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Everything posted by kentooley

  1. http://www.flyandfloatfishing.com/centerpin_videos.htm
  2. You haven't met my ex. :lol: :lol:
  3. All you steelheaders out there should seek therapy!!!!While you're away I'll do my best to make sure the water is well looked after.
  4. That cougar you speak of could be my ex as well!!!
  5. Depending on how ugly it was, it may have been my ex wife.
  6. I quit my job and started my own business because it interfered with fishing. After reading your post I think I may have to take today off. No we're not sick!! DERANGED might be a better word.
  7. Try posting WTB on ff.net...you'll probably get a response. I picked one up on Thursday for $4oo(mint). It is one sweet stick!!! Good Luck! Chris
  8. You guys are priceless!!! :lol: What a great way to start a monday morning. Now, if I can ever stop laughing I might be able to get some work done today. :lol: :clapping: Cheers
  9. WHO is the man that gave me John Otway? Lou Reed has a good tune out there.THIS IS THE TIME> I think maybe he knows. It's a very appropriate song for this site. Please help if you can. Thanx Guys Chris
  10. I'm a Christian ...and I will pray for your brother to slap the other guy like the carp that he is.
  11. It is sweet!!...and you know what ,I deserve it !!!!!When I go ,I will have nothing!!!I don't have kids...so CRAA gets whats left. Teach you're children well! Cheers Chris
  12. Hey Danbo! Let's get something started on the reel end of things. Worst and the best. I guess we need different types of reel...spinning, baitcast..you know what I mean. I'll getter started. Worst..A daiwa reel that I sold to Pollacks on Queen St. for next to nothing because I was hungry and I couldn't catch dinner because I already sold them my Ugly Stick the week before.( Had to be 1996).Mike Harris was our boy. Best...Every reel that sits in my palm today because I'm not on the street anymore. Holy Crap!! Tears of Joy!! I just dropped another $100 on another Symetre 2500 that I really don't need. Oh Ya , Almost forgot about that new Islander I bought last week to match the IMX I bought last night. But that's for the other thread. God Bless. Chris PS Thanx Kenny
  13. I picked up a 13' GLoomis IMX last night...took it out this morning for a couple of hours...4th drift...small bow(5lbs). Didn't get a hit after that, but neither did anyone else. What a nice rod!!!! If I didn't have to work I'd probably still be on the water. Feels real nice. Cheers
  14. She only wanted to know that she was going to get cab fare back home.
  15. Thank You!!! You have no idea how much better I feel. I needed that!!Thanx soooo much!!
  16. For the life of me I can"t find a version of Johnny doing "The Green Green Grass of Home". Anybody out there that's around 50 would know . Cheers I hate wasting fishing space but it's driving me nuts!!!
  17. I don't think it matters when fish are aggressive, but for spooky fish ( ie. steelhead in clear water), why not spend the extra$ and put the odds in your favour. Go fluoro!
  18. Tiller!
  19. Crappy Tire doe's it all the time!! It seems almost every time I need something in their flyer, it's sold out! Last time it was a rice cooker...got there at 8am and none to be had. I took the display model to the cashier(no box or paperwork,and told her someone on the floor said it was ok. Big deal...it was only 10 bucks I think.) It's a way to get you in the store and then spend you're hard earned money on something else. I think it's perfectly legal if that display model is still there.
  20. OF. Just woke up and I'm still laughing :clapping: :clapping I hope you don't mind but I had to send it to some friends in Ohio. I needed that!! You, my man are a funny guy!!! God Bless You!!
  21. I'll bring my pepper spray!!! :lol:
  22. Wow!! A George Harrison classic!! I remember seeing that tribute show and I got goosebumps again. For you younger guys, that was his son in white. Pretty cool!! Thanx man!!
  23. The beauty of that tackle bag is that you can buy more individual boxes (mine holds 4) and depending on what species you're after, you bring what you need.
  24. If it's the green one, they will go on sale for $25 soon(reg $50). Bottom is rubber, unlike the the blue or orange ones at Walmart. I like mine but I wish it were bigger.
  25. I am truly sorry to everyone on the board. No excuse for my words last night.(I'm feeling pretty sheepish right now.) I was out of line and that won't happen again. Sorry Guys!! Chris
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