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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Isn't the $7 for parking as well? I know it's like that at the Humber.
  2. Sounds like half the fishing boats I see going up the 400. All stickered up... I hope they are getting paid by all those advertisers, lol!
  3. The body alone for a 7D is $1300.. That's not beginner DSLR photography. We haven't even mentioned glass yet which you'll spend more on then the body.. The T2i/T3i are great cameras for the beginner, even the 40D/50D/60D are great choices for someone who wants more advanced features.
  4. I'd stick with a T2i/T3i if you want video capabilities. The XSi is a bit outdated.
  5. Not a fan of braid on the riggers, only the dipsys.
  6. Make sure to burn the stump so it doesn't get infected again.
  7. I think the finger is toast, might as well cut off your entire hand now just to be safe.
  8. Set up a game camera and catch the buggers in the act.
  9. Could have been a bunch of stupid kids looking in the window. You can call, I just wouldn't expect much if nothing's actually been taken/broken/damaged.
  10. If they didn't actually get in, no crime has been committed. Cops won't do a thing.
  11. Yup, 11'5 would be fine as well.. 9'5 is a bit on the short end.
  12. 15ft is way to big for any of the rivers around here. 13ft is a good all around length for a float setup.
  13. If it still hurts weeks later, you've got a piece of the fin inside.
  14. I like Reimer, no reason to replace him.
  15. Glad you got it sorted out!
  16. That one fish looks and awful lot like a chinny or coho.
  17. Anytime man, let us know how you make out
  18. Anything will work below a float, you don't need live bait.. Small tubes, jigs, etc.. Live worms would be the ticket for pretty much anything down there.
  19. You definitely wanted a sealed battery if using it for this purpose.
  20. Nope, but the lower credit has a decent population of smallmouth bass which would be a lot of fun.
  21. Get some dead smelt below a float off a deep weed edge.. My guess is that smelt doesn't last very long
  22. I guess you missed it as well. RHF, good kill on the centerpin! I'm sure the Credit will never be the same come fall :)
  23. Aaron, found the fishing off the island/spit tough last week as well. Warm water all over the place (Guys were seeing 55deg 70-80ft down) I think we landed 4, all under 4lbs
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