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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Glad I bought a Yamaha High Thrust T8! I'll pull around the Lund with that instead of the 115, lol
  2. So many possible world records in that bucket! I hope you feed some of them to spring pike
  3. Don't EAT IT!!! You could be potentially be eating a World Record! Call the IGFA stat!
  4. Nothing like bumping a thread that's over 2 years old, lol.
  5. I think you should mount that one.
  6. Hurry up and get that passport done!!!!
  7. Been fishing Dry Pine Bay since I was a little kid.. Great water and zero pressure. I doubt they'll be charting that water anytime soon I love that run out to the power lines and further! Even if the fish aren't flying into the boat, you cannot beat the scenery...
  8. Mike, I forgot to mention in my email that I've also got a Panasonic TS3 for those wet/rainy days where I don't wanna bring out my 60D. It's a good little camera, but I'm not a fan of the user menu at all.. If this is purely for a fishing camera, it's tough to beat the rugged package that the TS3 comes in.. If you're looking for an all around camera, there are better ones out there. I usually suggest the best Canon SD series a person can afford If you want a little more zoom out of a compact camera, the SX series that Aaron suggested deserves a look. Bought my mom a SX200 for her birthday last year, takes some great pics with lots and lots of range.
  9. LOL!!!!! Perhaps they were trying to figure out who was going first
  10. Nice shots... If you're shooting landscape stuff, you wanna make sure the objects close to you (The rocks in this case) are in focus... Set the aperture a bit higher and let the shutter and tripod do the work
  11. Huh? Of course they pay for it... You realize regardless if you buy fuel at a Esso branded station, the odds are extremely good that the little mom and pop gas station down the street is also using Esso fuel?
  12. Small stores get there gas from the same place the big ones do...
  13. So did ya order it online and print the temp permit or what? :thumbsup_anim:
  14. There are 3 major refineries that distribute fuel to ALL stations in Ontario.. You're buying their gas without even knowing it.
  15. I'd be worried more about using my debit card at a shady gas station then I do using my CC online... Even if the worst happens, you aren't going to be the one footing the bill. I can't even count the amount of times I've used my CC online to purchase something.. Never an issue.
  16. You're computer literate enough to login and use this forum, I don't think renewing your card online is that big of a stretch is it? I'm sure you were very well aware of the system being flakey, personally I wouldn't have even bothered going into a store and attempting to renew it with the horror stories that have been posted here.
  17. The bass are off the beds way before the opener as it sits.. Losing a week isn't going to change anything, unless we have a super duper cold spring.
  18. You should probably get your license a bit sooner then the day before you're trip don't ya think?
  19. No you haven't... Why go to CTC when you can easily do it online? Could have had your temp permit printed in about 5 mins without leaving the comfort of your own home.
  20. They still do... Friend of mine owns a cottage up that way.
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