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Everything posted by BillM

  1. I think you should rename the thread to "A Wet day of steelheading" You did great man!!!!
  2. Looks like a nice day out on the river!!! Congrats! Can't beat nice weather, a good looking stream and steelhead
  3. I'll be dreaming of riverworms, riverfloats, river this and river that, don't you worry
  4. Yes sir, you might be lucky enough to hook into a male right before the season closes. I got one last year that had some amazing colours.
  5. No you're right, if I didn't make my original post you would have (perhaps by divine intervention?) stopped pushing your Riverwood warez in every single thread you make on this site. Whatever helps you sleep at night chief.
  6. Males will be more brightly coloured closer to the spawning season. They'll also develop a hooked jaw like most male trout do.
  7. Dude, I'm not the first to call you out and I'm sure I won't be the last.
  8. Well first off, you don't want the float going downstream at the same speed of the current unless you are fishing really froggy water. You want to trot your float (Holding it back a bit with the reel) so that the presentation stays downstream of the float and not directly under it or upstream of it. There are also different shot patterns for different river conditions.. If you are fishing fast water you'll want to be bulk shoting right underneath your float to c.o.c.k it correctly and also right above your leader in order to get the bait down quickly. If you find a nice eddy out in the middle of a fast run I'd bulk shot like crazy, cast out beyond the rock and pull the presentation in quickly behind it. I'm sure a few other guys will chime in and offer their help.
  9. Right... Every single post of your contains a riverwood float, or riverwood worm or something else with a riverwood stamp on it. Crap or get off the pot, but don't try to pull the sheets over our eyes. And BTW, you'll still get line twist, swivel or no swivel.
  10. They put things in perspective when that report was published in 2003... You're only 6 years late.
  11. I fish the section of the Severn above Big Chute all the time. Nice smallies in there
  12. Let's leave the fish on the beds alone. Let them do their thing....
  13. The mini kegs are chilling in the fridge
  14. Most guys you meet on the river would be more then happy to lend you a hand and offer up some advice. SEARCH this forum, it contains a wealth of information... What are you having trouble with? Are you planning on using a spinning setup? Centrepin? etc?
  15. This is all I use for my small stream trout adventures, although I have landed some screamer early season steelies in the Notty on this exact setup. 4lb Berkley Sensation, 7' ML action rod. #0, #1 Blue Fox Vibrax spinners 1/32 and 1/16 ounce Panther Martins. If I am fishing worms, I never use a float. Small #10 hook and a small shot, just drop that sucker into the wood! I also pinch all my barbs, I hope you consider doing the same.
  16. Slice them up as bait and sell them down in Dunville for the guys catching kitties
  17. Mono has it's place. But I find the sensitivity of braid along with the no stretch is really great for working tube jigs and fishing the slop for bass. It also helps greatly while working walk the dog type baits like the zara spook. The only time I ever use mono now is on my pin and my UL setup for trout. Braid on pretty much everything else.
  18. Hey Chris, I wish I could say that the path lead to monster brookies, but it didn't cough up anything. That river, atleast in that area is just to fast and to shallow. No real nice holding pools from my 2-3km hike down river (maybe I'm blind, who knows) If you interested in more specific details just drop me a PM. I did more driving then fishing, that's for sure
  19. That's it, you and Leechman aren't allowed to post anymore
  20. Spiel, that's awesome man! Looks like you did a lot better then I did on the opener. Extremely jealous of those stream browns, still one fish that has eluded me on my creek quests, lol
  21. Dave, you do any icefishing? :)
  22. The anticipation I've had for the 25th of April has grown and grown until reaching an apex lastnight right before bed. Double and triple checking my equipment before loading it into the truck still wasn't good enough, I was tossing and turning in my sleep with the thoughts of forgetfulness. Four thirty am, came awful quick once I actually fell asleep. The alarm goes off, I wake up, and stumble into the bathroom in the dark because the gf was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up. After getting dressed, feeding the kitties, it was time!!!! The day I've been waiting for was finally here. I don't know how to really explain it, or even compare it to the fishing I've been doing the past 6 months, but the urge to was as strong as ever. I absolutely love fishing for steelhead on the pin. Being introduced to it this year and having the help of of a true steelhead master has made my learning curve a lot easier then it probably should have been. There is no other way I'd rather spend a cold winters day, but in a half frozen river with great company catching steelies. Today however is different. I'm not new to this type of fishing as I've been doing it for a while but I still get as excited as ever. The damp smell of the cool morning air as you step out of the front door is intoxicating. It's a prerequisite of the opener. I headed out, grabbed a Tims and headed east. I wish this was an epic report, chalked full of monster fish and insane numbers, but to me today was more about the overall experience. I hit my first creek at around 6am with thoughts of brookies leaping around in my head. Unfortunately the fish had other ideas This was a new to me river. I wasn't going in completely blind as I had my GPS programmed, and my backroads maps ready, but as far as the river itself was concerned, I was a complete rube. The wildlife today was surreal.... turkeys, deer and even a couple of grouse crossed my paths without to much of an effort to get out of my way. Luckily for me I avoided the crowds and found myself in places like this... I was greeted with this view as I made my way down to one of my rivers I visited. Reminded me of Sleepy Hollow for some reason Even though the trails in were nice, the view of a natural brookie coming out of a tea stained creek doesn't get any better. The fish wasn't a monster by any means (Although I think Leechman has us all beat!) but on the larger size for this area. A few more before the release. All in all a great day, the fish were just a bonus. Another opener here and gone.
  23. The Loomis IM6 would have to be torn from my cold dead hands I love that rod. It's a funky custom built 3 piece. You looking for a setup?
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