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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Good on you It's pretty cool just to stand around and watch the fish do their thing to be honest.
  2. Sue you for what? LOL!! They are talking out of their asses.. I wouldn't even bother contacting them anymore, let your insurance company deal with it, that's why you're paying those monthly fees year after year!
  3. Some of the excuses you guys have are unbelievable.. From family members reading the regs wrong to not having ink for your printer? You all are still ignoring the fact that the regs are still available in printed form ,lol... Ignorance is bliss or what? Do you hear the hunters complaining about the hunting regs? I couldn't believe I actually found a copy last year, it was like winning the lottery! You need about 3 pages total, the overall FMZ regs and the exceptions. You wonder why I come off as I do sometimes?, all some of you guys do is whine and complain like little kids... If you absolutely have no way to print out 3 pages, let me know and I'll happily print them off and mail them to you (no joke), just PM your mailing address.
  4. Leave those fish alone like VXP said, they're spawning....
  5. You gotta work on those reading comprehension skills. A lot of us 'Leaves' fans are cheering for Montreal, that doesn't mean we like crap penalties called with 2 mins left in the 3rd with a tied hockey game! Silly Quebecois!
  6. Call one sure, but not with 2 mins left in the 3rd period in a tied game, lol. That's an awful call.
  7. HOLY CRAP! :EDIT: That's a dirty penalty to call with 2mins left in a game tied in the 3rd..... Dirty.
  8. You mean the one where they left it for dead on the side of the trail? Brutal. And even in this vid, there seems to be some 'chasing' going on... What I don't understand is why people just don't stop when they see one? It was well ahead of them.. Stop, turn the sleds off and wait 10 mins.
  9. Kudos to her for not losing her mind and shooting it... Everyone went home happy.
  10. If you've got ADD, I suggest using a printer. Most likely your best solution. All joking aside, I can't be the only one that checks the regs before I go fishing, I'm sure you do the same
  11. Looks like just the hide, especially being in a plastic bag.
  12. It's the playoffs man, come on.. When was the last time you saw someone get an extra two for a punch? :EDIT: Plus it's Stamkos! lol!
  13. Will this help me catch more spring crappies?!?!
  14. What's funny is that we've got a bunch of guys logged into the Internet fishing forum on their computers/smartphones complaining about the lack of paper regs The irony!
  15. I had no idea that title even changed, lol.
  16. I've got my tinfoil, you can't get me!!! lol!!
  17. You hitting the bottle tonight?
  18. Why do you keep ignoring the fact that the regs are still available in printed form? If you want them that badly, then make sure you're there early enough to grab a copy before they are gone. All you're doing here is making up excuse after excuse.. Now its your nephews fault that he can't read and told you the regs wrong?? ... MORE EXCUSES!!!!! There are countless ways to get the information from the MNR regarding the regulations. 1. Print 2. Phone 3. Internet How many more choices do you want? Perhaps dropped shipped by airplane to your house? If anyone is here to complain just to complain its you... Oh no change! Bah humbug! Also, stop using the 'elderly' excuse, they aren't as helpless as you make them out to be. If the MNR printed out a 10 million copies, you'd be here complaining about all the trees they cut down. Give it a rest.
  19. I'm not an government employee, I am simply embracing technology.. It's not going away! So you better prepare yourself for a paperless society! As for the elderly, they'll need to change with the times as well... The good thing is, they don't even have to worry about a license anymore
  20. The regs are still being printed are they not? If you are that worried about not having a hard copy, make sure you're down at your local Canadian Tire and get a copy before they are all gone,. Same goes with the hunting regs... I can't believe some of you are complaining about the lack of hardcopy regs in this day and age... There is no 'lack of access' How do you figure that? Because there aren't 1 million copies available at your local Canadian Tire? If it's that hard, go down to your local library, use their FREE INTERNET and priint out the regs. If I actually had grand parents, or great grandparents they'd be smart enough to ask me about the regs before they 'assumed' they were the same as last year.. Actually scratch that, they'd have internet and know how to use a simple computer.. Again, nothing but excuses from you guys... Too funny. Embrace technology man, it's here to stay and it doesn't matter how much you complain about it, it's not going anywhere.
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