PCOC now.
  10. Sounds like your contractor skipped a few steps & now your being held accountable. Contact the contractor who did the job and verify he had all proper permits & inspections at the time of construction. If not you have legal cause to hold him responsible. Now if you hired a non licensed contractor you may have got just what you payed for. Rick
  11. I can't comment on the current cost but you don't require to pump the sewage 25' to the tank. You only require to pump it high enough that it can join your regular sewage drain system. Most likely 4'-6' vertically.
  12. boatman: thanks for the help & interest. Rick
  13. Thanks to Fishermans link I was able to download the manual for the 1969 model. Mine uses a slightly newer motor. The motor in mine was produced from 1975-1979. Thru an other site I was able to download a users manual for the motor. By the serial # I highly suspect the motor was made in the first proction year of 1975. Although the motor manual doesn't mention oil type the generator manual recommends 10W40 for general use. As the motor will be stored inside cold thick oil should not be a factor. Thanks: Rick
  14. Go you should enjoy it. I have attended a few as a volunteer with St. John Ambulance to provide first aid services. On top of farm equipment there are many different displays including many things a homeowner, cottager and sportsmen/women would use or find interesting. Also there was some good food. When they are in southwestern Ontario they are very well attended. Rick
  15. Here's a couple pic's. BTW: It's in the wheelbarrow because it's too heavy to carry by hand, too far.
  16. Fisherman: Thanks for the links. As for "EC" your correct. It's actually an "EG". I have corrected the title to reflect this. The pictures from your links for the 1969, EG 1500 it looks like the right generator but a somewhat older version. Mine has a recoil starter, different air filter assembly, larger fuel tank & different handle. Thanks again: Rick
  17. Does anyone have any experience & tips for this generator. When the power was out a friend lent me this generator telling me it hadn't ran in many years. After cleaning out the fuel shutoff valve and the gummed up float bowl I have it running smoothly. Only small problem was that the power was restored about an hour before I had it running. When I went to return it he said "I'll sell it to you for $50". I said "sold". This is an older generator (20+ years old??) made in Japan. No manual with it is one reason I'm looking for info. Motor is a Honda G42, 171 cc. The actual generator portion is made by Sawafugi in Japan. 115 volts only and will produce just over 10 amps continuously. Sure not enough to run whole house at once, but sure will help run some things in a pinch. I am also planning eventually to buy a slightly larger generator that has 220 volts so that I can also run my water pump and more things at once. Any tips for the Honda will be appreciated. Rick
  18. Well the clean up starts today. Some tree branches to cut up. Had lighting hit the house on Sunday but the power only flickered. On Monday morning power went out for just under 30 hrs. Apparently the lightning strike damaged the transformer and it gave out on Monday morning. With so many area local power outages one house was not a priority. They replaced the transformer late yesterday morning. Rick
  19. NO When you rent a boat you do not do a test. You receive a boat rental checklist where the rental authority basically signs off that you were instructed in the safe operation of the boat, the local hazards have been told to you & the proper safety equipment is on board. You also sign the checklist agreeing to the above. Rick
  20. Rain stopped here & I took a walk outside. Lots of small branches down & one large one. 30'+ and 1'+ diameter at base. Luckily it fell where it caused no damage. Once cut up it should supply a far amount of fire wood for next summer. Most of the lightning is south or east of here mostly along the Hwy#2 corridor between London & Thamesford. Rick
  21. Has been hitting this area for about a 1/2 hr. Multiple fire alarms going off due to the storm and many downed trees. Local fire responding to downed power lines the next concession over from me on fire, but have to reroute due to downed trees. Major lightning strikes in the area but so far power here is still good. Scanner is showing most local area fire departments are be called out for some reason or another. Some light rain with a few heavy periods. Winds from nothing to very high gusts on & off. Rick
  22. Quite correct. But getting back into the US without one will be more difficult.
  23. Just ensure you have proof of residence on board with you at all times. Also ensure your boat has the required safety equipment required by your home location regulations. If you carry the safety equipment required in Canada it would probably be even more simple. Rick
  24. As for operating a rental boat you do not need a card. Ensure you receive a completed rental checklist. Getting a Pleasure Craft Operators Card is still the best option, which will also leave you with even more options such as borrowing a boat from a friend, or operating their boat as was mentioned in an earlier post. Why are there a mix of opinions? Opinions are like asses... Everyones got one. My best advice is to research the official government links & publications then make your own informed decision. Best Wishes: Rick
  25. Only if they are operating a boat they own if you mean non-resident non Canadian tourists. Rental boats they fall under the same rules as Canadians. Borrowed or Canadian registered boats require proof of competency.
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