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Everything posted by FishFinder

  1. why not a fine mesh net if the electrical thing fails?
  2. silvio bigger picture doesent mean bigger fish, lol jks
  3. http://cplummer.proboards55.com/
  4. get an Islander, i managed to pick one up for 230$ on the floatboard classifieds, you just gotta look around, i saw an islander sell for 180 last year. stands up to mud much better than my friends okuma.. As CC said their customer service is awesome, if you want to spend less i would suggest using a spinning reel for longer instead of buying a cheap centerpin now and then later regretting it and wanting to buy one of better quality, but really its your call.
  5. no offense but if youre planning on releasing the fish try not to gill it. better luck next time
  6. LOL, busted..
  7. almost all the rivers are blown
  8. Try this ?
  9. guess it depends on where your fishing, if youre going gonna be fishing the eastern tribs the banks are mostly mud and felt can be a pain, but then again in the east most of the time you just hop across the creek, no real wading involved. Since i assume youll be fishing the credit go for the felt, they provide great traction on the rocks in the credit, but rubber will do just fine as well, its really your call. You dont have to worry about the felt wearing away though as its alot more durable than you might imagine.
  10. CC is the king of steelhead. I think all you guys are just jelous, i dont know anobody who catches as many rainbow trouts as CC :worthy:
  11. "Ice is solid has of today lots of fish just have to wander watch out for old holes its only going to get better some guys still driving" that was posted yesturday
  12. http://cbfb.proboards100.com/index.cgi?boa...read=1173973416
  13. if your gonna be fishing out east grab a pack of pink worms and youre set.. if if you really want you can buy roe, kris at FOL has some good roe.
  14. awesome pics
  15. is it just me or is there a problem with photos on the site?
  16. are you entering the 7 inch perch? loll Nice to see you got into some fish, too bad no luck with bigger ones.
  17. The storm lures bin was crazy, 59 Cents !!, Spent about 30 min diggin through to find a pack of the pink worms. and bought like 20 packs of finess minows among other things..
  18. Definatley get breathables and layer up well underneath, neoprene is the absolute worst if youre gonna want to wear them in warmer weather. I have a neoprene boot on them and just wear the thick bass pro wool socks and have no problems with being cold even with -27 degree weather and wet feet. I have white river bass pro breathables which have done my great so far this season. thiy would fit your budget well (around 100$) I would also sugest getting the colta boots with felt bottom to go with them(their about 70$ at LeBarons), remember to buy 1 or 2 sizes bigger for layering up.
  19. doesent look good http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4611
  20. do they survive after being relesed?
  21. How can you get it sent to your house?
  22. isnt it an over the counter exchange for the avids?
  23. Nice, thanks for the report.
  24. Bought that for ice fishing, sweet reel for the price, even comes with two spools, but the drag aint the best.
  25. Alot of slush and ice, probably why we were alone, gonna wait a few weeks before going back.
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