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Everything posted by forrest

  1. Is that a salmon or a red sock?
  2. That is where I saw it first too. Where is the info on what it is? It looks like a regular handle to me, but, google searches people disappointed that some companies no longer have the handle as an option. forrest
  3. I googled it but was unable to find a description: What is a Michgan handle and why do people like it?
  4. I am not arguing....I have only had the thing out twice and have not used it for heavy lures. There is nothing to argue. I read about the Abu Record handles bending and how they fail due to too much packing grease and C3s have a 22lb max drag rating. so when the handle gets loose I will now know its a design problem (ty for the warning). Nothing to loose here (a fish) I already own the reel, may as well have fun working it hard until its end. forrest
  5. LOL.....OK I will put it through the ringer with some Musky lures and report back. Can you post or pm me the failings? forrest
  6. My opinion: Start with the standard 6' 6" rod.....2-14lb rating. med to fast action. Spend $30-$60 max. Spend money on a good spinning reel. Balance the rod reel combo (you can tape quarters on the back end of the rod). Maybe also pick up a cheap ultra-light setup from BPS (get on a 1/2 price sale). Use these setups to do your fishing using the techniques you want. You will miss fish and run into other limits of the rod. Base your next more expensive (or not) rod purchase based on your experience. Keep your reel for 20 years, a $100 reel generally will last. forrest
  7. Whats wrong with the 6500 C3s? I bought one to complement my Quantum PT Engery burner. I have only used mine twice (casting for a few hours with 3/4 oz spoons) and so far I love its simplicity, smooth casting ability, drag was smooth, has a clicker and it is very serviceable, uses brass gears and it was only $100. Due to the lack of an adjustable centrifugal cast control it is not so hot for total beginners. Oh yeah...it holds a wack of line! I did get a few small birds nest but, I am pretty new to baitcasting. If you still have the C3s in the garbage pail beside your desk: what do you want to sell them for? forrest
  8. Its called an Environmental Handling Fee (EHF). On a $1000 computer Monitor $12, computer $10 There is no profit in this one for Walmart. Found this letter on the web http://www.wdo.ca/files/domain4116/Ministe...e%2012%2007.pdf Could not find anything on a government website. forrest
  9. cool vid, when do we get to see the 2nd one? PS: cute little critters......are supposed to be clubbed and eaten.
  10. 1. Yes: Torpedo with a prop....too noisy. Make it one of the last thing you throw. 2. AC Shiners look like rapalas....looped/rapala knot if you want big action. How do those ACs compare to rapala's? forrest
  11. lol. I never thought of shooting pool with it but for $30 it would be worth a try.
  12. I see 16ft boats with higher walls than mine, some may be deep V and pieces covering the nose. Me: 16'2" long SSV Lund, 72" wide, IPS hull (not so deep at transom), 20" transom, open bow, no bilge pump (I am guessing its important) + Life jackets. What can I do to make this boat safer for Quinte or Lake O'? Anyone have any word on what the boat should be limited to? forrest
  13. Oh yeah....if an accident is caused due to bearing failure and someone finds out you posted here.....uh oh. Its not a super serious thing, a lot people drive around with bearings that are failing. My mechanic was not that concerned when my car bearings were going (maybe cars are safer?). Why procrastinate, it has to be done. Daniel M has a good point. You have 3 days to fix it....you will feel better and be safer if you did. forrest
  14. Your bearings are shot. I drove a dirtbike trailer around for a week like that with no issues. who knows what the OPP would have to say. Bring the parts and tools with you, check every 50 miles....stay off the 401 and check your speed. How heavy is your boat?
  15. Last time on Lake O was a breeze, not a wave in sight. This time I puked my guts out and got light headed: off to friendlier waters. The best action was late morning until past noon. we caught a few ugly coho and jack salmon including a couple of brutes that tore drag and pulled the boat around for 5-10 minutes. From what I saw another group of guys caught a few too, others not so much. Thanks to Slowpoke for recommending the Heartland rod. It performed great for catching and even for casting. This one was not a contender for the largest but was the prettiest of the uglies:
  16. Hope your feeling better...you posted 2 days ago! Its an old wives tale. Keep your strength up: Feed both a cold and fever. forrest
  17. Sometimes passion is not enough.....maybe he does not have the experience, connections or skill sets required to lead but is able to participate in other ways. forrest
  18. Knowledge of Walleye trolling zero but..... Dipsy Divers and planer boards do 2 different things: one is down and out with long of line out behind you. one is just out but closer to the stern. get both!
  19. All the Lund guys seem a bit quite . Its an IPS hull on my boat.....I know that other Lund guys must have this hull.
  20. As far as my sloped driveway is concerned my boat is tiled to the max....its at about a 10 degrees right now, not a whole lot, but, I would think it should be enough. forrest
  21. I have a 2007 Lund ssv.....my current beef is the way the water drains (or does not drain) from it: The front of the trailer is elevated so much the license plate is 1" off of the ground and the water still sits in it! The drainage holes require water to be a certain level before water goes through from front to back and I do not know how much water is sitting in the areas of the boat I cannot see. Having the removable floors helps prevent the water evaporation....If I am not careful I will have mold problem OR a leaky boat if I let water freeze in the bottom of it! IT is kind of hard to see the water in the stern picture...its about an inch worth it is shallower at the drainage plug. Who knows what water is underneath that section its draining from. Are other boats like this? forrest
  22. I remember a dam on the main road through innisfil. Lake Simcoe is OK, but, there has to be better places than that!
  23. Me and a buddy did OK between 7-9am 3 fish at 20-30 feet in 40 feet of water. Orangy was the colour of the day. I think all 3 fish combined were a bit less than ccmt's 1. forrest
  24. First non-river fishing experience today....went well I think....3 fish! So after some looking around I want some dipsy divers or jet divers..... What I need to avoid is being under geared for using them I have medium and medium heavy rods (8-17lb rod test) with 14lb braid and mono and a medium-light 9ft rod with 10 lb. My rod holder are Scotty S-10s I have accepted that I am not going to be able to troll with 100 ft of line. Are my rods going to snap in half? Is the mono a no go? thanks in advance for the good advice. forrest
  25. rescuers are looking for people, thousnds are not missing. again the question: who says these people are missing? ahhhh....never mind
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