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Everything posted by kentooley

  1. I was hoping Carlo would be with us for awhile , But thank god he's gone!!!! Let someone else deal with his injuries!!! He is no Wendal Clark! Not an impact player! Hopefully he'll do well with another team. As far as Steen go's get me my weeping towel. Talent but no balls !! Guess what ? Wade Belak became available and I'd grab him back in a minute. That's the guy we could use, and get rid of those tough guys we got now. (Holweg can fight but ???) When you leave it to our 18 yr old future captain , there is something seriously wrong. Bring back BELACK!!!!!!!!
  2. I would have done the right thing in a minute , to hell with CO's and anyone else. Pain is not fun , I know,( motorcycle). It was in shock anyway, but you should respect gods creatures and not make jokes. Imagine how horrific it could be for an animal suffering on the side of the road if it had to endure even another minute of pain. Oh ya, just so you all know, I HUNT, I FISH , and am not P3TA! Chris
  3. I'll say it again!!! Polypropylene!!!! All last winter waiting for the slush to disappear and standing on an ice shelf for hours...I wear hodgman breathables and used to bulk up starting at the feet...not anymore!!! No cotton!!! Poly...wool and you're laughing. It may be that hot Greek blood pulsing through my veins or that Macedonian stew I eat, but.......I WAS TOASTY. Oh ya, forgot to mention, no alcohol, but you knew that. :lol:
  4. Hey JDMLS!! I'm liking you more with each post!!!! :lol: A question for the one and only Raven rep. Has anyone ever complained about line stretch with their line or is it just me?? :lol: Signed NotaFan
  5. BPS has inserts for your boots that hold those footwarmers. Other than that...polypropylene socks to wick away the moisture and wool socks over them ...keep your head covered and you should be fine. Polypropylene underwear ($80 at the army surplus). I fished 3-4 times a week all last winter without the footwarmers and I was just fine. You should know , I'm a maniac...waiting for the slush to melt in the morning and don't leave until sunset. Cheers PS. I wear breathables. Polypropylene underwear is the ticket!! Chris
  6. Hey Kemper! I was going to do the old cork on the backplate deal but I like your idea much better. Thanx Chris
  7. Siglon V
  8. Sorry. Double post.
  9. I used neoprene waders for years. Pain to get on and off and you sweat like a pig in milder weather. Bought a pair of breathables last year (way more comfortable)...fished 3-4 times a week all winter...no problem. Polypropylene socks and underwear in extreme temps and in milder weather you can go commando. :lol: :lol:
  10. Check this out. It's a great help. After awhile you'll know exactly what to expect. http://scitech.pyr.ec.gc.ca/waterweb/formnav.asp
  11. Can't go wrong with an Islander. Keep checking the classifieds on ff.net...I found both of mine there(new) and saved a bundle. I'll keep my eyes open as well. Cheers
  12. Sorry about your luck bud!! I'd be ticked too but try contacting a guy named Bob Mahoney at Shimano. Loomis Canada is gone now. He seemed like a pretty cool guy when I emailed him and he may be able to shorten your wait time. Cheers
  13. I was fortunate enough to spend my summers at my uncle and aunt's place at Wasaga back in the 60's. They paid 6 thou for that piece of heaven and it's worth well over a mil now. I still get up there when I can and all I can say is DO IT!! I know Scugog well and if you can manage it you better hurry because I'm putting my offer in as you read this!!! :lol: Cheers
  14. Every once in awhile I lose faith in humanity. It's guys like you that restore it!! Thanx Chris
  16. .....
  17. I had one of the most moving experiences of my life yesterday. After taking part in the ceremony at Queen's Park in downtown Toronto I was invited to the Royal Canadian Legion (branch no. 66). All our troops are heroes but I met a veteran that blew me away. He was probably 80 years of age... (Dieppe)... was POW....had more medals than I could count. That man( Irwin ) actually thanked ME for the support!!! WOW!!!! Chris
  18. What are you all doing to mark the day!!!
  19. I'm curious. How did you know before the rest of us? You must be a wizard !!!
  20. .......
  21. Not funny Man!!!!! Well, kinda...No it's not!!
  22. I wish him well. If half of his vision becomes reality, the American people, and the world for that matter, will be better off. He is one great speaker and if I were American I would have voted for him. It's gonna be a rough ride for awhile but I think he'll weather the storm. God Bless America!
  23. I did OK on Sat. but Sun. was tough what with the NE winds and all. The previous Fri. I had a blast!! We got some rain yesterday and that should help. Anyway, you'll figure it out. Cheers http://scitech.pyr.ec.gc.ca/waterweb/creat...sp?img=02HB0290 PS. All my fish were caught on pinkies...everyone else( chartreuse or pink roe bags). Have Fun!
  24. No problem...Those Ohio boys are a good bunch. I invited them up here for some steelheading and Swatskee is setting up the details for a road trip in Nov or Dec. If you or anyone else is interested let me know.
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