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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Wow Pete, that muskie of yours is about as perfect as it gets!!!!
  2. I'm alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, the way Leon was so casual about it definitely put the thought into my head. Crazy stuff.
  3. http://www.mudhole.com/Rod-Building/Decals-Decorations/Customizable-Text-Decals Then cover with some clear nail polish. Or get a rod builder to do it the right way, lol.
  4. AppleTV for the UI alone. And I'm not a huge Apple fan to be honest..
  5. If something legitimately breaks, then I'm all for companies stepping up and replacing a faulty item. But dropping a thumb screw into the lake? Come on.. That's on you and you only. It doesn't matter what you paid for the product.
  6. Calais 100a + Dobyns Champion 704CB Glass, what a combo for 1/4oz topwaters!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BillM


      Fished it lastnight, honestly couldn't believe it. Calais has ABEC 7 orange seal ceramics. Bass on that glass rod is a riot.

    3. Christopheraaron


      Sounds like an epic setup!

    4. Ainsley


      I have a 704cb graphite that I use a Antares AR on. similar combo and I love it!

  7. Canadian Tire (at least our local one) stocks lots of accessories for the Scotty riggers.
  8. We saw kids out at Kasabonika who have never even fished before, so yeah... not just the city kids at all.
  9. Lew, I think it was her reaction people are laughing about, not the fact that she didn't know what he was actually eating.
  10. Eating 'wild stuff', heh. She's probably one of those people who shops at Whole Foods and only buys 'organic'
  11. Awesome shot of the tooth
  12. I think I summed up your experience perfectly. You lost a screw and thought for whatever reason Scotty should cover it instead of driving 5 mins down the road to Canadian Tire for a replacement like anyone else would.
  13. I wouldn't put a platform back there, I'd run removable pedestals instead.. After looking at your layout, you should have more then enough room and still be able to stand to retrieve/set the rods.
  14. So you fat fingered a thumb screw and dropped it in the lake, then you called Scotty and thought they might want to know you think they should re-design their baseplate in order to keep the screws intact? Then you pulled the 'Well I just dropped $1200 on a pair of Scotty riggers' which made the rep feel bad, so she goes out of her way to send you a replacement (Which again, was not the fault of the rigger, the design or Scottys at all) and you complain that they only sent you 1, instead of 2? You should have been a big boy, gone to Canadian Tire and bought replacements yourself. Are you the type of guy that runs over a nail on the road and blames the tire company?
  15. Nice, wait until you actually get some mileage on that truck should go up a bit
  16. If you go with a set of Scotty 1116/2116's you'll have integrated rod holders one less then to worry about. I'd also put them on pedestals, but make sure you don't put them too far back or else you'll be leaning over way too far. You'll want to mount them where you've got some good footing. I had to move our mounts forwards a bit because the previous owner decided to mount them on the very back of the gunwales(why he did this I'll never understand)
  17. Sure is, but it's not like I'm sitting around and waiting for movies to DL. I run all my torrents off my NAS, not my laptop. RSS feeds automatically grab what I want (series that aren't televised in Canada for example).
  18. It's definitely convenient, no denying that.
  19. The price to me really doesn't matter, I hate paying for something when I can get it for free
  20. No yellow stuff around my area yet.. Although I'm sure it will be any day.
  21. You don't need a fancy proxy to get US Netflix, like I posted on page 1 a simple DNS change is all thats needed. You can find the DNS server IP's on Youtube... 5 mins and you're done.
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