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Everything posted by BillM

  1. You might have gotten lucky, but who really knows. The ideal scenario is when you pump the tank full of gas and the truck just dies and doesn't restart. It's when you've got just enough diesel in there for the truck to run (but not stop) that you get into big repair bills. A 1/4 mile isn't much and depending on the size of the fuel filter none of the gas could have even made it into the engine. Best thing to do is drain the tank, flush the fuel lines and see what happens. Diesel is also heavier then gas is so again, hopefully near the bottom of the tank where the fuel pickup is, nothing but diesel got pulled through the system. Whatever you do, don't let the mechanic bend you over for unneeded repairs..
  2. What does the warranty itself say?
  3. Wait, if they are under warranty why do you want $$$ back? Just get them replaced.
  4. Reel covers are serious business.
  5. Crazy amount of boats out there, lots and lots of people not paying attention either.... Called it by 10:30 or so, sun was getting way too intense. Wish it was overcast and a bit cooler! At least we got the boat slimed!
  6. Nice, I'm lazy and fish it from the US side, lol.
  7. Drama, it's happening again, lol. May I suggest a few ice cold Coors Lights to help with your ailment.
  8. I didn't like this part.... 7 years is way too long.
  9. Clarkson as well in Toronto! Way to go Nonis.
  10. Bozak signs 5yr, 21mil with TO.... Great deal for both if you ask me.
  11. Wind will have more affect on the fish then the rain will. Only thing it will affect is you getting wet
  12. Well we won't have to worry about Grabo from now on, lol.
  13. So the Leafs have 24M left and still need to sign Kadri, Franson, Gunnarsson, Bernier and Fraser. I wonder how much they'll have left after they've signed... 12 M or so?
  14. How many games did Grabo miss because of concussions? Find me a player for the Leafs that worked harder in the corners then he did during the Boston series. I'm willing to bet you can't.
  15. Well yeah, that's my point, lol.
  16. Nice!!!! I love the colours of those St.Clair fish!
  17. I hope Nonis isn't trying to build this team up with FA's...
  18. Post up his last full season stats and see if you still don't want him on your team.
  19. Man, I don't like that Grabo buy out.. He's a the best corner person they've got.. Not a lot of points (this year at least) but his play in the playoffs like Jigger mentioned was great. Stupid stupid stupid!
  20. Depends on what you're fishing for... I usually like 18-24inches.
  21. If the mayflies are hatching and you're having trouble catching walleye, try a slow death setup.. Worked for us a few weeks ago.
  22. You should have thrown him overboard, lol!
  23. Why would you get pissed at that? Guy hasn't caught a fish all day, unless you guys were in some sort of $100,000 big fish contest, lol. If I'm having a good day with a few in the boat and my oldman hasn't hooked up yet I'll tell him exactly where to cast if I just missed a fish.
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