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Everything posted by forrest

  1. steelhead are rainbow that are not permanent residents of the river.......its kind of a grey area. For around here the steelhead would be those rainbow that hang out in Lake Ontario. They have more fight due to all the exercise they get in the lake. From what I read people debate about steelhead vs rainbow forrest
  2. I think it sounds more like the chess clubs equivalent to capturing all your opponents pieces with just knights (its the geekiest thing that requires brains I can thing of right now). You guys are creek geeks. OK...I give...I would have thought that rainbow could be caught this way so why is this such a special thing? what is the difference between the rainbows and other river fish? Forrest
  3. the foil will be shielding. Buy non-lead solder and read up on soldering before starting, it is not as simple as melting the solder onto the wire. It needs to be done right. http://www.instructables.com/id/EFLMFFRI2AEWP873L3/ forrest
  4. I second that! That first clip....the narrator said it all. forrest
  5. truck owner: "wow, I have never been ice fishing before, Your car can't take our equipment, should I bring the truck?" pal: "yeah ice fishing is great! All our gear can fit in that new truck of yours. We can try out those new winter tires too." truck owner: " this is going to be great!" poor guy. Still amusing, but, poor guy.
  6. 2 Stage requires a compatible thermostat for proper operation. So the Mercury switch has to go if it is 2 stage.
  7. It sounds like you are short cycling. Did you buy a 2 or stage furnace? Who and when was it installed? What size was the old furnace and what size in the new one (in BTUs). Not an expert here...just working on buying a new one myself.
  8. hahah "buff right out" nice set of pics. Could this be the reason that ice fishing is closed on the Kawarthas? One truck per lake is a lot of trucks! forrest
  9. A snowmobiler made it into the list! I thought they were excluded due to their unfair advantage in the Darwin contest?
  10. A buddy of mine pulled a brand new crowbar out of Bowmanville last year while ice fishing. I figure that the original owner lost it through the ice too.
  11. Lake Scugog
  12. When the fish are active during the year I can't think of any other fish that looks as exciting/beautiful as a Crappie leaping out of cover to ambush a bait. forrest
  13. Or better yet do what Garry said if its a spinning outfit...make sure the drill holes are clean. For the baitcasters....can holes be drilled? forrest
  14. The people who have said braid can be looped around the spool and lined as is need to give a demo (for me to believe because the vast experience of others and advice from manufacturers is that no tape or backer is the wrong way to go. If the non-backer process appears to work it may not in real conditions. There are fatal fatal flaws: 1) Method: When putting the line on it is being cranked on with a lot of tension. Issue: Is it going to go off and back on the spool like that during its lifetime? If a fish brings you near the spool the answer is no. I guess one could redo the re-spool with the line every once and a while or during an outing (no thanks). 2) Method: Use a wet dishtowel to hold onto the line as it goes on. Issue: (see#1 too) this changes the characteristics of the line going on the spool. It will be damp going on grippier(?).....this line will dry out later and not have the same characteristics in the real world. It will slip. Other items: -Mono is a bit like a rubber band....it stretches and grips. Braid does not stretch and is slick. -Some people have complained braid has cut into their spools of reel X. I have heard this more than once about Abu 6500C3. -Could it be the type of spool you are using? So Is it time to contact a manufacturer or do a bunch of experimenting so we don't have to put that bit of tape or mono-backer? Any volunteers? forrest
  15. A ship passing through would be one of the last things on my mind. Then again I am new to ice fishing. Mistakes happen. Easy fix. Setup fishing regs that prohibit fishing until an all clear is made for ship traffic......well I think that is easy. forrest
  16. Did you grow up in Newfoundland or something? Its not the fishing thats tough....its all the boat stuff. Very nice fish. Forrest
  17. One of those intellichargers will do this...thats their purpose. Watch for the sales. forrest
  18. GCD was playing coy so I I sent him a picture. No room for misinterpretation anymore I think if he video taped it it would be the most watched video on OFC ever. forrest
  19. Holy cow its raining bass talk! The Quebec guys seem to have the inside scoop on them. I hope to get a chance at them this winter (not OOS Bass). Hey GCD...next time you go to take a snowmobile on a local lake get it on video. I want to see forrest
  20. Well you thought wrong (or are actually trolling). As others have stated bass are open in Ontario all year in some areas. This is an Ontario board. Here is a link if you do not know about a change to the regs, Zone 8 has them open (Timmins): http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Newsroom/Lates...NR_E004252.html thank you to the other guys who posted especially johnnyb who pointed out that it is big in other areas. I will go a looking to learn about bassies. forrest
  21. that is a good video. Shots of fight, lures and even a big catfish! very nice. forrest
  22. So when it comes to ice fishing I do not hear a peep about fishing for bass under the ice. How come?
  23. Here is a fairly recent thread on Muskie rod/reel: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...muskie+purchase
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