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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Someone has to take the pictures Mike and I are on the same page when it comes to giant snakes and big brookies. Every waking moment is spent fishing, no casual shore lunches, etc.. From sun up to sun down we'll be going at it hard. I can't friggin wait! Should be quite the trip.
  2. Special as in reserved parking spaces special? heh.
  3. Friends and Family night. Open to the public on the 10th for the rest of us.
  4. Yelling at the BPS staff isn't going to help you... You need to deal directly with Humminbird. Unless this unit is brand brand new, then just return it and exchange it for another.
  5. Anything under 10hp doesn't need to be registered.
  6. MNR will make them tear it up and pay for the restoration of the stream bank (Or at least I hope) Some idiot did some work on the upper Notty without a permit either... Cleared cut a whole section, MNR was not pleased.. Now he's in big crap.
  7. Someone out on Daves boat for a joyride?!??!
  8. Well Lew I just placed an order for one, I'm sure the oldman is going to wonder what the giant box is that's going to show up on his doorstep Appreciate the insight! This should work quite well at protecting the Lund from all those nasty rocks.
  9. It will click anytime the unit is on, in the water or out it doesn't matter. You sure you have the transducer cable installed correctly into the head at the unit attaches to? What model is this?
  10. I wouldn't think the plugs would cause this. Almost sounds like the coil going out.
  11. I'll have to look into that Lew, seems pretty slick.
  12. Yeah, our trailer is pretty much sand blasted from just the Sultan rd alone.
  13. I would feel REALLY bad scratching up that beauty of yours Ours has enough dings on it! lol!
  14. As long as the launches are good for sure. I'd feel bad putting in a glass boat in on a few of the launches we use on the regular.
  15. Angler Atlas should have some hydro charts.
  16. If you aren't going to trailer this boat around all the time and it's going to be basically on Simcoe and nothing else, I'd pick glass as well.
  17. I like that ice fishing spot as well, did pretty good there last year. Good kill on the smallies!
  18. 2wt is pretty light, what do you plan on using it for? Even small stream resident trout will put quite the bend in my 9ft 4wt.
  19. Extra weight always goes in the truck when we tow. Whatever makes it easier on the trailer suspension/tires the better.
  20. I really didn't know what I was talking about until I went downstairs and looked at the bottles
  21. I love the Duo Realis Pencil 110's as well, killer killer topwater. Sit nice and low in the rear as well, feathered hook is the ticket!
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